The #nochanges slippery slope argument is a logical fallacy

Correct. They are liars and aren’t providing what they claimed. That or they woefully foocked up the client, refused to beta test said client sufficiently, and are refusing to admit they foocked up. Which is worse? I’m not sure.

Business wise? Yes. It makes sense to screw people over if you think they are still going to stay subbed. Currently working? No.

Possible, but it would make a lot of sense (from their end) to tell us if that was the case. Crickets. Legal? Yes. Perfect? No. Honest? No.

Then they have failed. Anyone active in the Classic Bug Report Forum will tell you as much.

No, you won’t convince me of that until they at least acknowledge the never ending list of game breaking bugs/Non-vanilla item changes/Non-Vanilla spell interactions. I think this is a cash grab that likely originated as a noble concept, but was knee-capped by management (Activision) decisions.

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Oh, so thats where it all stems from.

Even with replies like this they are still at least trying. I believe they are acknowledging them but I also believe people are impatient and want things right now. Hopefully they will eventually get those bugs in a big update. However, They may leave some bugs in and it may remain as is as they were in vanilla. I’m willing to accept the bugs for now and give them more time as long as they are continuing to communicate it.

Regarding the feign death bug, it took literally dozens of threads to receive a single blue response. Meanwhile, similarly, the vast majority of threads, addressing similarly, if not more, gamebreaking bugs (Mobs stacking thrash and one shotting geared tanks, for instance) have been met with abject silence. There’s a post with a detailed list of Druid bugs, alone, that is a mile long and has been bumped/reposted ad nauseum with no blue replies. The bugs being reported are not Vanilla interactions.

I’d like to see fixing the dungeon drop rates. It’s completely stupid to run scholo 20 times with leather and cloth wearers and see nothing but mail boots drop from the 6 bosses. Or run Jandice 20 times and not see the dreadmist shoulders drop a single time. I’m not looking for personal loot like retail, but I’m also not going to keep wasting my time pointlessly trying to get equipment.

We really can’t assume what they are and what they are not doing by them not posting in everyone’s bug reporting threads. This is normal and no different than any other forum on here. I have no idea how much time is invested to even fix one bug to WoW but I would imagine it would be substantial with how Classic was created. People do need to continue to make threads and bumping them. It’s only been 2 months so lets see what happens after 6 months to a year, hell, even this years Blizzcon maybe they can shead some light on the bug issue.

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There’s a difference between not posting in everyone’s threads and not responding to a plethora of threads detailing bugs that are likely wiping raids. The thrash bug has been reported since week two of Classic, for instance. Instead of notifying the community that they are aware of such a massively gamebreaking bug, Blizzard has taken the path of not responding in order to make the community second guess itself regarding the origins of “getting windfuried” by mobs. It’s a form of gaslighting and is extremely screwed up. The feign death bug post was a little taste of proper customer support and respect designed to keep us hopeful. You’re welcome to continue thinking the best of this company, but Blizzard has had this MO since even before Activision took over. I’ve seen first hand how they treat their community and it’s been on a slide since Vanilla. “You think you do, but you don’t?” Just look at the GM support now… it’s absolute trash compared to what it was. If you played during Vanilla, you can’t argue with that.

I started my account in March of 05 just to put that out there. I would have to ask what specifically they are absolute trash on before I can make a judgement on that.

I have always seen them targeting bugs one by one and communicating them to the forums on ones that seem to be met with the most concern. While the others are fixed and come out later on in a patch update where there’s no communication needed on their part. So, yes others will be left unacknowledged but I personally don’t feel they go unnoticed. I don’t believe enough time has passed to make the judgement as of yet in my opinion.

If you want changes go to retail, simple as that.
Don’t ruin Classic with that garbage nonsense.

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Well, for starters this happened: 

Generally, firing a swathe of your customer support reps, with a huge extension of your current IP on the horizon, is a bad idea.

Tickets for issues that would’ve been answered withing a few hours (for instance, I lost gold to a mail bug where it was never properly reflected in my inventory) are taking over 2 days to get a rote, irrelevant reply to. I can go more in depth on that, but suffice it to say that I highly doubt anyone even read my ticket. Previously, it was very common to get a PM in game, with live support, as opposed to the lackluster, pre-formatted response I received after two days. I’ve seen similar reports in the forums and from guild members. I’m not questioning that you played Vanilla, but surely you remember support being of a much higher quality, to a degree that it’s actually kind of laughable how bad it is right now.

Okay, thanks for explaining that further as I wasnt sure what you were refering to, I wholeheartedly agree with you.

Got ya, Yeah that’s unfortunate. Sorry about that happening to ya. I would be highly livid if I lost anything through the mail like that. Recently, I have been putting in tickets, 3 in the past 2 weeks to be exact, and I have got a reply everytime after a couple of days. I have not yet seen an in game reply. They have all went to jsut directly answering the ticket outside the game.

Back then Blizzard and Vanilla WoW was huge. The amount of players were huge and so was the support. So yeah I agree the support was amazing and timely. It was better and had most problems solved in a matter of hours. Currently, WoW Classic is running on very minimal support. Almost to a point that it feels like its barely there. I get where you are coming from now that you have explained your reasoning. However, because of how limited of a team they have on Classic compared to Retail since it is atm their main source of World of Warcraft. Classic will be limited on how they are able to resolve certain issues with Classic. This is the first time they have taken legacy software from 15 years ago, combined current programming with old data, and have it being supported. I’d image it take a specialized team of people to be able to support this type of game. It is something that is very different and unique compare to other games on their platform atm.

These reasons in it self give me the belief that because of this we have to give them time on resolving issues. If it were a game they created in 2019 then sure they need to do better but this type of game and how it came into a working state I would have to consider that and give them the benefit of the doubt.

On a quick lunch break.

You don’t, though. By the time we actually get to conversing, you disappear. And we go back to square one with insults and mockery. We never actually have a conversation.

I just told you. And yes, actually. You don’t know nor understand the struggles I have to go through in order to actually post on these forums. Can’t go too much into details 'cause it’s against the rules. But there’s a lot I have to push through in order to have the same posting rights, as everyone else.

And you disappeared after I replied to that, and you just went back to insult and mockery.

Again, that’s a reason to keep making it un-vanilla?

This exactly what I’m talking about! “It’s already not Vanilla, so you shouldn’t be against changes.” It’s the exact excuse needed to guilt trip you into adding back in more changes.

Except it’s not. We’ve already seen people saying “well they’ve already made changes like BNet integration into the game, why not things like new models, transmog, etc.?”

Saying it’s a logical fallacy is logically fallacious.

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Original reply. Kudos.

Nope. I kept posting in that thread, but hey, you’re already living in an alternate reality. What’s one more distortion?

Rofl, seems like someone got clipped. Shocker…

I’ve yet to have a conversation with you that doesn’t devolve into you yelling about how I’m insulting you by stating your argumentation is fallacious. Since I saw the writing on the wall, I’ve resorted to mocking you whenever you start resorting to such tactics. Play bad faith games, win bad faith prizes.

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Appearance changes pls

It’s not a slippery slope to not want something in the recreation that wasn’t in the original.

Funny how you can wiki a fallacy, but still don’t understand how to properly assign it.

No, you disappeared, returned with insults and mockery.

'Cause of people who are report happy.

I have yet to “yell” at you. I’ve never once yelled at you. Others may have but not me. You’ve said more things than “fallacy”. You’ve called me names, several times (to which others told you the same thing) which is what I’m referring to as insults. You admit to mocking me, but it’s not because of “playing games”.

I actually believe, you and I have a lot more in common than we think. Aside from this conversation, there’s actually quite a bit I do agree with you on. I just wish you weren’t so aggressive with your approach.

'Cause I really do like you a lot :kissing_heart:

I think this thread proves that slippery slopes don’t care whether or not they’re logical fallacies.

This thread should have been 404’d a long time ago.

Except the problem is we have for example people from the no changes crowd who whined for batching and leeway. Those were things that blizzard removed in retail awhile ago because they were always stupid and didn’t exist in the version of the server architecture they’re using. By trying to cater to that they actually introduced a lot of bugs and made things worse than if they had just ignored the no change crowd.

At the end of the day we have to accept that changes are a reality.