The Night Elves did NOT get their revenge in 8.1, this is unacceptable!

The first iteration of the alliance and its use of name was when when the green and bronze dragonflights united the trolls, elves amd other dragon flights to form “the alliance” to stop the aqir that was swarming out of silithus. While its not the alliance of today it was its birth and how it began

I like the troll glue you’re sniffing. Anyone can have an alliance; even the horde have an alliance. They are not THE Alliance.

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Arthus also was accompanied by the dwarfes and night elves not only into start but also in the journey to northrend after. He last living companion on that journey was a dwarf if you read the novel

That’s :clap: not :clap: the :clap: fault :clap: of :clap: the :clap:current :clap: faction. :clap:

Not sure how many times it needs to be said. Maybe clapping hands will make you understand.

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Ok you are kinda seeing my point here its an iteration of the name at the time and does not make it responsible for events that may happen before or after said time. The same is for the horde each war chief has seen a different iteration and purpose some peaceful others not so much. To clump them all together would be unjust like lumping all themes of the alliance unjust

So you get my point finally the actions of the war chief at the time do not reflect the horde in general

I have no clue what argument you started with who that lead to your crazy twisting of what the word “alliance” means.

Its a name that a group of factions have used coming together for a common goal as is the horde. But both have had its shares of sins to lump as someone who I started this debate with said the horde has only ever acted to destroy the planet amd should be wiped out I pointed out only some iterations of the horde have had this as some iterations of the alliance have also posed a global threat

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That person has no perspective on the storyline, then.

Except no iterations of the Alliance posed a global threat, because the Alliance didn’t exist then. The Horde has existed since the end of the Second War.

Attempting to blame the Alliance for the Lich King, Azshara and Medivh is beyond a stretch. It makes absolutely zero sense.

And no current iteration of the Horde existed to destroy the planet. The Old Horde did prior to the Second War. After that, I remember a couple of bat crazy Warchiefs who wanted to: one because he got corrupted and the other just because she’s been a ball of looney since day one. The rest of the Horde just mindlessly followed them, not having a clue what was going to happen.

So while I agree with your debate, I disagree with how you tried to prove your point.

No, I don’t think you see the point at all or you’re trolling. Besides it’s the general actions of the horde generally that are the problem, not just the warchief-of-the-moment.

How much perspective do I need to know that creating a substance that wipes out all life is probably not good for Azeroth and is evil. That’s just one single thing and it’s enough.

Clearly more than you’re giving, since you obviously didn’t run the storylines where the Horde adamantly told Sylv to stop using the stuff and then how ticked off they were when she used it on her own people and raised them.

But sure, we’ll just ignore all of that and make a blanket statement about the entire Horde being evil.

The Horde as an entity is evil. It created plague, its lack of discipline got it spread and used even fairly recently in history. The Horde is either like a 5 year old with a box of grenades or they are evil. It’s the latter more than the former. You can’t even have a proper discussion about the Horde because they only a loosely tied together group that only comes together to kill.

did you really expect Blizzard to actually give the alliance a decent victory that only benefit our side? oh no no every victory for alliance is a pyrrhic victory where we end being a plot device to make the horde story more interesting

after all how many horde towns have they lost other than lordaron?

so far at the hands of the horde weve seen south shore turned into a toxic waste dump Theramore became a crater and last but certainly not least Darnassus becoming the biggest bonfire in history but yet horde players gripe and complain because we torched a few tents full of soldiers in a skirmish


I’m not sure what more can actually happen here lore wise that would satisfy the OP; Sylvanas and her boi toy are gone and the horde has vacated the office of warchief suggesting that they are done with fighting the alliance.

This is a victory. It isn’t complete and utter, but lets point out the problems with trying to push for that shall we?

First off, the second battle of orgrimar was a joint effort by both saurfang’s traditionalists and everything Anduin had left and even then assaulting the city was considered a gamble; If Saurfang hadn’t challenged then this could have been a loss for the coalition.

This tells us that the alliance’s forces are effectively exhausted and as such can’t credibly continue the war at this juncture, not without risking a horde counter offensive that causes them to lose everything or allows some third party to take advantage of them in their pitiful state (for historical refrence look what happened as a result of the Byzantine/sassanid wars).

The second and more critical one that is lost on Tyrande, is that continuing the war is just giving sylvanas what she wants: more fuel for the Maw.

By ending the war and suing for peace Anduin is effectively winning as much as is feasible.

When did this happen? Because I can’t remember the Alliance saying “Hey, we want our leaders to die!”

Not even the Horde wants that.

No it isn’t.

No it didn’t. Some Forsaken apothecaries did.

No. One bat crazy woman kept using it even after being told not to. Then she became Warchief, used it on her own people, and got some serious backlash from it.

The Horde is neither. You’re blaming every race and individual for things a couple of Warchiefs did.

Clearly you’ve never played Horde or have any understanding of them.


Yep. I sure am. Disband or die. :smiley:

No more so then the alliance.

False, the Scourge created the plague.

I’m not sure which incident you’re reffering to here.

You can’t even have a proper discussion about the Alliance because they only a loosely tied together group that only comes together to kill.

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