The Night Elves are leaving the Shadowlands empty handed

Blizzard has lied several times — most recently with “There are no old gods in BFA.”

Crazy to think they might say something to not give away what’s going to actually happen in the game.

I mean, fair point, but they’ve also pretty brazenly dropped storylines or resolved them in unsatisfying ways, which tends to interfere with stone-cold-certain statements about how a given arc will go. This is why existing lore can be such a poor predictor of what the team will do next.

Instead, past data is the most reliable thing you can look at. Now, what does past data tell you about their ability to handle or resolve Night Elf stories involving destruction rendered by the Horde in a manner that satisfies their playerbase?

That blizz is going to evade the subject of NE retribution for another 5+ yrs, until they decide pissing on the NE fan base will be enjoyable for everyone.


so Jaina is a boss in BFA who wanted neutrality but was pushed to the brink — and Baine is outraged over something that happens that breaks the natural cycle, same as the dungeon. — Outside End Time, Baine doesn’t receive a later boss fight, similar to how Tyrande does not have a similar boss fight. Jaina and Sylvannas both get a boss fight.

I hate this conclusion, but I also don’t see a more reasonable one. I’m open to being surprised, but yes, based on the proclivities that this team seems to exhibit, that’s what I’m expecting.

I find these connections to be stretched and inconsistent. I think you’re just pointing to the existence of these characters and making it into more than it really is in search of the secret good WoW arc.

I will evaluate what we have in the meantime, absent such theories.

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Trolls retaking their city. Gnomes attempting to.

The continuation of Koltira Deathweaver’s arc after being dropped from Cataclysm to Legion.

The missing diplomat ending in classic, only to come back in WotLK with Varian resurfacing.

Blizzard gets around to their stories — some sooner…some longer…but they do get around to them. I don’t expect Teldrassil to go unaddressed. Whether its in a manner that appeases players, that’s up to the individual player.

The anima golem in castle Nathria is another good example of them remembering a story thread from an earlier expansion, and throwing a nod to it in a later one…showing that they didn’t forget.

Gilneas says hi. If you think Teldrassil is going to be resolved, considering how badly they been handling it for 3+ yrs now, the jokes on you. :wolf:


Its very possible that its just a coincidence…or that they looked at previous content and were like, what if we expanded on this in hindsight rather than having it planned out from the start.

Doesn’t change that the connection is there.

Gilneas was resolved…in the Fangs of the Father legendary quest chain.

Again, not updated and shown in game because of game mechanics.

It also sits there as an opportunity to be revamped in a later expansion. Wouldn’t it be neat if, since the plague in Gilneas was neutralized and there are legit people living there ( again the Fangs of the Father legnedary quest chain), that they reach out to Genn who then offers the night elves a new home…

and then they update the city in an expansion where its relevant again.

In case you didn’t notice…that’s how their resources work…they update things when they are relevant to the story.

Gilneas storywise is all over the place and certainly hasn’t been resolved if your an actual worgen player. That’s the entire point you missed, by a mile.


It doesn’t matter if its not resolved for the worgen player. In lore, its been resolved.

There are people living there just fine…Gilnean even.

Gilneas is abandoned story wise, and it matters for the players.


I generally think that connections need to be stronger than this. I’m also again not terribly convinced that this thing or that thing is necessarily foreshadowing to something meaningful or satisfying when it comes to Blizzard. The examples you listed notwithstanding (which in each case were orders of magnitude clearer and more direct).

You mean because of competing priorities - that put other things over the satisfaction of Worgen players.

I’m very familiar with how the resources excuse works in the corporate world - “competing priorities” is code for “we didn’t care about what you found important”.


Because somehow blizz, thought putting the resolve in a legendary quest line that .000000001% population saw was actually a intelligent move.

This is what angers me. :wolf:


I don’t think you know that the Night Elves had more than just Darkshore before BfA.

So why couldn’t they reclaim Ashenvale?

Still not more upset than towards those that eradicated the Night Elves and tortured them. If she can forgive Sylvanas, she can forgive anyone.

Oh yea, you mean when Tyrande gets told off by Varian, and has zero say in what happens to Garrosh, and isn’t even acknowledged?


It already went unaddressed, in every aspect.


Its no different than not being able to revisit Kezan.

At least you can still go to the Gilneas zone.

The story dictates what priorities are. If you don’t like it, get a job working on the story and push it in the direction you want it to go.

Considering they didn’t forget about Argus, and eventually took the story there to finish the Draenei storyline…I have no doubt Gilneas will be prominent again at some point in the story — Look at Stromgarde…it became prominent as a warfront and was retaken by Alliance.

Same with Teldrassil, when the story gets there…it will be relevant and get closure.

Again, Koltira Deathweaver arc had to wait all of MoP and WoD to be picked up again. But it WAS picked up again.

It’s literally been 1 xpac since. And it wasn’t in every aspect, as the very zone that it happened got a warfront that canonically ends with the night elves retaking the zone.

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Ashenvale was always contested — even at the end of Cataclysm. The night elves don’t take it, they just push the Horde back to Splintertree Post.

If I don’t like it, my recourse as a customer is to leave feedback. That is what I am doing.

They go further than that - the Warsong Lumber Camp is under serious attack by that point, and the end of the Alliance questing shows that the Night Elves are defeating the Horde in detail. This is further reinforced by MOP with the Night Elves being able to move resources overland through the Mor’shan Rampart. Elegy finally gets around to confirming that the Night Elves had full control of Ashenvale (sans the Zoram’gar Outpost) prior to the War of the Thorns, specifically including the Mor’shan Rampart.

So no, it has not always been contested, at least not in the lore.

Hopefully this should get you to see why I raise the issues that I do around presentation.


You’re expectations of presentation are unrealistic.

You expect them to have infinite resources and be able to deal with every detail, regardless of what the current story is focusing on.

Contrary to popular belief, despite making $$$ the company doesn’t have infinite resources as they only have so many employees and so many hours in a day to do things. Combined with the on the record accounts of past employees and things needing to go through a rather exhaustive chain of command before getting things done, that’s even less time to work on things.

It’s already been hinted that there is a potential time skip for the next expansion. We have to wait and see…they could very well be willing to do another cataclysm type overhaul to revamp the entire world map once more to showcase updated changes.

Look at Azuremyst Isle and Eversong Woods. They haven’t been touched in years…not even when they updated every other starting zone in cataclysm — because the story didn’t need it done, so it wasn’t a priority.

It has nothing to do with them hating a certain race or wanting to slight a specific portion of the playerbase. They have a story they want to tell…they have an alotted amount of resources…they tell THAT story.

Expecting anything else is foolish, as that’s just now how things work. This isn’t exclusive to Blizzard in the gaming industry.