The Night Elves did NOT get their revenge in 8.1, this is unacceptable!

The beautiful thing about fiction is that you can explore those impossible ideas and they make for good story fodder. If we wanted crushing reality we wouldn’t be playing a game where talking Cows fight Space Goats. But I see your point. And yeah, maybe people wouldn’t relate, but at least it’d be different. Something new. I’d rather take something new than the same story we’ve seen for the entire game done over and over again since at the very least, Wrath. We fight, we make up, we fight, we make up, we fight, we make up.

At least make it a trade war or a cold war where we build up mutually assured destruction. Something.

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No. Arthas on his own went and did this. The Alliance had nothing to do with it.

He was a Guardian of Tirisfal and wasn’t a member of the Alliance. It’s also spelled Medivh. Pretty sure the Alliance didn’t even exist back then, so this makes no sense.

Azshara was never once part of the Alliance. What? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: She was swallowed into the depth over ten thousand years ago before humans ever walked Azeroth.

Your claims are nonsense.


THe Hard Core Alliance players have been asking for the villain bat for a long time for one of their leaders . I’ve seen them ask for it off and on over the last 2 expansions .

Thing is they say they want it until it happens then their reaction is

" You can’t make our heroes the bad guys that’s HORDE BIAS"


Never heard this. And Tyrande isn’t a “bad guy.” Just a poorly written character acting out on a tantrum. And as an Alliance player, I’m fine with it.

I’m pretty sure we got that with Jaina ‘murder a genocided race in the streets and take dalaran for our faction’ in MOP and she only recently stopped being crazy. Then again, outside of that, Jaina hasn’t done anything too heinous beyond yelling at the Horde and shaking her fist at them.

I really could not care less. In fact I hope they just drop this plot altogether. Half the game’s lore is Nelves. Freaking tired of them and Tyrande already. Focus on some other races.

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Bro you really think blizzard cares about lore? Take a look around. Also git gud elf and maybe you’d still have your stupid tree.

I do like the idea of a cold war between the factions and think that could play put to be a great story. I also agree that games/stories can provide a great respite from the real world and how things would realistically take place. But you also need to take player emotions into account while many are a bit over the rinse repeat of the factions warring then peace just look at this post alone on how many are emotionally invested in the faction they play being right and destroying the other

Jaina was a travesty and should have never been let back into the Alliance, imo. She should’ve either stayed bat crazy or been locked away.

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Alliance won…get over it.

I can’t believe some people actually want the Horde dismantled. I get being mad over the tree being burned, but do you people realize what you’re asking for?

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Random trolling that makes no sense and another Classic alt to ignore. Gotcha.


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I don’t want to see them dismantled. That’d be even worse writing.

I agree with you, but the blizzard writing team sucks and they hate night elves. That being said I think leaving comments on twitter to them might be more effective than posting here, specially with the whole Covenant noise going on.

I mean you guys burned children and civilians alive in their own homes, or they suffocated to death, essentially genocide a race. Imagine telling the Blood elves they’re dumb for wanting the scourge dismantled. But I also know that those two situations are not the same.

I don’t want the Horde dismantled. I’m just tired of this nonsense. I don’t want to kill forsaken for dead night elf children because then those dead forsaken have friends who will kill more night elves. It never ends.


One arthus did not act alone he took an army in strat. Two medivh was as advisor to the alliance that did exist back then and finally three the alliance was initially formed between dragonflights, trolls and elves something that was started by ysera and the bronze dragonflight and included ashara the alliance is allot older than you claim it to be

Game isn’t cancelled. Story goes on. Wait for it.

The Alliance did not exist in Warcraft 1 or prior to it, it existed in Warcraft 2. Arthas and Stratholme is a given but he’s doing that to his own people and ‘The alliance’ as we know it wasn’t made until after WC3.


None of that happened while they were alliance.

His own people from Lordaeron. You’re acting like the entire new Alliance that exists (not even the old Alliance of Lordaeron, which is what the races were part of back then, including the Helfs) backed him up.

The Horde didn’t even exist back then. :woman_facepalming:t4: You’re not making any sense.

… what are you even talking about? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You’re trying to blame the current Alliance for things that happened before most of the races even walked this planet.

Can you seriously twist things any more? I don’t even… :woman_facepalming:t4: