The next AR races are likely to be Jinyu/Ogre

BfA is done and they said nothing about Allied Races in Shadowlands so I think we’re done with them.

Yeah, I’m guessing we’ll be getting new races in the expac after the expac that comes after shadowlands.

Ogres I find likely in some form. Jinyu not so much

I don’t understand this mentality. I’m more inclined to agree with this…

Why? I hope Allied Races are BfA only.



Allied Races to me were a gimmick to help sell BfA. We need more regular races and some new classes.

I really don’t care much for Allied Races but Vyrkul would be an awesome race to be able to play as. I use Will of Northrend toy all the time and they got some cool attack abilities

They would make good Warriors, Death knights, Shamans, etc

in fact i’d prob 100% roll a Vyrkul Warrior the moment they were released, if they were

If we avoid the boring fish sure sounds great~ they can build us an awesome non-mammalian race from scratch.

Very unlikely. Blizz has already said any new race will be added in this format.

I doubt we will ever get any more Allied Races. IF we do get more I don’t we’ll see them until 9.3 at the earliest.

Pressing ‘X’ for doubt until you can provide a source for this. All I’ve seen is that there’s no plans for 8.3.5.

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meh i hate the idea of ogres, think they will have the same pop kultirans have ( less than 1%) and as such are a useless waste of dev time, but i bet the loud minority will cheer. Plus im happy enough with my vulpera that they can release whatever race they want for horde that i wont complain. My fight lies elsewhere, in trying to get vulpera or goblin paladins, druids and demon hunters.

I take it that you are getting emotional and have decided to project that on me. These are your own feelings. You should process them. I again ask legitimate questions, provide a host of examples to explain how the teeny bit you tried to provide is either false or recontextualizes every argument that exists and redefines the meaning of words (it doesn’t). This is not an indicated of emotionality, it’s an indication of thought. But, we now reveal the disconnect, you’ve been feeling this whole thing and not thinking about it. Now I can understand the words you’re trying to use, they aren’t coming from a place of logic and reason, they’re coming from your emotions. This is why you continue to be unable to provide any logic, reason, examples, facts, evidence, or anything else. You just get confused and question. It’s okay. This is resolved.

Neither jinyu or ogres have female models, which would require extra work to implement them as playable; in fact, I’m pretty sure part of why ogres were scrapped for goblins as the Horde race in Cataclysm was that the art team hit a brick wall designing their females and gave up. Also, they haven’t been set up to become allied races, as the ones we have now were generally all established in previous patches or expansions beforehand (in the case of void elves, they didn’t exist as an entire race until their unlock storyline, but Alleria still existed as the first void elf before then).

There really would.

  • If they’re an Alliance race, Alliance players will most likely complain when they don’t have paladins or druids, while Horde players will complain about whatever justification Blizzard would pull out of their rear to justify the Alliance getting them after the Horde did more for them
  • If they’re a Horde race, Alliance players will have a meltdown 5x worse than when the nightborne joined the Horde
  • If they’re not playable at all (most likely outcome), both sides will complain about them being wasted

Blizzard can’t win.

I agree that we likely won’t see any more allied races until the end of shadowlands at the earliest simply due to the story of the expansion. There would be no races to recruit except at the end the covenants could possibly become available.

come 10.0 however I can see a lot of long time requested races being added as I have a hunch that 10.0 is an old world revamp. Blizzard has established in the past and reestablished recently that time is much slower in the shadowlands. what is years on azeroth is only a few days there. I suspect an old world revamp with a time skip. Allow some characters to age up and be usable such as thrall’s son and dagran jr. Also allow the world to reset with not so large threats like it was in vanilla.

Years without its’ heroes to protect azeroth things will change. While I don’t suspect anything major we will have a lot of things to consider. The feral scourge for instance. The helm of domination is broken. The scourge run rampant with no leader to keep them in check. Even if we do fix the helm of domination during shadowlands it will still have been years before we go back to azeroth with it.

I’d be happy with a Sethrak hunter and Sethrak for either faction. Everything else would just be bonuses.


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Going to need a source for that.

There has to be allied races at some point. When? We don’t know. But there is 2 allied race slots left.

murloc and murloc because reasons.
40v40 murloc wars
murloc pallies too.