The one thing that baffles me about the boost

TBC “Classic” isn’t a part of the “Classic” conversation. Brilliant.

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Very interesting, I did not know that. I could see the Classic+ thing because people didn’t trust Blizzard to do it right, but I’m surprised people were against TBC.

The thing I never see brought up, is that the original TBC had MASSIVE amounts of growth throughout the course of the expansion. All of these new players started at level one, and the growth continued into WotLK.

There’s this idea that people wont want to join the game because they’re “behind” and will have to “catch up”, but that sure didn’t seem to dissuade many people in the past.

TBC is able to stand on its own without the need of paid level boosts. Where is this lack of faith in a game that was so strongly desired really coming from?

(Aside from the obvious “it will make Blizzard a quick buck”…not exactly praise worthy.)


2 Races that can be a range of classes. You’re (also) discounting the 1 per account rule.

Classic to me always meant vanilla. I wish they wouldn’t call it TBC classic. Just call It TBC the reopening of the dark portal lol

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yep you keep digging that grave lol

That was back then when those were genuinely new players coming into the game.

Classic and TBC Classic largely appeal to people who have already played them and in the case of TBC there’s people who are simply only interested in TBC. They’re not missing out on anything by boosting. So it’s just a different player base with different goals.

You can see this real easily with classic, it had a huge population initially but has been steadily declining as people achieve whatever they wanted or get bored with it. The exact opposite of what happened in vanilla.


Most people don’t need more than 1 boost to remove them from the old world. They boost the class that they want to main and they’re good, removing them from the old world entirely.

Now while that’s not everyone, it certainly does have an affect on the world. And to the main point of this post, it doesn’t create an authentic experience, which was what I thought the entire reasoning for the Classic servers was and why #SomeChanges was necessary; to create an authentic TBC experience.

Good for short term profits, possibly bad in the long run similar to how other versions of wow shed half the population within a few months. Lowering game quality to increase quarterly earnings. There’s a hardline that most players have in their minds as to what qualifies as ruining their gameplay experience. Same way a large portion of players won’t touch retail with a 10ft pole. If we wanted two duplicate versions of retail what was the point of the classic project to begin with?


Not a grave it’s called an opinion my friend and I’m allowed to have one just like you Comrad

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didnt say you werent, but just cause you have one doesnt mean its good lol

Well that’s going to depend on whether all the doom and gloom some people have putting out actually comes true or if it really is just baseless fear mongering.

And that’s your opinion and I respect it and your disagreement with mine.

I guess we can agree on something.

That was the goal of Classic servers. It is clearly not the goal of Classic TBC. Blizz said as much at Blizzcon: ‘the playerbase has changed, so the game must change as well.’ TBC is being made to appeal to retail players. That’s the difference.

Blizzard has decided BC starts at level 58, unless you’re playing a new race. If you don’t like it stay in classic and play 1-60 again, it’s not going anywhere this time around.

How people act when a game is brand new is different from how they’ll act in a 15 year old game that most have already played through 15 years ago


Idk whose maths you are using, but it’s wrong. The boost does not mathematically empower botters.

We are not 15 years old anymore. There are many people who want to experience TBC again because it was their favorite expansion. It’s understandable that they do not want to spend weeks leveling to catch up to their friends.

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They’re pirates that wanted the game their way and/or to make money, not protestors arrested at rallies. They have no moral ground to defend themselves with.


This is simply untrue. If anything, I’d say the people that only play one class are a vast minority.

Maybe one class at a high level (and I mean in terms of content, not experience level), but the amount of people who just never bother to even try to level a second character is extremely low.

I don’t think I’ve met a single person all classic like that. The advantages to having alts are too vast. In TBC they get more pronounced; an extra 25 daily quests, extra profession cooldowns, and the endgame allows for alts to be much more powerful than classic does.

I actually think there’s a lot of people who started levelling now despite hearing about the boost, and are planning to boost an alt.

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