The Night Elves did NOT get their revenge in 8.1, this is unacceptable!

Have you read some of the alliance posts?

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Im aware but again and probably the way it was said but the overall point was those are different iterations of the alliance and have 0 impact on the alliance as of today aside from name only. Such is the same for the horde each war chief has seen a different iteration of the horde than the other

I scrolled up 50 responses and I said what I said.

OP is complaining about the story which I think most people agree is pretty substandard, and we got Horde players/posters being toxic with your typical “Screw you I got mine” attitude.

Blizzard writing a well proportioned story with feasible plot points and believeable characters? Blizz doesnt do “good stories”. Starcraft says hi.

Ok. There have only been two iterations of the Alliance.

There have only been two iterations of our Horde.

The Alliance of Lordaeron, and the Grand Alliance.

The Old Horde and the New Horde.

Anything else labeled as an alliance is just the base word. Not the organization that makes up one of the two primary factions in WoW.

The Horde has only been those two as well though there have been multiple pretender hordes. The Iron Horde, the Dark Horde, etc.

The Horde changing leaders doesn’t make it a new Horde. They are just having to switch leaders.

See this can only come down to a matter of perspective and for both sides of the factions too. I would consider thralls horde to be vastly different to say garrosh horde and therefore be a different iteration. Same to the alliance under the rule of variun the alliance had made assassination attempts against those who simply wanted to aid them and kill innocents who might have been witnesses this is far something I would expect to see in anduins reign making it a new iteration of the alliance

I don’t think anyone is going to say anything good about the writing in this expansion; it’s like they had 3 different idea’s about what to do for the expansion and rather then pick one or two to properly develop they sort of kludged them all together.

Like, the war campaign would have been greatly improved by making it a bit more grey for both factions; like sure go ahead and have the alliance pointing to terrible things sylvanas did but the horde should be able to point to comparable villains within the opposition.

Or alternately, do a better job of exploring the inherent strength’s and weaknesses of sylvanas and anduin; Sylvanas’s ruthless practicallity makes her a fantastic general and spymaster but makes her incapable of inspiring others to follow her. By contrast, anduin is a skilled diplomat but doesn’t have the stomach for the realities of large scale conflict or the force of will to bring rogue alliance leaders to heal the way his father could.

And that’s just for the over arching war campaign, to say nothing of what could have been done with N’zoth, Azshara or the heart of azeroth.

Are you saying a country ceases to be each time they change a leader?

And where in all that did that justify multiple Horde posters like yourself mocking and being toxic to OP is clearly upset by the story Blizzard deliver to the NEs?


A faction isnt a country they are vastly different. Though in some cases this is actually true if you look at the ussr for example

So each time NATO switches chairmen its a new organization?

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It’s not a villain move or nutty if it’s in response to mass murder though.

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I actually came into this thread initially with a really rational response that was immediately lambasted and from there decided to respond in kind.

Yeah I somehow find that hard to believe.

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Again perspective and after giving you an example of it actually happening when you first tried to refute you came back with another entirely different rebuttal

Its not.

You are just moving the goal post.

You believe that by changing a leader a country/organization is a new organization with zero responsibility and consequences of the previous one.
Its a nonsensical argument with no basis in reality.

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And by your arguement the alliance is still prone to assasination and slaughter of innocent refugees for being close enough they might have seen it making them no better than the alliance who demand the horde is evil

What are you even talking about?

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Please point to the part of my post where I am unreasonable.

Durring cata variun attempted to assassinate thrall on his way to the mealstom to defeat deathwing after he attacked stormwind city. He then saw a ship in the distance that was not alliance or horde and for fear they might have seen what he did ordered the ship sank killing hundreds. This turned out to be goblins seaking refuge and this is why they joined the horde

You are just reiterating Blizzard’s terrible plot. Its a summary of what happened with barely an analysis or argument. But besides that, how were you… as you put it. Lambasted?