The Night Elves are leaving the Shadowlands empty handed

The “closure” has already happened. The closure was Tyrande giving up on justice, Sylvanas getting away with it and the Night Elf souls getting destroyed as far as shadowlands is concerned.

So they got 1 zone back for the 3 that they lost.

No, know your lore.

Can we stop treating blizz like it’s still a small indie company and realize it’s a multi-billion dollar behemoth now? The excuses for their laziness doesn’t fly for most of us.


That’s not closure…she still has to deal with her allies not supporting her at the time she needed them most.


I expect that what they present lines up with what is canon. We should not be having the sorts of disconnects that leave people feeling as though a victory is a defeat.

Otherwise, this is the problem that we have - quoting the end of this piece:

“Framing and aesthetics supersedes the rest of the text. Always. Always. Always.”

If Blizzard cannot arrange their expenditure to do this, then they have created a deficient story. Period. It doesn’t become better because they decided that presenting what they are asserting as canon isn’t important to them.

Further, if we are not important to them, that is not a good argument for us to consider the game, to us, to be a good experience. If they can find the resources to wreck our stuff and to make us feel awful, then they can find the resources to fix it. If they won’t, then we can make decisions as to where to put our resources too.

  1. This will never be addressed
  2. This wouldn’t fix anything if it was, the Night Elves are also not relevant to the Alliance anymore

I guarantee you the people that work on the art assets and story are anything but lazy. No company, big or small, has an infinite amount of resources and prioritizes things. If you’ve ever tried to start your own business, you would understand this.

That doesn’t mean its okay Bobby Kotick is making 1 million dollars (or whatever the amount is) when they could instead hire more people to work on things.

But you have to deal with what they are doing. They have a set number of people on a team, with a set priority - the current expansion. If things don’t pertain to that current expansion, then they are likely to get shelved until a point at which they do. The only other thing that trumps the current expansion in terms of priority are generally things that make instant returns on money — store mounts, cosmetics, etc.

Then do this. Quit the game and cite it as your reasoning and move on? If you can’t do that, then you are essentially in an abusive relationship, where you will always return no matter how much you are viewed to be mistreated.

I’ve chosen to stay for purposes of advocacy. What lurkers and other parties do is another matter. The other thing you’re leaving out is that microtransactions are a greater piece of the revenue puzzle.

I am aware, however, that the things that I have said have had a greater negative financial impact than would happen if I did not speak. I’ve spoken to people who have cut their subscriptions as a result of arguments that I’ve made - not that this is what I want necessarily - I would prefer for the franchise to recover - but I have ways of expressing this leverage that don’t require me to silence myself.

lol /10char

In context to your transparent attempt to get me to stop talking? Yes, you did leave that out of that particular argumentation.

Join the full discussion.

You can also tweet to the developers on twitter or reddit. Conversations happen there constantly — including AMAs with the actual developers sometimes.

You aren’t silenced…AND you don’t contribute to funding something you are averse to.

My Twitter is used for professional purposes only - and I have no desire to make another account. This is also a format that suits me better.

As I said, my impact here further is net negative for Blizzard financially. With that said, I’m not giving any further credence to your attempts to get me to go away.

That you have turned to such tactics just tells me that your other arguments have collapsed.

Much like in other threads, I have told you this is arguably the worst platform to try and enact change or get blizzard developer attention.

I’ve even gone out of my way to showcase you why, providing links about the actual forums where players they want feedback from (influencers, theorycrafters, youtubers, etc.) are invited to give feedback.

They don’t got two sh!ts about anything posted here.

Feel free to highlight when the last time you received a blue response to anything you’ve posted here was.

On twitter, I’ve gotten a response to three bugs I’ve reported directly to a dev there over the course of my time playing WoW.

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Please refer to the comments provided to you during that discussion for a response to that.

In the meantime, no, I’m not going away.

Continue to look like a fool then.

No one can tell you how to do you. I’m just glad you’re wasting money on something you clearly dislike ;]

Clever observation. The point was that if i was a big NE fan, I’d have been offended at that questline, almost as much as Delas Moonfang. Maybe you thought Tyrande going in and obliterating Night Elf Souls was cool, though?

blizz: what if we made a story that some people don’t like? think they will unsub?

writers: no they will sub to complain so we don’t even need to make content rofl

blizz: brilliant


Bobby Kotick sweats frantically, tears streaming down his face as he clutches the phone reciever so hard his knuckles whiten.

“You need to deal with this Kyalin person. She’s damaging us financially - we’re losing ones of subscribers a month because of her!”


Did you actually read said book or come to these conclusions because of the title?

The Arthas book by the way doesn’t do this. I haven’t picked up the Sylvannas book yet, but I’m pretty sure that it doesn’t whitewash her actions any more than the Arthas book did.