The Night Elves did NOT get their revenge in 8.1, this is unacceptable!

You’ve got some seriously twisted views of things.

Why don’t you use google for once. Try “New Plague” Warcraft.

See what I was arguing with now

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Yup. lol

Elune disagrees.

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Hey, I’m just as ticked off about my tree. But I’m not hysterical or crazy enough to blame an entire faction made up of so many different races, who also then fought back against the bat crazy to stop it.

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Elune says you’re wrong.

Ahh new plague is it now before you seem to be certain we made the plague when its first iteration was infact made by yogg and is what created humans, dwarves and gnomes. Without the plague the alliance would not exist so your welcome for more plague

Pure conjecture.

Have had enough of this whole bit of drama and nonsense. Thinking you know that Tyrande becomes a villain and dies is so tiring. Your demands for vengeance, when you know nothing will happen. Even if they do something, it will not be enough due to the two faction system.
Now, you are shrieking at the wind, in an echo chamber . I am just tired of it and have more important things to deal with.

I really don’t think you are or understand how serious The Night Warrior being a thing really means.

they are not gone, they are alive and well and they will be redeemed in Shadowlands. that’s the most insulting part.

yea, until it’s time for another genocide that remains unpunished.

The problem is still that the entire revenge plot for teldrassil was condensed into a single questchain that ended with the killing on 1 recreatable Val’kyr. That’s not even close to be appropriate as revenge.

He became the Lich King because of Ner’zhul who was an orc, so it’s the Horde’s fault. Gul’dan is the Horde’s fault too then.

They stated it in an interview which I linked in the original post.

Fact. The curse of flesh effectively created dozens of races and gave them actual proper senses of identity.

How is that conjecture its fact given to you in game

I dont think he knows what the word means

Adds more Jaina, because it was not enough Jaina in Boralus.

Guys, stop tormenting yourselves. If you’re Alliance, play Human. They rule and will rule the Alliance forever.

Let alone Sylvanas. Isn’t she having yet another expansion of "seeing What Sylvanas is up to now with cringy banshee screams added?

Actually as you see in the quest line in wotlk he had no influence over arthus at all and arthus had banished him and had full control. Secondly that would only apply to after wearing the helm his actions leading to that all him

/facepalm No one is even talking about that.

Rampant speculation. More likely they will be killed in patch 9.1 or 9.2.

I wonder if you get the Irony of this given how you are advocating for the annihilation of the horde.

You still got more closure then we did with BoD; Talanji got nothing for it.

You did when you called plague into it. Thats how it was spread as a plague

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