The next AR races are likely to be Jinyu/Ogre

I know… Wolvar! More salt from the ewww furries crowd please.

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If using actual thoughts in your discussions is too much for you, to the point that you want to mock a thought out response, then A: Don’t even bother talking to people. Just play single player stuff and don’t forums or at least B: Don’t try to label a fancy discussion “statistical” or something.

I’ll do whatever I want.

I want to be a Quillboar next expansion.

Then we can truly say I’m pigging out

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we need lizard people now, the furries are having all the fun :((

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I’d guess sethrak horde, ankoan alliance. Horde worked with them and a whole zone was about their story with the loa. Alliance would only get the faithless, vulpera killing ones if anything but even that’s a stretch. The ankoan are more logical.

I can see the Ankoan happening. The reason I say that is because they look ugly and lame and only a niche group of players would play them. So of course Blizzard would give them to us. After all, we got the Diaperbaby race.


I always thought it made sense that eventually races would learn how to be other classes by being around said classes.

They really need to do anything about this issue. Like, the Worgen are humans. And ther Druidism is referred to as “the old ways” meaning that the SW Humans should be able to do it.

There’s 4 human races in the game.
The forsaken with severe memory issues.
SW, Gilneas, Kul Tiras - 2/3 of those humans know druidism…why won’t the third pick it up for in-game purposes?

I’m sure you will. Just none of it will be “statistical”. Lol.

According to you

I’m all for the Jinyu, I like the fish dudes

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According to me. And according to what the words mean. Which is really more important than my thoughts about it. But hey. You do you. Who says words have to have meaning? Not Thundastahm! Or PickledRawks which means exactly the same thing if you ignore all of the words in the original name.


Would love to see Horde get ogres. A perfect race for the red faction.

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I think ogres’ stock went up now that Kul’Tiran females exist, so ogre females can use that model as a base. But I also don’t believe they’re a priority to make playable anytime soon.

Please no more. The time spent… the horror… the grinding…

I just want the Thin Kultiran human model option

Waves from the San’layn community

As long as it makes sense lorewise (there’s one I can’t stand for this reason, but it’s a personal hate and I won’t go out of my way to bash it/the people that want it), I’m fine with pretty much any concept. I might not play most, but I’m happy for those that get to enjoy their allied races. Disagreeing with an addition because you dislike a concept or lore of it is one thing, but I agree, having a vendetta against anything you disagree with and attacking people isn’t cool. They’re not going to end up removing anything from the game. Best way to request allied races is to just share ideas best you can and hope for the best, along with avoiding conflict. It’s not a competition.

Sadly, I don’t think there’s a chance for many more allied races though. They said none for the start of Shadowlands, and the hype has been pretty dead in most places I’ve seen. Many have given up even trying. Sharing ideas is fun to a point. But it gets old after a while. I know many that would be thrilled with Jinyu and Ogre, though. Who knows what can come, if anything.


If Blizzard decides the last allied races. Pretty much Blizzard has completely abandoned the system over Character Customization Options now.