The next AR races are likely to be Jinyu/Ogre

Just because there are open slots for allied races doesn’t mean they will be filled and if they are there is no set time for it to happen .

Are you still whining about that? I called Jinyu boring. Because they are. Get over it.

edit: As long as I’m offending your sensibilities, your name is silly. Lay off the alt codes.

hard to get excited over a bunch of walking fish sticks

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Why? If the forums are any indication, a pair of fashionable contact lenses are exciting.

yeah they kind of set the bar pretty low in terms of enjoyment I mean some people on here get ecstatic when they hear theres a new shade of blue available at the local paint store

they cant wait to get home and apply a few coats of it to their wall and sit there for hours staring at it

So you have literally no clue what statistics are, then? Because you cannot have a statistical argument, or an argument based on statistics, without any of those.

But I guess you’re right. What I said doesn’t make it any more or less of a statistical argument. It’s already 0% a statistical argument and it’s still 0%. Good job.

playable fish sound pretty cool

I’m starting to think you don’t know how English operates. What is that argument, then, if not one of statistical chance?

First, Blizz already said they have no more allied races planned. Second, neither of those you chose have female models. They did add a Mogu female this patch, however.

Do you think the Mogu ever have a real shot?

You tried for an evidence based argument. You provided some examples (that forum post or whatever, the models being the same), to use as evidence for your argument. You did not provide statistics. Not all arguments are statistical. You didn’t say “well, 74% of this do that” or “1 in 3 players has this” or “it has a 1% drop rate therefore”. You didn’t take some collection of data and try to analyze it for patterns. Or… well anything else that would have anything to do with stats.

And seeing as how you don’t even try to explain how you think it is statistics, it really feels like you very much have no idea what it is. I give you examples, descriptions, reasons. You give me “wut is it theenn”. What statistics did you think you have in your OP? What reasons did you have to call it statistical and not literally anything else. Or, did you just imagine that if you said statistical it would sound more like it was based on facts and not just wants.

As was pointed out before, the female mogu model has been in WoW since Mists, as the 2nd to last non-mythic boss of Throne of Thunder raid, it’s not ‘new’ to BFA, but was used again there

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I’d love to play a Jinyu. Ogre, on the other hand, is not for me. They are hideous, overgrown brutes I have zero interest in playing.

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Going back to BC. I want my Ethereal Rogue :wink:

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say sike right now

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Blizzard would never do an ogre like that, since it looks like a Kul Tiran with an ogre head on it.

So someone paying for an amateur model job doesn’t really mean Blizzard is more likely to make them an allied race.

“Easy” doesn’t make them any more likely to put in a new race. I think it would be more about what people might want to play.

Also, allied races have followed the form of them being something from semi-current stories. So while an Ankoan would make sense, an Ogre really would not. Ankoan and Gilgoblin (or whatever I see the Horde with, in Naz) would make more sense.

Mostly your thread makes me ask this:

Who is this odd person, who pays someone to edit Wow model files so they can be a playable in game race? To what end are they doing this?

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I didn’t try for an evidence based argument. My argument was “Given the following set of condition, the likelihood that this happens is higher than other possible outcomes.”

I think this is just to show what it might look like. I don’t know that anyone uses it in game. Maybe I’m wrong.

I think easy is a more likely outcome than public preference. Given the history.

Oh ok. So. How much more likely? What is the spread of possible outcomes? What effect in likelihood does each of your points have? What interaction between the points causes how much increase in likelihood?

If you want to call making a couple of points and then implying (because you never said anything is more likely other than a race getting palain being unlikely) some completely arbitrary and unstated increase in likelihood, then i guess literally every argument ever is now statistics.

BFA had no new classes, therefore, stastically, there will never be new classes.
Legion had a new class, therefore, statistically, there will be a new class.
Musical instruments exist ingame, therefore, it is likely that bard is the next class.
Musical instruments in game are not playable, therefore, stastically, there will never be bards.

All statistics now folks.

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Don’t you think you’re getting a little worked up about this?

A wiseman once said to me “When couples fight about how one of them butters the toast - it’s never really about toast.” Which is to say - whats this really about?

why fight over allied races to be added? why not just add them all over time as it makes sense at the time in the story for the particular race.

jinyu/ankoan, broken, high elves, ogres, forest/frost trolls, mok’nathal, san’layn are all options I can see happening in the future. barring san’layn they all have close ties to their respective factions. It is only a matter of time.