The numbers are in Rogues need a massive buff in raids

and you just made rogue completely busted in pvp.

better idea is to buff envenom damage, and lower or remove gnomer boss’s resistance to bleed poison

And ret pally is #13. Whats your point?

I guess I am more optimistic than that. Half the reason those meters were the way they were at the time is because Blizzard had zero clue about itemization at the time and Classic didn’t update it. Hard for casters to do much when they don’t get +spell damage, +spell crit, +spell hit, etc. With the new runes and itemization, I think it is a lot more likely that these rankings will be much closer.

To be clear, I am not arguing that rogues should be top dps. I am saying the class runes should provide alternatives for the DPS side to be played. Right now it is just “hey, you know that skill that is in every other version of the game? You get that.” It is lame and it shows a complete lack of effort to enhance other parts of the class.

I know no one really cares. It is the way of these forums. But the class is very boring and very generic at this point. Even the tanking is just a variation on what some rogues were able to do with the correct amount of dodge chance. The design is lazy and it shows.

Please buff me

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ret pally should be buffed too. and enhance nerfed.

I mean, you can call yourself optimistic, but at the same time, I think there are some fundamental differences between player preferences, and this is exacerbated by a hodge-podge community of traditionally Classic players, Retail players and in-betweeners that have all come together with different expectations about what SoD is.

I’m very optimistic that they won’t lean towards Retail, and will lean towards Classic with regards to “balance,” because that’s my personal preference. Of course, that’s not to say that I’m upset if someone else has a different preference, nor that I have strong reasons to believe that they will cater towards my personal preferences.

I don’t play rogue, but I do play druid, so the above example would be very much in my favor (at least on one of the several characters I play on).

Maybe! This is also a preference thing, I think. Like, I’ve been super happy with the runes we’ve gotten for most classes that I play. I’m not particularly fond of melee hunter, or the lone wolf rune, but I could still probably enjoy that if it gets worked into the meta build.

At the end of the day, I think we all just want to have fun playing the game, and if people playing rogues aren’t currently having fun playing the game, then there’s probably something there worth at least having a look at. Maybe that’s “go play something else,” or maybe it’s “Y’know what? rogue’s could use [this thing].” idk, but I do hope that others can enjoy this version of the game even half as much as I am, so far!


this is why I unsubbed. Lets not pretend like rogues were the goat in pve in classic era either. Sure they had high dps but they weren’t needed as much as warriors or priests. Blizzard doesnt want to make us competitive in SOD because all the other classes will QQ.

Just give us permanent evasion and cloak of shadows already

this is a great idea blizz!

Yep. I agree with this. I have played lock and priest in addition to a rogue in other versions and add in hunter for classic. I guess we will see.

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Lol at this “let them eat cake” attempt.

Currently there is no counter to the caster meta in PvP. I keep getting nuked for 1000-1300 while the most I can do, with pretty good gear, is about 300-400 IF I crit. This is not enough to keep us competitive. Rogues are the natural counter to cloth. Our crits, if we are able to get in close enough and given the current burst-y state of the game, should be able to one-shot any clothie that doesn’t have some sort of defensive spell up.

Don’t want to do that? Fine, make fists usable with mutilate, take shadowstep off of GCD, increase the attack power of shuriken and/or have it apply a poison stack, make evasion permanent, make redirect automatic (which only really helps in PvE anyway), and for the love of god give us a raid utility skill! This could be something like a raid-wide threat reducer for everyone but the MT or exposing a weakness in the target that gives everyone increased crit or chance to hit for a set amount of time against that target.

Ret paladins provide multiple powerful buffs and have massive utility like BoP, BoF and LoH, #13 is pretty low, but a ret paladin can still justify their spot by allowing other classes to shine. Rogues provide zero utility unless they IEA, and in doing so completely cripple their already low damage.

Lol you took me serious

And a Shadow Priest does that better too…

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Rogues barely beat healing mages… And are out performing warriors on average. Warriors need buffs long before a rogue

They should do both?

Also true, our one gimmick we had in classic era has already been completely destroyed. They went our of their way to buff shamans, one of the best support classes in the game into god-tier status while leaving rogue behind in the dust.

If rogues need a buff, it is a very minor one. Priests, warriors, rogues and balance druids are where most classes should be. Those about them should get nerfed and those below should be buffed.

I think Rogue tanks are in a better spot now than they were before.

DPS Rogues, though? It’s hard to say, because everyone is so bursty these days, hard to tell whether or not Rogues are mid, or just blending in with everyone else, so they might be in a good spot overall?

Hard to say, unless I was playing one myself.

I need more insight from fellow rogues.

Yes. 50%+ of the entire game’s player base is the least considered role due to utility, and viability.

That is an issue.