The Night Elves did NOT get their revenge in 8.1, this is unacceptable!

Good. The only good night elf is a dead night elf anyways!

Not really, it’s quite obvious that they will be redeemed.

When did I do that? I’m advocating for ANY conclusion that’s more than just killing 1 Val’kyr, but that doesn’t seem like the writers want to do.

Better than if she killed 1 of Jaina’s water elementals as an entire conclusion, because that’s comparable with what the Night Elves got

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“Sorry guys it was just a bad warchief, they were just following orders we’ll be good now”


“Sorry guys, another bad warchief, we’ll be better in future we promise”



Val’kyr are still finite, pretty sure. One Val’kyr is not equivalent to one city but errors like this really compromise the message.

No, it’s rampant speculation.

You’ve litterally called for the continuation of the war despite it serving no purpose so that the horde can never threaten the alliance again and the only way that happens is with the complete annihilation of it’s constituent members.

Further, you got what you wanted: Sylvanas removed from power and her loyalists scattered to the 4 winds.

Again: Not really. Talanji’s kingdom got wrecked as a step in the war and there was no real retaliation, no catharsis that would have come from the deaths of Genn, Jaina or Mechatorque; instead her story just kind of ends on a wet fart.

Tell me again about the time you got a splinter.

Petulant much?

You really should get a job working for IMAX on account of how good you are at projection.

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Actually we’re talking about fantasy events in a fantasy game in a fantasy forum that you voluntarily posted in… I mean you can stop with the personal attacks at any time. You don’t know anything about me.

I summarized it here why it’s obvious to me and why it should be obvious to you too: Sylvanas Redemption in Shadowlands - Why it will happen

All we got was a kill on a recreatable Val’kyr. Nathanos and Sylvanas are alive and well, they won. The Horde didn’t regret a single second of Teldrassil and they are still occupying Night Elf lands even after what they have done to them.

As of right now, the Horde is no better than Sylvanas, so why can’t the Night Elves get a victory in terms of kicking the Horde out of their lands for example? Why put the entire revenge plot into 1 quest line?

The least that could’ve happened is war criminals and Sylvanas including her loyalists punished, but nothing like that ever happened.

The difference with Talanji is that they didn’t say that her story is over and she got her revenge by killing 1 of Jaina’s recreatable water elementals. She will be featured in the new book, the Night Elves won’t. Besides that she should be just as angry at the Horde as she is at the Alliance.


I very much understand. This affected my characters in roleplay to a very large extent.

You don’t know this at all.

This is false. Not one Prime Val’kyr has come back. There is nothing in lore that states Prime Val’kyr can be “recreated.” That interview doesn’t even say that.

There is nothing in that interview that says a Prime Val’kyr can be “recreated.” The quote says she might be able to create more Val’kyr. Which means she might at some point make new lesser ones, but those will NOT be the original Primes that made a pact with Sylvanas and sacrificed themselves to keep her alive. Not one of them has come back. This is complete assumption and making things up that don’t exist.

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You’re welcome to apologize. That would tell me that you understand that you understand the value of humility.

The Interviewer asked about the number of Val’kyr left which implies that they’re talking about prime Val’kyr.

That implies nothing of the sort. There are still a bunch of lessers left. That’s who raises the Forsaken. Primes are entirely different. You’re getting outraged over something that an interview said “well, might not be out of the realm of possibility” on a very vague level.

Ah. You’re citing yourself as a source for why this isn’t pure speculation. How delightfully absurd.

Actually, the Val’kyr are irreplacable; sylvanas has around 7 left at this juncture and without them her power is incredibly curtailed. Further, without the horde or forsaken to help protect them they are incredibly vulnerable.

Hence why Sylvanas and Nathanos fled for the shadowlands.

Also, putting aside how the Dev’s have stated that the Allaince is regaining control of not only Darkshore but also the Arathi Highlands (which has never actually been theirs in the whole of WoW canon) I’m curious when the alliance will remove it’s presence from southern barrens since they’ve been occupying that region since at least Cataclysm.

As to her loyalists: they’re litterally being marched in chains through the streets of orgrimar.

They didn’t say it but that’s exactly what happened; Talanji inherits a crippled nation and a deal with Bwonsamdi that she wasn’t a signatory to and gets even less then Tyrande who at least got to know that Sylvanas wasn’t in power any more and was thus way more vulnerable to her and her vengeful forces.

Pretty sure I have nothing to apologize for.

You litterally started this tangent by calling me an idiot for not using google.

So I’ll add short term memory problems to the list of things I know about you.

I literally have called no one an idiot. You need to check yourself yet again.

Scrolling up and reading determines that is a lie

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It is not a lie. You both either don’t understand what literal means or are trolling and lying. I have not called anyone an idiot. I told him to use google. That is not the same thing as “literally… calling me an idiot.” Both of you need to stop lying.