The origin of your character's name?

After the film “Auntie Mame”.

I was home hungover one day many years ago and the 1955 movie came on tv, and I watched it while incapacitated, and have to say - enjoyed it.

Auntie Mame was what they used to call “a character”. Needless to say, a rogue with a name playing on that was just the ticket.


Dread was taken so I used the Middle English spelling.

Made a twink
What was the sound i made when i lost a match?

Boom, Gah was born

You know when you miss hear a word, some how led to this. :thinking:

From a criminally underrated Final Fantasy game.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Nintendo Switch).

Came up with whole backstory behind this character in my head and somehow came up with the name Jetthic.

Wasn’t that the FF game on Switch where you capture mobs and stack them on your head?

That game was … weird.

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At least someone noticed me lol. That game was way too cute for my poor heart. May not be for everyone but it’s nice to have a light-hearted, cute story like that from time to time. Who doesn’t want their own baby Shiva?

I got this name to go with the title, “of the Alliance”. Then I killed 100,000 players and became Legend of the Alliance. Something to note, only one player per server can have my name.

This means there can’t be a Legend of the Horde on KT the honor of being faction legend goes to the Alliance for my server. Kind of like how there is only one Scarab Lord per server. That being said I didn’t get here without the support of several massive PvP communities that helped me attain the title in a reasonable amount of time.

“To Kill a Mockingbird”

One of the characters name is Atticus Finch


iskierka is a character in a book series. she’s a bratty, annoying, disobediant dragon (my jam) who took her name from a polish nursery song, which means my friends list has gradually over the years filled with polish-speakers who whisper me thinking i’m one of them. Chciałbym przeprosić! <3

I always like the little Black Mage looking fellow. Like a little ViVi. Cute little electric bugger. Though funny enough I ended up liking World of Final Fantasy more than Final Fantasy XV.

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The origin of my name goes with the naming convention i default to which is XYZsavior.

I couldnt think of a name for my dk back when i made him, so i chose Darksavior (now darksavio because some lucky sun of a gun already had it when i server transferred)

Fast forward to legion, i wasnt sure what to name my demon hunter. So i defaulted to Felsavior.

Fel - the source of demon hunter powers
Savior - the naming convention

I also have a Hopesavior and Voidsavior out there.

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All of my characters have names that start with M, the first letter of my name.

I usually roll the ramdom name generator and fix a few letters.

I thought the name of this name sounded Orcish!

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Echmarcach mac Ragnaill was an ancient king of Dublin in Ireland.

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I am shy, and this character is a panda. All the Asian names I liked were taken on my server back at the start of MoP. This is my only non-RP name, but I think it’s cute, which is why this is my forum posting character.


Your name is one of the best I’ve seen, perfect for an Orc DK.

Back in Vanilla, my Troll Shaman got the randomly generated name of Hezzara. Started to get a little bit of a rapport on my server, so when I made my Troll Warrior I simply named him Hezz, got less of a rapport and more of a notoriety as an idiot dressed up like a farmer with a pitchfork and a prairie chicken pet calling myself Farmer Hezz…

…and I decided to keep the Hezz nickname anyway. Over the years I’ve had many characters all starting with Hezz. Hezzcow, Hezzprayer, Hezzalight, Hezzadark, Hezzathaum, Hezzlocks, Hezzidan, Hezzernaught, Hezzasaur, Hezzahunt…

Here’s a fun game, without looking my characters up, take a guess what classes they all are :stuck_out_tongue:

A story from an issue of Heavy Metal Magazine called Rabizu’s Reich, wherein a demon takes over the world after a sorcerer summons it, but it turns out it’s just dreaming it all because it’s been long since banished deep underground.

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