The Night Elves are leaving the Shadowlands empty handed

Yeah the Arthas book made me dislike him even more. He is very bratty when he is training with Muradin, and really just bratty in general. I enjoyed when Muradin dressed him down.

It is not a given that this book wil absolve or justify Sylvanas. It could always double down on the villain batting. Maybe make her a Mean Girl in High School who pulled “Carrie” level pranks, so even her fans will turn on her.

the arrogance is pretty funny ngl

normal person: i don’t like wow anymore
normal person 2: ty for reminding me, we should quit
normal person 1: yeah sure

normal reaction: time to do something else
nelf reaction: I just hurt blizz pockets mwahahaha god im so powerful


One of my major complaints about this all… is that it changes nothing in the end beyond giving the Night Elf souls a proper resting place… For those we could save. They’re still dead, they were still murdered by Sylvanas and the Horde. Nothing is going to change the crime committed to Azeroth and the Kaldorei people.

I can agree we are going too off the deep end on what little details we could get. I agree that Teldrassil is a major focal point that Blizzard dug themselves into a ditch with. Comparing Lordaeran’s loss to Teldrassil is not even comparable. The Alliance let civilizans escape… while Teldrassil was burned with an untold amount of life lost. I don’t think there will ever be anything to come back from with this.


The Alliance did not “let the civilians escape” Sylvannas had her people evacuated through the portals inside UnderCity. The same way Darnassus was evacuated. presumably though that was a process that started well before the Battle of Lordaeron itself since she knew the Alliance would be striking back at her.

We saw in the cinematic alone for BFA that the Alliance gave the Horde PLENTY OF TIME to prepare evacuations. They had a whole day before the siege began. Various portals let the Horde get plenty of time to get non-combat citizens out before the city got plague bombed.

If the Alliance wasn’t giving them time. They’d have struck as rapidly as Sylvanas did Ashenvale and Darkshore.

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The Alliance had the same amount of time to evacuate Teldrassil as it took days for the Horde to advance through Darkshore.

It’s mentioned in Elegy that mages had been holding up portals for days evacuating Teldrassil and that there was enough Night Elves in Stormwind to reach from the harbor to Goldshire, which is a significant amount even if we took game scale into consideration.

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As a general rule, the Dwarves of the Alliance and Gelbin are hands down the most underappreciated and some of the most enjoyable characters on the Faction. If the High King position needs to exist, it should be Muradin. Falstad is long overdue for Love. And I actually enjoy when Moira plays shady politics. And Gelbin is just an enjoyable egg with an Arc reactor in his chest.


I’m curious as to how you keep claiming the entire race is gone lol. Play the game never ever ever have I EVER seen every single living night elf congregated at teldrassil. So I’m going to guess they weren’t when it burned. And even then casualties of PRESENT night elves were not 100 percent lol. We get it you built this cool online persona of the crazy night elf lady and feel you need to keep doubling down but basic truths that you refuse to listen to amaze me still. And secondly this is blizzards game and story they don’t need your approval to take it whichever way they see fit. it’s ok to disagree or get upset but not ok to take it this far this long and the lies and baby tantrums make it even worse.

Night Elves are the biggest whiners in history.

“Oh no, these greenskins are taking our lands! Now we only have 4/5 of Kalimdor to house our miniscule population! Oh, and all of the land we do have, are the only places where one can actually grow food and what not!”

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Sir this is a Wendy’s.

Why are you this butthurt over fictional npcs?

This Night Elf was my main since Vanilla, and I really enjoyed the RP aspects of being a male Night Elf warrior going out and doing adventure stuff.

However, as someone who has played through the WC3 campaign several times, and followed the story since then, I tend to hold grudges against the Horde. And when the Horde, in-game and in the story, ROFLstomps the Night Elves so consistently(outside of the events of a book and one Warfront resolution) I tend to feel let down.

So now I play as Humans and Draenei only, will never buy the Shadowlands expansion, and exist in older expansions only. When you go from being a largely unaligned adventurer to a militarized national hero, your expectations grow just as much. And are very easily unmet. In that context isn’t it fairly easy to understand that people are unhappy with what is happening with Night Elves?

I mean, do you guys REALLY feel good about ragging on a player’s dissatisfaction that much? So the guy has made multiple threads complaining about something. Do you feel smugly superior coming on here and bashing them for that? I am seeing alot of narcissistic hypocrisy in this thread.


It’s hardly a roflstomp when the Horde has to outnumber you 8 to 1 to get a dearly fought victory. It’s a measure of how badass the Night Elves still are in order to pull an Alamo style defense.

Texans still consider the Alamo one of their great sources of pride even though it was a total defeat.

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The Alamo would have been utterly forgotten, purposefully, if the Texans hadn’t gone on to win the conflict. Numbers in this game are largely meaningless(there are as many Blood Elves as we need there to be, for instance) the ultimate result of the conflict is what we really walk away with.

No one seems to care how many Orcs the soldiers of Stormwind took down in the First War, could have killed them 10 to 1 and it wouldn’t have mattered. What matters is that Stormwind fell, and the Orcs went on to attack Lordaeron(and by extension, everywhere). I’m not saying I don’t appreciate what you are saying, simply mean to point out that it is largely irrelevant to how the players feel in the larger narrative.


They only had Moonglade, Hyjal, Winterspring, whatever Felwood was called, Western and Central Ashenvale, Darkshire, Azshara, and the island that eventually housed Teldrassil. Along with Val’sharah, part of Azuna, and depending on how you look at it, the entire Emerald Dream as a physical plane after the Orcs put a lumbercamp up in a small section of Ashenvale.

You can only imagine how cramped the poor dears were :frowning: No wonder they started murdering with no provocation.

I think this is probably the best explanation for a lot of it.

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Actually it’s the complaints expressed by the Night Elf Victimization League which are irrelevant to how the bulk of the player base feels about the expansion.

And since you bring up the issue of Texas… ultimately the Alliance DID win the political war against Sylvannas in concert with the Horde in causing her to remove herself form her political support structure. Now of course the metaphysical war continues in the Shadowlands.

Most of the players think of the expansion not as a story, but as raids, items, resources, balance. Is not it so?

I get that bashing on nelf whinging is the new bashing on finninbas But come on.