The Night Elves are not abandoning Kalimdor

You know Alleria was there and would have ported them out if she needed?

I don’t think she would be capable of porting everyone out without it backfiring or her losing control of herself.

Jaina on the other hand is a very very experienced mage. Alleria only had what a year to try and control most of her powers, with her somewhat being tempted by the void still.

She literally opens a portal before hand to get an entire contigent of void elves/gnomes to help beforehand.

What??? She has spent 500 years learning about the void at that point. She was always pretty powerful user of void magic long before she consumed a naaru.

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500 nether years= 20 or so years. I forget how long time passed from the Second War. And no she didn’t spend that long learning the void. She merged with the void naaru thing during the Triumvirate dungeon I believe. She had a year to hone in her skills at most.

I wouldn’t honestly trust Alleria with anything. Like using anything void related is too risky as it is. And after the Visions of N’zoth where she succumbs to the whispers of the void. I’d be weary of her.

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She was already void infused by prior sources, in a thousand years of war shows that.

Then they probably retconned that because it was the first time that we really showed her powers. And again I wouldn’t trust her using the void. The void is just as corruptive as fel. With the fel being worse.

Which is 500 normal years. So while we had 20 years of time past. She has studied and perfected her void power for 500 years.

She has been using her power for a long time now. I suggest re watching/listening to a 1000 year war.

20 normal years had passed not 500 years. Netheryears is different. Let’s say 1 second has passed in normal time. In the Nether, five hours had passed or maybe a few days. Time passes by quicker in the Twisting Nether while on Azeroth only 1 second may have passed.

So in reality, in Azeroth, she has only been gone for 20 years. She didn’t really hone in her powers in that time, and again I’d say that they retconned that. Since we don’t see her really getting her powers until the Triumverate dungeon.

Basically the Twisting Nether is like the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. It might have felt like 500 years have passed, but the reality is that it really didn’t.

The reality is it DID pass for people in the Twisting Nether. 500 years has passed for them while we only have had 20 years.

It would be akin to The Good Place were the characters had about 900+ years of being tortured in the Good Place where as in Earth Time hardly any time has passed.

Alleria has had 500 years to learn about the void. End of story.

This is not a retcon because it doesnt change violate/change any current lore. Again, listen or read 1000 year war.


1000 years of war was released before the argus patch, and during the argus patch, she was imprisoned in the army of the light due to being void infused, but the crash freed her, thats in game, ingame she was already void infused and trained before the Triumvirate dungeon.


And we also see her losing control and almost corrupting a whole Sunwell. Yeah fat lot of good that did. I doubt the whole “she has honed her powers”. Also not to mention with Turalyon’s help she was torturing an innocent civilian in Shadows Rising.

Nzoth’s Vision might come to pass in Midnight.

I recall some mentions of Metzen being shocked that the Horde struck first, though any evidence to that I’ve yet to see for myself.

Sadly, we will never know the full story behind the Burning unless a tell all interview with a writer comes out, or some big leak hits that manages to have logs of the design process. A shame cause I too really want to see just what they thought would happen with everything surrounding BfA’s lead in.


Since the release of the Sylvanas novel, this is unlikely, given her goal was exacerbate the war to kill as many people as possible, not end the war quickly. Blighting the Undercity was most likely just to consolidate all her power at Orgrimmar and not have to worry about the Forsaken trying to govern themselves without. Even saving the Forsaken populace got undermined by her sending them off to Darkshore to get mowed down any way.

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I actually think that this is a good idea… twice now they have lost their homes to war, they now have a safe place, completely out of the way with no real enemies anywhere near them that they can retreat to. That there civilians can live in peace and regrow their society, at the same time have their colony areas to protect and fight wars from.

its not its going to allow horde visitors im told which im against

Burning Teldrassil was bad storytelling how does a tree that size burn down even with magic helping fires grow there’s no way to get them to grow large enough to burn that tree especially since it had massive lakes and there wouldnt be enough mages on the horde side to do it
Also the tree would be too far for mages to reach and Catapults were reputed to be capable of launching projectiles over distances around 984 feet. However, it is essential to note that these are historical examples, and modern recreations or smaller-scale catapults may not achieve such extreme distances.


Nordrassil is still there. Like it didn’t go away, it regrow what was lost during the Third War. And technically it was three times as Zin’Azshari was their home. Well four if you count Suramar bubbling itselves.

Not to mention that they have other settlements and during this time could have rebuilt Darkshore and Ashenvale, and reclaimed the part of Ashenvale that belongs to the Horde. (Or Blizzard could have thought outside the box and not copy the map for Exploring Kalimdor completely.)

And again for the fifth time I’ve had to explain this, no. Portals are a very bad use and cannot hold together for a large army to pass through. Not to mention it would incapacitate whole armies either through portal sickness, or by well decapitating them. Portal magic in lore is very dangerous. There’s lore books in game that talk about this.

Just because we can use portals to go from point a to point b in game doesn’t mean this actually happens in the lore. You actually can’t use portals all willy nilly.

This has already been discussed in this thread:


I already debunked that by saying only druids can use those portals. And again, portal magic is very hard and in any scenario can decapitate someone. Jarod’s not an expert on anything. Why Blizzard would retcon their lore, I don’t know.

[https : //wowpedia .fandom .com/wiki/Thinking_with_Portals_-A_Memorandum_on_Proper_Portal_Usage](https: // wowpedia. fandom. com/wiki/Thinking_with_Portals-_A_Memorandum_on_Proper_Portal_Usage) (omit the spaces, I can’t use links apparently.)

From the in game source itself. Yes it’s about arcane, but the same function can be applied to all types of magic that utilize portals. Not to mention that opening a portal and using a portal can be straining not just on those who use or create them but on the leylines itself.

So no portals are not and never are a good solution for travel. Putting the tree anywhere other than Kalimdor was a stupid decision. A logistically stupid decision.

That Portal is accesible to the Horde Player as well. I have no issues with Horde Druids being able to access it but hopefully if any future conflict arises Horde don’t get the upper hand using it.