The Night Elves are leaving the Shadowlands empty handed

Well, Tyrande AND the Maw Walker if we’re being technical :wolf:

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Oh, that’s right! A Night Elf PC gets to join their High Priestess as they permanently obliterate the souls of their former companions together. Awesome!


Well, to tell the full story, those souls left a few comments about the event

Tortured Amalgamation says: The Banshee… has won! All life… consumed!
Tortured Amalgamation says: Avenge… Teldrassil… avenge… us!

edit: Question is, will the devs try to be consistant, or it’ll be another thing thrown away as the story progresses (request to avenge them).

gl hf

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It’s just sad all around , but I’m sentimental like that :wolf:

Blizzard says:

Sure. As long as you don’t stand on the corner shouting about how you lost $3.

I won’t either.


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PT Barnum was right I guess.

Well, Sure. I mean, you’re paying for a game you don’t like playing, right?



You have a severe misunderstanding of what “resolution” means. It just means that the story will be resolved, i.e. ended with loose threads tied off. It’s not a promise of a happy, or even just, ending.

He was thrown there in a manner which bypassed the Arbiter without going through the proper channels. As I understand things the Arbiter would have sent him to Revendreth, and it’s there that he either would have found redemption or be cast into the Maw as unrepentent and unsalvageable.

Throwing him to the Maw straight away deprived the entire Shadowlands system of the anima that would have been harvested from him in either case. Revedreth’s harvesting of anima from the wicked is what the entire Shadowlands feeds on and the deprival of this source is what has caused the drought that all of the covenants are inflicted with.

When applying logic to WoW lore:



Are people really defending Blizzard’s current NE storyline?


I’m glad you made another new thread to say the same things you say in every post for the (quite literally) 1000th time. Really good contribution, amazing use of your time, everyone involved is better for it and we’re all learning a lot.

Please for gods sake and yours do literally anything else.


No… I’m just pointing out that Blizzard has never been in the storyline business, it’s never been treated that much more seriously than as an avenue to introduce new dungeons, raids, and killing fields.

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Fair has nothing to do with it. The OP said :

And I am pointing out that is incorrect. They got back Darkshore.

Your irrelevant “deal” does not really apply. I mean, I never said it was fair or good - those are likely subjective. Despite what the OP says, the Night Elves did get something back they lost.

As the kids in my day said :

“You don’t gotta lie to kick it.”


The horde took three dollars. One dollar was destroyed, the second dollar after a long struggle was taken by the night elves, and the third dollar was lost.

Hmm … What about the Horde’s money? The Alliance tried to collect one dollar, but the Horde threw it down the drain. A dollar in a golden wrapper was lying on the ground, the Horde shouted “He’s mine”, but as a result of a fight, the wrapper went to the Alliance, and the torn and crumpled dollar went to the Horde. Hmm … How do you describe Orgrimmar?

The OP likes to use absolutes where they do not apply.

I can see why Night Elf Posters try to set up false equivalencies with Real Life Currency. They imagine a head canon world where “every Night Elf is in the Maw” or “Night Elves never got anything back we lost”. When confronted by the truth, they want to talk about Dollars for some reason.

They should think about how they spend their dollars crying about a head canon that doesn’t exist in the lore.


I love strange (inappropriate?) Analogies. At least I love making them up. So what about Orgrimmar? Maybe it’s a dollar stuck in the Horde wallet, and the Alliance is helping to pull it out for some reason?

Oh, well if we are just being silly, Orgrimmar is like a filthy dollar coin you see in the gutter. You almost think it’s worth touching… but you leave it for someone more desperate.

So the Orgrimmar dollar doesn’t belong to the Horde?

Or so - the coin fell out of the Horde’s wallet, rusted, the Horde could not find it for some time. The Alliance finds the coin, but due to its rustiness, throws it away. Does the Horde find their coin and identify it as lost?