The Night Elves are leaving the Shadowlands empty handed

I was just talking about Org as a currency because you wanted a silly comparison.

Org is dirty. If it was a currency, it would be a filthy coin of decent worth. But it’s so dirty, I’d leave it for someone more desperate.

Which might be what Anduin did. Just picked Org out of the gutter and wiped it off for the Horde Murder Hobos. He didn’t want it for himself. He wanted to leave it for the misbegotten Horde.


idk, the W3 even if simplistic, did a good job with the story telling. Classic-TBC while flawed in execution, had interesting concepts that worked together to create a rather enjoyable overall experience.

But even that can be interesting, or can be boring. Even if all the story does is providing the context for the player activities, it can be done well (a good example of a game without a strictly defined story would be Bloodbourne IMO), or it can be like what we have.

If only the execution of it was not a mess it was. But that’s a different topic altogether.

gl hf

No, because we will give up on justice for renewal instead for the obliterated souls :roll_eyes:

And when did Arthas return to the Alliance, and when was he redeemed and forgiven like Sylvanas? Hm?

Uh the souls were obliterated because they weren’t saved.

Yea, and Sylvanas entirely escapes her judgement, yet throws countless of innocent souls into the maw and obliterated them but somehow that is fine because she does it and it’s just Night Elves suffering that fate.

Seemingly, many just seem to like the fact that they can now have the entirety of Kalimdor as Horde players, not caring about the fact that there were Night Elf players that just wanted their race to keep existing. Which is too much to ask for nowadays.
Shadowlands destroyed any hope for the race to still be part of the story after since they have nothing.
Yes they were featured in Shadowlands, but only to show us how their souls are obliterated, how their justice is denied and how there’s absolutely no hope left for them.
The Horde will eventually claim their last zone as they did with Ashenvale, Azshara and Teldrassil, and then they don’t even have a zone left.

I will say though your doom and gloom posts have the “the boy that cried wolf” syndrome.

At some point people won’t care about the substance of your posts but take issue with you personally.
I think this point has come and gone though, I think you should seriously reconsider your strategy when posting on this topic. Its doing your cause more harm than good.

Curious. And what will this change in strategy look like?
@Ethriel, don’t have a video cost evaluator education? Describe in detail each aspect for the price, mark the places where you saved on lights, animations, shadows, camera angle, etc.
Or a plot. Trying to evaluate the quest in terms of the consequences (spent animations and programming mobs) … Interesting. After all, quests in the style of “kill, fetch, go” and make up the majority of all quests, right? How would you estimate … the amount of dialogue, the movement of characters, are the mob models unique or something like that?
Apocalyptic predictions are no longer fashionable. Reading about the pain of night elves is boring. Would you like to write “villainous beat” plots for the Horde? Start with the same vindicated Sylvanas. What will happen next to the Horde that Horde players will not like?
You need to somehow portray the Horde as a villain so that it fits into the current plot. Geyara forgives Sylvanas? Perhaps together they will go to kill the Draenei. Just how to justify this … Can you tell me?

When did Sylvanas return to the Horde?

Oh, yeah. It hasn’t happened.



yet. Or well, I’m unsure if she returns to the Horde or if she just becomes a neutral hero mary sue.

Not sure which would be worse :woman_shrugging:



How was it there? Don’t trust two-handed economists?
Maybe each of you will make a material bet when he makes any predictions?

It’s not an assumption when it’s all over the place.

Actual assumptions were people assuming that the Night Elves would get positive moments in Shadowlands or their lands back at some point or a new home or justice.
Those were unrealistic assumptions that turned out wrong.

When there are writers loving Sylvanas and telling us that she’s not evil and did nothing wrong, and turning things around for her to be the victim and for Tyrande to be evil, or having Tyrande tell us that we don’t want justice anymore on top of telling us that Sylvanas’ arc won’t end or that they’ll let Night Elf fans down then it’s quite obvious what’s going to happen.
Or giving Sylvanas a 300 page book rewriting her story to make everything she did justified long after her raid encounter, letting Tyrande sit out on the raid encounter and coming up with the split soul stuff. Or Danuser just straight up saying that her redemption will be nuanced.

And there’s way more.

Yes, by definition, it is.


Yes - we all know that you have zero basis for your nonsensical rants. How good of you to admit it.

So your brain only produces false garbage that can’t count as an assumption?

That is some stance.


I see where you’re coming from on a “technically correct” viewpoint - so that’s fair enough. The reason I gave you the pushback that I did is because I tend to see this answer as a full reply to the issues of BFA when it doesn’t come close to resolving the issue.

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Yeah - there is enough to argue about. We don’t need fanfiction to spice it up. We can create a dust up and hullabaloo with what is actually there.

I assure you I am addressing the OP’s blanket statements. BfA left many issues unresolved. The Night Elves have been given some story advancement, but it is very piecemeal in text while being almost ephemeral as far as Gameplay.

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Nathanos has been killed. Sylvannas is being defeated. The player character has saved the night elf souls in the maw. Tyrande has been cleansed of power she couldn’t control. Ysera is reborn and there is more Elune lore.

Now the night elves get to focus on other issues, like why Anduin didn’t help them retake darkshore.

Seems like they are making out fine to me with more story to continue moving forward.

You know it took from Cata until Legion to see what happened to Koltira Deathweaver? Sometimes you have to wait to see story arcs play out.


Which is what he wanted. He even mocked her to kill him so that he can meet with Sylvanas.

When does that happen?

Sylvanas defeats Tyrande in Ardenweald and then also escapes justice in her raid while the jailer achieves his goals.

Yes, less than a tenth of those that died.

And how is that a good thing that the justice arc is over?

She’s bound to Ardenweald

Which downgraded her from a goddess to an eternal one, and she didn’t save the souls of her people like bwonsamdi did.

What Night Elves, the few that we saved or the overwhelming majority that was obliterated in the maw?

Probably because he doesn’t care about a race that has nothing left besides a few refugees.

These arcs have already played out as of 9.1.

Sylvannas literally going down in a raid.

Also learn to read foreshadowing. The Shadowlands is literally being broken and fundamentally getting changed…all hints are that the veil between life and death is breaking…meaning characters tied to the SL won’t be tied to it anymore.

Horde get Drama and KT back with respective allied races of Chosen and Venthyr.

Alliance get Uther and Ysera back with respective allied races of Sylvar and Kyrian.

The cosmic cycle is literally being broken at the end of chains of domination raid with the jailor punching through the veil.

Good. This is what players have asked for…the alliance not being boring…now they get internal conflict, and the night elves are the driving story element.

Funnily enough how the entire army is still in tact because they weren’t at darkshore when it happened. The armory canonically was sailing to and from silithus on false information fed to them. It’s one of the reasons the horde forces take darkshore so easily. There are still plenty of night elves as the story dictates. Orcs should have had significantly less numbers and continue to field constant units in every xpac despite being plenty dying in SoO, etc. Same with any race.

The darkspear were a single tribe nearly wiped out by murlocs. Tauren by centaur…yet there is no end to the numbers they present because they will always exist for story purposes.

This is just false as we have seen God be used for everything from Loa to Elune. You can be an eternal one and still a “god”. The titans control cosmic godly powers but are called Titans.

Elune has also been shown to have much further reach than Bwonsamdi, who specifically came from the trolls.

Because they should be just as mad at the people they spent the last X years helping who didn’t help them when they needed it most. The justice arc is far from over. The target is being redirected. If they wash the inner alliance conflict away, then I’d say you have a valid point. But tyrande should be calling Anduins leadership into play moving forward.

Every faction suffers losses. Remind me, aside from the BFA suicide squad, when the last time it was the night elves suffered heavy losses?

I think the only race immune from such an event is the dwarves, but even they had a war amongst themselves in the lore that left them weaker (war of three hammers).

Edit -

I bet you are the type of story forum poster that doesn’t even realize this was foreshadowed since End Time dungeon in cataclysm…with Sylvannas in a burned out location, and Tyrande having lost herself to the Darkness because she lost the Light of Elune (the moon gets blocked out and turns black when she does the night warrior ritual). How many xpacs ago was that and we are just now seeing the arc play out?

Anima existed in MoP. There is an Anima Golem, the same exact model from Throne of Thunder, in one of the Castle Nathris fights if you are doing the raid achievements for the mount. How many xpacs is that to see that thread connected? Etc. Etc.

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No, she’s not. She’s a raid boss, she isn’t dying and she’s not going to be defeated or brought to justice.

So Nathanos can also return then.

Except that the Night Elves are… you know… dead. And they have no zones or home left.

And yet, they weren’t even enough to reclaim Ashenvale. So the army must be gone.

And yet, Bwonsamdi could do something Elune couldn’t. Care for his people and save their souls from the maw.

Not really, they should be more mad towards the one who commited genocide against them, tortured them, obliterated their souls and destroyed their zones.

In Legion when Ysera died, in Cata when Garrosh attempted genocide against them, the Sundering, …

End time hasn’t isn’t foreshadowing what happens 10 years later, besides. Deathwing didn’t win so End time can also never happen.

These statements contradict quotes from Blizzard themselves. As for your earlier comments on waiting for a good resolution - again, I will remind you that I am still waiting for such a thing from Cataclysm, which is why I’m not optimistic that we’ll be receiving one for this. Skipping now to this:

Tacking this requires that you simply ignore the other leaders and fail to bring them respectively into account - but you seem to have done it to try and pin some optimistic tail on a donkey that Blizzard has increasingly wandered into pointlessness and disappointment.

You are the anti-Ethriel. Where she has boundless and unfounded pessimism, you have the opposite end in optimism for the Night Elves (albeit in a manner that feels more defensive) in a manner that frankly reminds me of the saga of the “Secret Good Fourth Sherlock Episode” insanity.

For further reading (content warning: language) (Through 1:13:50):

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Do you know the actual lore?

The canon is the night elves returned and took back Darkshore. It’s not updated in the game for the same reason zones are stuck in Cataclysm…gameplay mechanics.

The night elf army is very much alive and in tact.

Bwonsamdi also has considerably less people to be concerned about due to his limited outreach. We have no idea what Eluna is up to, where she is, howmany actual cultures worship her, etc. We also see that Elunes powers are not tied to the realm of death, where Bwonsamdis are.

That’s like asking why can Jaina shoot fireballs but Baine can’t. Different skillsets.

This is the second time we’re shown that Elunes powers are hostile. We see it in desolate where sacrificing satyr flesh among other things to Elunes altars is enough to summon a fire tornado. I don’t however know of any instances that show Elune saving people. Maybe the satyr in Cataclysm but my memory is fuzzy on that.

I disagree here simply because it’s expected of the horde based on past experience. Betrayal from an ally, which is essentially what is happening when she asks for help and Anduin says no, hurts just as badly in a different manner. I’m not absolving the horde, but if you think she shouldn’t be upset that her allies literally do nothing, then I dunno what to tell you. You clearly haven’t the life experience needed to see the potential in this arc.

You must’ve missed the part where Nozdormu says certain things there will still come to pass…like him becoming Murozond is still gonna happen…regardless Deathwing winning or not.

And yet in Cata the night elves are only shown heroicly…genociding an entire troll tribe (the shatterspear) that no one bothers to remember or gives a sh!t about because they were jobbers. Furthermore they bring Ashenvale back to the status quo, and put Splintertree post on a constant defensive, removing any advantage the horde have made in the zone.