The next AR races are likely to be Jinyu/Ogre

Your not resizing a picture you have a model scale, annimations, rendering. Have you ever made a scratch animation modelization?

Actually they’re the least likely. Blizz has specifically stated that they’ll only add Allied Races when it makes sense in the story. Seeing as how we’re going to the Shadowlands, how and why would Ogres and Jinyu fit in??

There were female mogu well before BFA, they were in the Throne of Thunder raid from Mists, the pair were the 2nd to last boss of non-mythic (mythic added one more boss)

Twin Consorts ( – The Twin Consorts are said to be greatest of the Thunder King’s treasures. Rumored to be the only known female mogu in existence, Lei Shen keeps his trophies close and their combined arsenal against interlopers closer.

I sincerely doubt that ogres will be playable mogu maybe but not ogres

I mean… you’re not wrong, but when looking at Mag’har and Dark Iron Dwarves, there was nothing about BFA specifically which made sense for their addition. If anything Dark Irons would’ve made sense in Cataclysm, and Mag’har at the end of WoD. I think there is some wiggle room where races already part of a faction are concerned, since they can just be, “acknowledged,” rather than added, at any given time.

Yeah but that’s because BFA had an extraordinary loose theme.

The theme was just, “battling for Azeroth.”

Sethrak instead of Jinyu please,


Bet the next Allied Race is going to be GENERIC SWORD HUMANS from Fire Emblem.


Again, you’re not wrong. That said, any expansion’s theme is arguably a loose one. Shadowlands is, “Let’s go to the afterlife so people stop going to hell.” Who wouldn’t be interested in doing that?

Again, I think there’s some obvious wiggle room where races that are already in a faction but simply not playable yet are concerned. High Elves and Ogres are both examples of this, and so are Half-Elves and Mok’Nathal. Either set makes a good counterpart to the other as it deals with unplayable-but-iconic races specific to their faction, and a race born from the intermingling of said iconic race, and the main race of each faction.

There are female Ankoan in game. The hunter follower you level is female. They just have no sexual dimorphism. I would assume the Jinyu are the same since they are technically the same species.

The point of there being no female model as a reason they are unlikely to be added is true, not because it doesn’t exist but because it’s the same as the male’s. Blizz is not likely to add a race that doesn’t have two visually distinct sexes.

Vrykul if Blizzard wants to start printing money again.

But the race that’s caught my eye right now, are those ones with the octopus for a head, Kilith, something like that they’re called.

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ooh! I want blue pikmin!

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Their only racial is the ability to rub other player’s faces in an attempt to “bond” with them.

The racial is also disabled in western realms, pressing the button just makes the character yell something about PC culture and how unfair it is to have a mechanic they deemed essential scrubbed from their game.

Blizzard has a 2 headed cho’gall controlled by 2 players in heroes of the Storm

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There won’t be anymore

Are you Starlagosa? Just curious.

The sethrak community is the worst when it comes to this. They’re vitriolic and toxic, like a pit of vipers.

Yea. I tell you. These people need to take a step back and stop trying to bully other people who want different alliance ARs into stop requesting them. That is a very cult like thing to do. I wish all of the AR communities would come to an agreement to stop bashing opposing race requests and just focus on having fun. Stuff like this shouldn’t be tolerated.


Every community is going to have it’s bad eggs. I don’t think its quite fair to generalize, even if its a very natural human thing to do. I think Sethrak would make a fine addition to the game, I just don’t see them in the Alliance unlike most people I know from the Sethrak community.

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That’s also a good point. Some people like Fezzy and Nazendra are very nice.


Seeing as Ogres are one of my most wanted Horde races and Jinyu/Ankoan are one of my most wanted Alliance races, I’d be very happy with this combination. I’ve been wanting Horde Ogres since I first started playing shortly after BC came out, and to finally see them playable would be a dream come true. :japanese_ogre:

Of course, I’ll also continue to support Saurok, San’layn, and Gilblins as playable Horde races! :crocodile: :bat: :japanese_goblin:

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