Two New WoW Classic Realms Opening In This Region

Go online Anathema and show us the /who results. Then after you do that, try to stop lying. It also took you about an hour to make this post, you must really be fuming mad to spend that much time responding to me.

Maybe you’re Weili (Morehwine). It’s hard to keep track of all the people I’ve had a significant impact on.

Or maybe this guy:

Yes, I was wrong so far by 4 servers. I confidently stated there would be no more than 28 and there’s now 32.

If you’re Nellxer, you’re such a hilarious joke because your conservative estimate is currently 43 servers off.

It’s 4 days and 5 hours into week 1. Here’s my original estimate for an MC clear, I now think it’ll be faster:

Why don’t you stop selectively quoting me and go after extraordinarily wrong estimates and statements like this: