The one thing that baffles me about the boost

This is true, boosting didn’t exist in TBC. Oh wait yes it did, ‘Recruit a friend’ says hi.

All these anti-boosters that never actually played TBC lol

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You know what baffles me about boosts?

That people are still whining about it, despite the fact that it doesn’t impact them at all.

You could probably tell with some players when you see a bunch of 58s after the boosts come out and they all have dungeon blues. But to recognize them doesn’t matter. The fact I know it’ll be in the game and there will be people walking around with some level of progression they didn’t earn and I did kills the value of my efforts for me and the joy I get for genuinely achieving anything in the game. I enjoyed classic because everything I saw and did I knew took time and effort and because it was fun. Everything felt good, genuine, and rewarding. Boosts undermine that feeling (the rewards) and the authenticity of the game. Whether your for a no changes replication of classic or your for a some changes replication that’s meant to recreate not the exact game but the way people believed they experienced TBC, then either way boosts undermine both of those goals. They are not authentic or good for the game.


The answer is money. Plain and simple. They promised us an authentic Classic TBC experience, but they are apparently willing to deviate from that if it means more cash.

This is Darth Vader saying, “I am altering the deal. Pray I don’t alter it any further.”


I am 15/15 in Naxx, 8/9 T3. There could be 1 million boosts bought and none of them will ever take away the satisfaction and sense of achievement I got from learning and clearing Naxx with my guild.

I feel sad that you base your own self worth on what other people are doing.


Dood… get some self worth… or at least enjoy the things you do. Boosts/carries don’t take any of your achievements away.


Blizzard never said they were against changes for TBC.

bots are thee issue

I have not followed everything everyone has said about it. When did they promise you an authentic TBC experience?

Those people changed the game themselves.

They preached about the experience and then completely forsake the entire thing in favor of expediting the leveling process (dungeon grinding in a raid) and making the content as trivial as possible (full consumables and world buffs for all encounters).

The people of Vanilla did not do any of this.

Now you’re changing your argument from “it’s not an authentic experience” to “it enables botters to take control”.

The players ruined the experience.

How many guilds do you know forbid people from getting world buffs?
How many people make use of world summon alts?
How many DMT sellers do you have at any given time?
How many dungeon boosters advertise in LFG/World chat per minute?

If Blizzard hyper focused on “recreating the experience” they would have to make massive changes to the game to force people to play in a more realistic for someone playing in 2005. No raids with 15 R14 Warriors, extremely limited consumables, no world buffs, the keybinding option will be disabled for 2/3 of your raid, etc.

The thing you don’t understand is that THE MENTALITY OF THE PLAYERS HAS CHANGED MASSIVELY.
We’ve had 15 years of culture shift.
15 years of instant gratification.
15 years of being bombarded with information from the internet.

Once something becomes common knowledge, it becomes mandatory. If a shortcut becomes known it’s no longer a shortcut, that’s just the route.


I never saw anything about a commitment to keep TBC Classic as an exact copy of TBC. It is definietly meant to capture the gameplay, feel, and general experience of TBC. But from what Activision has said, they are supporting the post Vanilla Classic games as a way to keep WoW subscriptions at consistent levels in between Retail and Classic expansions.

So I would expect to see any future classic expansions taking some popular features from Retail and the next Retail expansion learning things from Classic.

Lol it has nothing to do with self worth. Its a video game… Don’t say stupid things. I do care about wow however, but unlike you I care about the integrity of the world and everything that is achievable in the game whether it’s clearing raids, getting tiers, leveling up, or getting a mount. It all matters to me and anything that undermines those things, the game itself, will drive me to quit.

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To you they don’t, but any achievement in WoW matters to me and makes the game feel better, genuine. And someone else made a self worth comment like you. I’ll tell you what I told him. Don’t be an idiot. We all care about the game, but that’s all it is. It’s just a video game.

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For it just being a video game you seem awfully upset about how someone else got to level 58, especially since you can’t even tell how they did so in game.


Because it makes the game not feel genuine anymore. It doesn’t matter if you can tell if someone’s boosted or not. It’s the fact it exist in the game at all. And I don’t care that much anymore because I already quit. I’m hoping they’ll change their decision, but they probably won’t.

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OK, I have quite a bit of 60s, I’m taking with me through the Dark Portal, and I’m sure there are others. “Removing” us from the old world, as well.

And, I agree with that. To claim the old world will be “empty” is disingenuous. Belves and Draenei have to level through old world. Even the 58s have to go back and back track, in order to work on their professions, since the Boost doesn’t come with it.

My worry with the 58 boost is how it’ll affect Wrath Servers. DKs (at the time), required one to have one character at 55, in order to make one DK. With this Boost, it changes the way that plays out, now.

You probably should have quit back in phase 2 or so when everyone started boosting 90% of the way via Mage boosts. I leveled my main and one alt, then boosted almost the entire way on my other 3 60s.
You had to know that a ton of people were doing this. Did that cheapen your achievement in the game? Did you feel resentment towards random 60s because you weren’t sure if they killed 10,000 boars to hit 60 or they let a mage do it for them?
If you did, I tip my hat to you cause you’re sticking to your principles. But I doubt it.


If it was a new game that started in outland I wouldn’t be bringing the Corrupted Ashbringer among other things through the dark portal.

If it was a stand alone game it would be fresh.
These reasons for a free new alt are getting old.

“It’s for the greater good!”
Shut up. Any one supporting the boost doesn’t know a thing about how it will affect player retention or bring in new players. It’s pure greed.


Which is why all progress from classic carries over???

Can you conjure up some of those drugs for me too?


Well when we talk about recreating the experience… each experience is different and me boosting doesn’t change your experience and if it does, how?

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