out of curiosity what other gold sinks are there? assuming you get your mounts and training.
Except it’s not an effective gold sink as it doesn’t apply to all classes/play styles equally. Something like the epic mount is an effective gold sink as pretty much everyone wants one respecs not so much.
It is possible for Johnny to min/max for every little thing, true. There is an associated cost to do so, however.
IMO, there is nothing wrong with that.
Consumables, you can easily spend 100g a night on raiding.
THATS right. I was trying to remember what the heck I was spending all my money on. Crafting (if your lazy) is also a huge gold sink. Being an alt-o-holic has its own cost, too.
People are going to have a rude awakening spending 75-100g on a flask
The respec cost does effect different classes differently… but tough sh** that’s what vanilla is all about. IF I wanted every class to be the same insufferable experience I’d play BfA.
Welcome to Vanilla, where choice actually matters.
Right and with foreknowledge people won’t be getting bait and switched into rolling healers.
How many times are you really going to misclick? The first respec only costs 1 gold. If you’re misclicking so much that you can’t afford to respec that many times you either need to take your time and pay attention to where you’re putting your talents or just get over it because you cant be accurate enough to play your class to the fullest anyway.
Yes, this is in your opinion. But to many, many, many others, our opinion is that it is not stupid. In fact, many, many, many others believe this design is integral into what makes Classic WoW a great game.
Well, to be fair, this is exactly how it works in retail. Click I’m a healer. LOL Click I’m DPS now. J/K. Click Imma healer again. Weeee!
Right which is why simply changing respecs to require going to a trainer but removing the gold cost retains the RP aspect of it.
You need to be punished
Hot I know
To the OP, I understand your desire. However I simply disagree. Spec what you want and play it. Respeccing constantly will cost you 50 g a time. You can easily farm 50g in about an hour or if you are really bad, 2 hours. Do that enough times to support you unnecessary desire to constantly respec. Otherwise simply respec on a lower amount and guess what… it costs you less.
Simply put the gold sink is there for a purpose. You get to pay for the desire to keep respeccing.
then keep it at a set manageable price like take the cap half it and keep it there.
50g seems fair
You need to be punished
Hot I know
I bet you like to punish people don’t you, naughty little gnome.
I’m actually the class trainer so yeah you caught me I’m trying to push the cost so I can make bank on all of you!
Cant mages farm like 100 gold an hour? So… 2 respecs every 30 mins, how many more do you need?
Right and with foreknowledge people won’t be getting bait and switched into rolling healers.
I know you’re incapable of viewing Classic other than the exact same way you do Current WoW. And that’s as nothing but a raid simulator. But the fact is Classic is first and foremost an actual rpg. Classes have strengths and weaknesses. They excel at different things. And guess what: players need to accept that. It’s not up to the game to change to suite modern WoW values and game design. The opposite needs to happen.