The one feature wow needs to beat FF14

If the materials from player housing had to come from all around the wow world, world boss drops, world quests, mining, and gathering in general, old/new dungeons and raids, players would be sent all over wow to do things.

The problem is that wow just does not need this. They also need more open world events for players to meet each other and do fun things at. This is just one of many things wow needs


no player housing is a bad idea in this game - doesn’t even work all that great in FF either.

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anything I have bought on steam, I play for a few hours (if that) then don’t play it again.

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So… what do you play outside of the Blizzard launcher?

I was playing settlers online a free game but they switched to unity and it appears they don’t have anyone qualified to make the game work. So I mostly entertain myself reading and watching netflix/britbox now.

Yeah… so, I’m more talking about people who play video games- plural.

This is the problem with the counter arguments to player housing. People think we’re asking for an already furnished location that requires no work in building up. IDK anyone who is asking for such a thing.

I want something to do, not just a place to AFK. But I want that thing I do to be mine and not go away when the game updates. Housing is often a feature like xmog, but the space around the player instead of the clothes on their back.

well like I said I used to play video games plural but I can’t find another one I am interested in playing. I tried guild wars and FF and anything I buy on steam that people claim is good, I don’t like.

Can you provide me with a list of your top 5 favorite games of all time excluding MMOs? I may be able to assist.

If you’re digging WoW, there’s really no need to play anything else. When I suggest other games, it’s usually for folks like me that aren’t digging WoW at the moment.

The big argument here with the cost of other games is how this specific game developer has so many people convinced that they couldn’t do more than they’re currently doing. Like they can only afford to keep a small raid design team and a handful of artists employed throughout the course of the expansion or something.

colonization - used to be a dos based game
raidroad tycoon - which I guess I could play again haven’t played it in awhile

  • can’t think of 2 more - I wouldn’t consider WoW to be a favorite even though I have played a long time.
    oops, I used to love the original Evony too but that game was just evil addictive

I like building/strategy games but not too hard.

Garrisons are cooler than player housing its to bad they didn’t deliver on all they promised with them and instead just scrapped the system

the only changes to wow from its peak are borrowed power systems and grinds, cash shop gold, and changing flying to usually be useless in relevant content for mains

yet you conclude that housing is the real problem? WoD had a form of housing and it didn’t stop subs from collapsing due to no flying and no content

Have you tried the Total War series? Age of Empires series? Or Stellaris? Endless Legend?

I’m not sure how much ff14 you’ve played (if at all) but there is quite a bit more than housing that ff14 does better than wow…lol. It would take a lot more than that.


no to the first - yes to the second (I can only play that once every few years because it bores me) no to the third and yes to the fourth - I could never get into that because the field of view was so tiny.

What if I told you that a game like World of Warcraft makes enough money to afford different teams for things, and that they could create multiple features and maintain them.

They just choose not to reinvest their earnings into the game’s development.

Total War Shogun and 3 Kingdoms are pretty good, imo. It might be worth trying.

that’s obvious

but activision treats it like a loss because it isn’t gaining revenue to improve share price - so the entire game is now treated as something from which much higher margins must be extracted regardless of cost to the game itself as long as it retains enough whales

anyways to your housing claim, nobody is arguing particularly that housing wouldn’t be welcomed, but it isn’t going to change people’s minds unless the real issues are addressed

so ‘the one feature wow needs to beat ff14’ is just click bait wrong or just plain wrong

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I am not sure I want to pay that much for a game that will end up where most of steam games go - but thanks I will think about it when there is a sale.