The next AR races are likely to be Jinyu/Ogre

Mogu are the correct equivalent to ogres

BfA is over, there is no more new content and races weren’t used as a big selling point for Shadowlands.

Do you really think they would add something without commercializing the heck out of it? If they had any plans for races in Shadowlands they would have slapped that big “TWO NEW RACES” sign right on it.

Maybe they would add some races later down the pipeline of Shadowlands if it was appropriate, but it sounds like they don’t have it planned at this stage.

Also probably one of the big things being overlooked is that this is simply how they build npcs these days. They have been doing actual character models (albiet with less options I believe) for npcs so they can slap what ever armour options they want to make them customised.

I don’t recall Vulps being advertised as a playable race for BFA


I don’t believe we have any proof that Vulps were planned before the release of BfA either.

Like I said in my post they might down the line decide to add races if appropriate, but if it was planned (Like Dark Iron, Zandalari, Mag’har, and Kul Tiran) we would have heard about it.

Nope this won’t be happening.

BFA is over and its features, Allied races was a BFA feature, sorry but Shadowland will suck more

Uhh… you didn’t provide even one statistic. Maybe look up statistics before models.

I’m a salty alliance player, if there is another set of allied races horde should get gilbin just to balance the mechagnome fiasco.



If you want to give the alliance a race that will be played even less than mechagnomes, give us the Jinyu. The only people who want to play them are the same 12 people who keep bumping that ridiculous post about them in the forums. The rest of reality see them as hideously ugly fish-people, because that’s what they are.

Mechagnomes and vulpera taught us an important lesson about why people play certain races and Jinyu just ignore all of it.

Please pick something else.

Almost anything else.


Funny enough, I distinctly remember hearing that the Mok’nathal were candidates for the Alliance’s TBC race. To be fair, though, almost everything that wasn’t already a Horde race at the time was considered at one point or another before they finally settled on the Pandaren…and then switched it to the Draenei at the eleventh hour because they fit the lore of Outland infinitely better.

The next selection of AR had better be Mogu/Sethrak. >: [

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Providing a stat or not doesn’t make this any more or less of a statistical argument.

I want my dang Hozen to be playable, I would make one in a HEARTBEAT and name him OokMyDooker.

yeah great horde gets another awesome race and alliance ends up with mutated murlocs

yeah you play out one of the quest chains it shows you a cinema which explains the origins of the jinyu they were evolved from murlocs

People need to understand that popularity isn’t a factor in determining what becomes an allied race. If it was then we wouldn’t have races like kul’tirans, mechangnomes, lightforged dranei, dark irons, or highmounntain tauren. Those same people who say stuff like this are the same one’s who’d argue goblins, gnomes pandas and dwarves shouldn’t even have been playable to begin wth since there are more popular alternatives.

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Like I said: Ugly fish-people.


See, no one cares.


If horde get ogres before alliance get high elves. I’ll legitimately unsubscribe

the funny part is when alliance gets to panda land we find the jinyu at war with the hozen which makes you wonder if they hadn’t been hyper evolved would there even had been a war going on?

since after all as murlocs they would’ve lacked the intelligence to organize and use tactical maneuvers against them murlocs were more of the overwhelm with numbers and kill their prey type

You’ll never get high elves. You’ll never get them. Never.

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