The origin of your character's name?

We have one of those near us!

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Guess we should be friends, that is if you’ve ever watched the tv show Lucifer.

Favorite character in the Lucifer tv show. Her original spelling is taken, so I had to create my own version of the name.


I pressed the random name button and it laughed at me I guess.

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I mentioned Rosenivy’s origin so many times. Most of my alts have “it sounds like something their race would use” names.

The 2 oddball alts are my two Vulpera Alts. Wexle and Whitiker. Who are references to Fennah characters. Altho I had to change Whitiker because Whittaker was taken.

I can’t show a more recent video for Wexle so heres something older.


I was playing Counter Strike like 20 years ago. I don’t remember what name I was using but I joined a server and at some point the admin or bot or something changed my name to Notallama. I have no idea why but I really liked it and now I use it for a lot of my names.

I like to think I was raised in the wild by a pack of llamas and they nicknamed me Notallama but I was still one of them and raised me as their own.

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I took my name from this, but I didn’t like the spelling so I changed it;

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War harness turn you into war beast.
Spanx turn you into blood elf.

random generator…lol

Random name generator at character creation.

I am the rat king

My GF said name it Jareth!

My DK Jagger got made when Moves Like Jagger was on VH1

I was using the name generator for an orc warlock, hoping for something shart and easy. All the came out as weird long names, so I chopped the next name down to Ehg. Since then I used Ehg in all my names so my friends would know if I was an alt. Pretty dumb but its my gimmick

well i didnt get it because of dragon age 2 or a smart man…

considering i hear that alot.

but i just picked it cause i liked it, my dk however was more thoughtful.


Cuz this video.

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I was just clicking through the random name generator on the velf screen and I liked the look and sound of this name.

Language of the Tolkien elves. And it sounds pretty.


Ok I have a few ones of note that I can remember so this will probably be a bit long.
my warlock was based off of my favorite magic the gathering card because I really wanted to play as a goblin in a video game and wow was already on my blizzard account.
my orc prot war is named bats because at the time the 110 trial character was just meant to get pets and thats it, so I tried making this super powerful looking char (my highest level chars were not even level 20 at the time) resemble thanos but the name and most of its variants were taken so I just gave up and named him after a cool rebel battle droid from a star wars comic I heard about
my zandalari hunter was never meant to be my main zandalari (that honor was gonna go to a druid or paladin but i wasnt that big of a fan of their playstyles) and was just an attempt at two things. One was to try and tame a saurolisk (I thought they would be scaled to starting levels at the time) and two: I wanted to make him as gold as possible hence the name ghidrah(that one three headed monster from godzilla)
my second ever main was simply named gunbo beacasue dwarf hunters had guns and I thought that was funny

Easiest way to explain it.


PR24 is a police night stick. Im a retired police officer

As well as the television show by the same name, way back when I was in high school. I watched that soap opera while cooking dinner for my mom who was working.

My name came about because of this video:

It was unique in the game for a long time, but recently I noticed there is another. I am Murdercarpet the Bloodthirsty, he is Murdercarpet the Fearless.