The Night Elves did NOT get their revenge in 8.1, this is unacceptable!

Back at ya!

What’s back at me?

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Check the reply button.

I did, I still don’t understand what is back at me given you are the only one who has literally lied. Feel free to apologize, it would show some humility. :slight_smile: Seems like I heard that recently.

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Yogg… Made the Curse of Flesh…

Kiljaeden empowered Ner’zhul with death powers and he created the first plague of undeath.

Sylvanas and the apothecaries created the Blight…

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Another low level alt who is angry about the Night elves storyline.

Wew lad…glad i did not read any of that.

With that being said, this is a step in the right direction for Nelf lore. They just downplayed the screen time HARD.


The curse of flesh spread like a plague and even states so in archives

I feel bad for the forsaken more than the night elves, basically shafted by their own leader that they were extremely loyal to for quite a bit of time. Barely any screen time about their thoughts on Sylvanas or anything at all related to them after everything was resolved really…they just exist apparently right now.

Not this expansion they haven’t according to your history

I took hiatus from WoW for a long time. I came back last November. Thanks for being so interested in me though.

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Go reread the lore on the Curse of Flesh.

Then go read the Scourge’s lore.

Then go read about the Blight.

The Curse of Flesh is not related to the plague of undeath or the Blight.

Are you… Using the literal meanings of words to claim things that make no sense?


He is.

Don’t fall into the trap.

That would explain how he came up with the Alliance of Lordaeron and the Grand Alliance as being the same thing as various groups allying during the Aquir conflict.

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That’s why you can’t argue about it; things become meaningless in concept.

Dude you totally missed the context of the conversation and jumped in getting it all wrong. 1st off person I was talking to stated the horde created plague on azeroth my rebuttal was the first plague azeroth saw was the curse of flesh. Created by yogg and spread as a plague. Next time dont jump into a conversation without context and ride a high horse

This. Is. Video. Games.


Horde players being as toxic as ever I see.

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Didn’t you just high horse AotC?

Aotc is a high horse now? Its kinda average size horse at best

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I read the entire thread.

Where you are right you are right… But you get a lot really wrong.

Maybe it’s just how you talk.

You do understand that the Curse of Flesh, the Plague of Undeath, and the Blight are all not the same thing though right?

And that the Alliance of Lordaeron was formed after Medivh’s death when the remaining people of the kingdom of Stormwind traveled to Lordaeron?

That the current Alliance is the Grand Alliance and has no relation to any other Alliance except the Alliance of Lordaeron, its predecessor?

Like you know that right?

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