The official bet: how many weeks upon launch until molten core is cleared

I’m going with about 21 days. I know I know, “But on private servers!” I don’t care about private servers. Experience numbers in leveling are slightly off, boss encounters aren’t tuned correctly, fire resistance matters less than on official, and gear curve is more forgiving. These are all factors that while small, add up quite a bit. I remember being ripped to shreds by Rags AOE because lack of fire resistance could be unforgiving, even at range. That stuff is a big time investment. Hydraxian rep was a little bit of a grind, and trash offered minimal relief in that regard, so it wasn’t fast getting anough of the water (quintessence?).

I think even try hards will take a few weeks. You’ll need to get to 60, the world record is 4+ days /played. You’ll need to at a minimum gear up your MT and either half decent geared off tanks or healers to keep them up. In the absence of FR gear, you’ll need crazy DPS to cut down phases. Again, properly tuned the lack of FR will be felt. This is an aspect that pservers never got quite right, I’ve seen the videos. They’re far more forgiving.

So I’m going with 21 days for a server first, as there really can’t be a world first honestly.


Uhmm, ahh, ehh, yea, how 'bout, naaah…

…26 days!

I reckon about two months.

I reckon guilds will be able to start launching realistic “might kill a boss or two” forays in by week 3. MC might not be hard once you know the fights, but there’s still a question of gear checks.

Unlikely since you will be struggling to hit any boss at 55

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  1. probably

Agree completely with this post. I never underestimate players. I am sure those people will indeed be farming the rep. The question will become. Will enough of them get it done? I will guess they will get it done.

are there respawns of trash in mc that give hydraxian faction? or just the core hounds? and do the corehounds give hydraxian faction?

I actually think it will be easier to clear than private servers because you launch with 1.12 itemization instead crap stats on pretty much every dungeon item.

You know, it’s been so long that I can’t recall what gave rep in there. Something did, otherwise my lazy butt would have never gotten any on my hunter. I swear, I barely even used any consumables till AQ when dps lopped off a bit. Hunters could be a little lazy :stuck_out_tongue:

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It depends when they launch Classic. If they plan on launching on a Tuesday, then MC should be cleared the following Monday, so about six days. If they launch on say a Friday, then some time during the second week. I am sure some guilds will go hardcore just to guarantee it gets done the first week. I have heard some people say they even plan on staying awake the entire way from 1-60, although easier said than done, plus server stability could be bad at the start.

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well if its any consolation, some say it isn’t worth getting consumables before aq. i wouldnt know cuz i didnt raid in vanilla. i’ll just take their word for it hehe

i said 9 days. it’ll be something in that lower range, for sure.

9 days, 6 hours 7 mins and 42 seconds.

7 days :wink:

For some classes it was more or less needed. The thing about hunters was you could FD mid fight and drink or clear threat into rapid fire. In MC you could go balls to the wall and easily come out top DPS. You could still be pretty strong through BWL and in easy mode ZG. The problems start in AQ40, and then a hunter has to be on their A-game. You need every consumable you can pack, stockpiles of the blue ammo (forgot how I got that ammo, it wasn’t crafted, I think I farmed it somewhere and it took forever). I mean point being, you really had to go the extra mile to shine. By Naxx, you could do fair dps, but you’re mostly utility at that point. I never got any T3 gear, so I have no idea if it makes any meaningful impact…

:sparkling_heart: hunters. cant wait to get my gorilla tank.

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I used a gorilla for like a week. I mostly used a fast cat. I had a Wolf for the buff, and a wind serpent to bypass armor (they did like a lightning breath or… something). Again, it’s been a loooong time!

id say 6 months

i’m going beastmastery so i can get aoe tanking gorilla. dont plan on raiding on hunter. gonna be my money earner, that and my frost mage. then will make holy pally for raiding. theoretically. i havent decided yet, to be honest, which healer i will like. i’ve played both in retail off and on since vanilla. but dont remember alot about how they played other than having to wand everything on the priest. and the pally levelling slow with plate armor not exactly supporting mana pools.

oh will be much sooner than that.