Nice excuse anti-legacy troll.
It clearly says your name next to the post LOL, and you did spam it.
Doesn’t matter who came up with that pathetic wall of no that Nostalrius destroyed.
You must be extremely bitter not only for Classic to happen, but for it to wipe the floor with retail. Hence why you keep dwelling here, you can’t let go.
Slippery slope is a fallacy if there is no proper logical connection between the elements… as explained in the same page you linked.
Also, the fallacy fallacy. Just because someone used a fallacy to explain their point doesn’t mean that their point is invalid. Just because someone poorly explained the Earth being spherical, it doesn’t mean that the Earth isn’t spherical.
So, it’s up to you to explain your point on how those QoL elements (“improvements” in your words) would be good for Classic (hint: they’re bad for Classic).
Because if it wasn’t for people like you turning EVERY attempt of discussion about legacy servers into Wall of No threads, Classic would have come to fruition MUCH sooner. As long as there were several people who were constantly shutting everyone down with it each and every time people tried having a discussion about the possibility or reminiscing about the better days of WoW, Blizzard took no interest in it because they were convinced of a false impression that not enough players wanted it, when that CLEARLY wasn’t the case as evident by the 280k+ names on the petition for it.
ANYONE who got harassed and disparaged by people such as yourself in those threads over the course of almost a decade has EVERY RIGHT to be angry and bitter. If only we could have the opportunity to hit people asking for changes to Classic with a similar Wall of No and make THEM suffer as others have, maybe THEN we wouldn’t be so bitter or harbor so much resentment. MAYBE
And maybe if it wasn’t for the people asking for classic servers turning every discussion about classic servers into a discussion about how much retail sucked there would have been productive discussions?
Here’s the thing though…they were right. Retail does suck. Cataclysm completely decimated the game world and completely changed MANY of the quests in all of the zones. It was a dumpster fire. So was WoD and BFA.
Just because someone says something you don’t agree with, it doesn’t mean you have to do everything humanly possible to derail the thread with spamming that crap over and over. I don’t go derailing all of the threads about Classic+ even though I don’t agree with people in favor of it…nor do I even care for the concept.
Discussions about the game should be had, in whatever form people want to have them…Trying to stifle everyone else’s opinion by spamming a giant wall of text is beyond asinine, and I can’t believe that Blizzard allowed that nonsense to continue for so long
I would turn that around and say ‘I am subscribing to Classic, Retail is free’. Same thing, yet completely different. Huge implications for the future of Classic and Retail.
Yes and if you had bothered to look at my post history I was also posting criticism of retail at the same time as I posted the wall of no when people posted threads with no room for discussion and simply claimed retail was awful.
But then I guess that’s not convenient to your narrative.
Dude, but you aren’t explained those things. You always saying that you did and people like searching for your explanations, but there are none of them. You are like your own alzheimer: you think you did but you didn’t.
I would get if you would write something like:
LFG/LFR/LFD is bad cause it removes social interactions between people, and make them less and less focused on looking towards communication. (which everyone understand and nobody form real classic players asking for those)
Transmogrification and Achievements are bad cause they add additional unnecessary desire to need something from a drop or do something additional to dungeon/raid which ruins the heroic feels and makes world less intrusive, but more like a silly video/mobile game.
Transmogrification also bad cause it removes visual representation of your progress for other people (although I’m personally don’t care, there are people who prefer to see from a glance what kind of shaite other people wear before interact with them).
But all you wrote that was close to “valid”: “Classic is a preservation of vanilla and a museum exponate which shouldn’t be changed at all, that is why I’m right and you are wrong! #nochanges!” which is such overused and absurd argument that I don’t understand why people still using it when it’s already clear that Classic ISN’T a vanilla and never will be one.