The Night Elves are not abandoning Kalimdor

That’s another issue. Let’s say Blizzard decides to say screw it and bring back a faction war. The Night Elves are going to be screwed by the decision to allow the Horde in and by letting them use the portals.

Again it would have been better to grow Amirdrassil on the ruins of Teldrassil. Death, giving way to new life. That’s what happens after wildfires.


If you’re going to invoke a “realism” argument, then you’d have to ask yourself how Teldrassil could even exist period.

Otherwise, you’re being selective and inconsistent only invoking an argument when it fits a narrative you want to express and ignoring it otherwise.

It’s a world of magic, magic trees, magic shaman, a place where magic is so common that at the base level we don’t even talk about it.

Not only can the Horde NOT use the portals, they don’t even have quick access the Alliance does with the portal in Stormwind. The Night Elves however can use the Feralas Portal for quick reinforcement if needed or to move troops to other Night Elf holdings linked by them.

Right… putting it where 5 dragonflights can be called upon to defend it incredibly stupid.

So was building Alliance only portals that connect to Night Elf holdings and ther Night Elves major military base. Extremely stupid.

Where were they when Teldrassil burned? Or Darkshore razed? Hm? Oh. Right.

Portals that would again cripple the army of the Night Elves. Or decapitate them and would also weaken Azeroth as a whole. Portals are not a good solution. They never were. Does no one else think about the limitations of what portals do or am I the weird one that reads in game references and applies them to rp.

First you argue about how portals would make the Nigh Elves vulneable.

Then when I point out that only the Alliance can use them, you then argue that they have no strategic value.

Make up your mind.

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It’s the same point. Anyone use portals has some extreme drawbacks per Blizzard’s own in game lore. It’s not just night elves, it’s everyone that uses portals. Portals are not a good solution. That implies that it’s bad for the Alliance as well. I never strayed from that idea. If it’s bad for night elves then gee it must mean that it’s also bad for Alliance.

Maybe try reading the in game lore we get from the little books instead of trying to find something that’s not there. I didn’t contradict myself. You just want to use me to make it seem like you’re right. When even the lore says otherwise. If you want to like the tree then that’s fine. But don’t try to dog me for finding holes in how it’s not logical and only going to damn the kaldorei in the future. Both of our opinions can exist. You can agree to disagree even.

Or better yet, don’t reply to my posts if you don’t like what I say. I can easily do the same to you.

The fact is that you took two completely contradicting positions on the same subject.

First you said that the city was vulnerable because you claimed that Horde could use the Portals. Which implies that the Portals are an asset for the Horde.

Andw hen I pointed out that only the Alliance could use them and that only Alliance had the express portal route to the city, you then turned tack and and now claiming that they are useless.

You get the George McConnell Award for premise flipping.


The bulk of the kaldorei army wasn’t in teldrassil, nor darkshore or ashenvale when the horde invaded, they were moving to Silithus because of the whole Sylvanas plan.

So, if the horde decides to attack ashenvale again, they would likely lose by the forces already stationed there, and if they need help, yes, portals can still be used, thats how the surviving population of Teldrassil got out in the first place IIRC.


I’ve been reading an article in Wowpedia about the Sentinel army which article states said army was dispatched by ship to southern parts of Kalimdor (presumably Feralas) to contest Silithus. When the Horde invaded Nelf holdings in northern Kalimdor, the army was recalled and used to reinforce the defenses at the Wildbend River where the Nelfs were decisively defeated. The article also mentioned that Sentinel commanders were specifically targeted by Horde rogues. Since it appears that the full might of the Nelfs not only suffered heavy losses but failed to stop the Horde, I can only imagine that forming a fighting force from what remains would be a shadow of what it was before this defeat. Abandoning Kalimdor and moving what remains of the race to the Dragon Isles seems like a good move if the intention is to preserve those Nelfs that survived.

The Night Elves took Darkshore back with just the help of the Gilneas when their armies got back, so that does not seen like a sound assessment.

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I go with the story Blizzard ACTUALLY WROTE. In this case the story “Elegy”.

The reinforcements you referr to because of the Horde’s successful playing of Shaw did NOT arrive in time. The action at the Wildbend River was with whatever Malfurion could scrape up locally and what the Highbourne Magi managed to portal in from Teldrassil.

When the ships did arrive they were decimated by the siege engines the Horde had placed on the shore and several ships were captured by Horde commandos, again as described in the companion story “A Good War”.

While it is true that the Warcraft universe is a world of magic with fantastical elements such as magic trees and mages, invoking realism in discussions about its particular aspects can still be a valid point of consideration. It’s important to note that even within a fictional world, there are established rules and lore(not so much warcraft) that govern its functioning. These rules and lore provide the framework within which discussions and debates can take place.
Power discrepancy: The mages of the Horde dont possess the collective magical power necessary to single-handedly burn down a massive World Tree like Teldrassil. The World Trees are incredibly potent sources of magical energy and are protected by strong enchantments. It would require an immensely concentrated and sustained magical effort to cause significant damage, which surpass the capabilities of the Horde mages alone. hell deathwing did no real damage to the tree and he created cataclysms around the world in warcraft those mages wouldnt just be powerful enough and they would be to far from the shores of Teldrassi.

Mages in Warcraft, like any other beings, have limits to their magical abilities. While they possess great power, there are certain boundaries they cannot surpass. Burning down an entire massive tree, such as Teldrassil, would require an unimaginable amount of magical energy and control, far beyond what any individual or even a legion of mages could achieve.

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It’s my understanding that Darkshore was taken back by Nelfs and Worgen as the Army of the Black Moon led by the Night Warrior, so I think there were extenuating circumstances at that time. In addition, since the Horde leaders were at Lordaeron, I’d expect that a goodly portion of the Horde army was withdrawn to the Eastern Kingdoms by they time Darkshore was retaken.

I had heard that story about the Sentinel Army being destroyed on the shores as you have indicated so it would appear that the Wowhead article is mistaken. In any event, the original Nelf fighting force appears to have been pretty much destroyed. Since the Night Warrior is no more, if the Horde chose to invade northern Kalimdor again, I don’t see that they’d be effectively stopped.

Darkshore was RETAKEN by the Army of the Black Moon after it was lost and Tyrande returned to undergo the ritual of the Night Warrior. She had not taken on t hat mantle when the War of Thorns was lost.

The Night Elves survived thousands of years of conflict without the Night Warrior, if Tyrande hadn’t impulsively acted on Shaw’s faulty intelligence, she would not have been needed this time, either.

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Point of order!!

By the time of the Army of the Black Moon, there was no Lordaeron remaining for the Horde leaders to even be at. The Horde by then was largely concentrated in Kalimdor and Zandalar.


night elves in space

borrow draenei allies space ship. elune is related to the moon, theres tendrils behind the moon.
alternatively grow the tree like a beanstalk to get up

get up there

At least Space is dark with lots of stars unlike Amirdrassil which is permanently set to daytime :man_facepalming:t2:


Shandris still leads the Sentinel Army and so far the Sentinels are still around.

The night elves can’t abandon their ancestral homeland! The tree needs to be moved to Kalimdor if it’s going to be an Alliance capital.

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