The next AR races are likely to be Jinyu/Ogre

I’d go to Horde if they finally got Ogres.

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Nothing you have here is proof of what you say.

That said, while jinyu/Ankoan would be neat for the alliance And personally I’d love that, I hope blizzard gives us Sethrak.

They’d have to implement a quest chain, which is fine since to unlock the AR we need an achievement and at the end of the quest chain would be a good place for it, but several of us think it would be doable.

We talk about it in the Sethrak discussion thread, come on by if you want to hear our thoughts.

For the horde regarding the Kul’tiran model I’d imagine they’d go for mok’nathal since that’s what Rexxar is and he already uses the Kul’tiran model.

Sethrak for the Alliance! (but seriously just playable is fine blizz please) :snake:

Mok’Nathal for the horde!


I miss the old system of alternating 2 new races one expac and a new class the next. The race pool feels a bit much now.

Or they could just go EQ and let us play everything under the sun. Murlocs, Saberon, Arakkoa, Jinyu, Hozen, Ogres, Kobolds, Gnolls, Young Goretusks… hashbrown yolo.

There’s a female Mogu in the Vale now. That plus the fact that Nazjatar doesn’t have an AR from it and the goblin skeleton was used on Vulps means I think theres a very good chance at Rajani Horde and Ankoan Alliance. This would also be about par for the course on what the factions actually want vs what they receive.

Players have wanted ogres since vanilla but unfortunately I don’t think we’ll ever get them.

No kidding? Why do people think this is such a burn? At no point did I say I had proof, nor would I prove this is true.

If you have two groups of people, on has 500, the other has 5,000,000 - the second has a statistically higher chance of including a doctor - even if no doctor exists in that group

Is this not clear to people?

They’ve really spoiled people in that respect I feel. Races kind of felt like a make or break kind of thing, now some people are demanding/expecting races every few months by the looks of it lol

Wasn’t a burn more of a statement.

Ankoan and Rajani.

Both kind of cool and unique.

And Horde would finally have one race that debuted later than the Alliance partner.

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I think in this particular instance, it’s the remaining slots for banners and class icons.

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Not what I was referring too. Just behavioral shift of some players.

Well, if the Horde got Mok’Nathal I would imagine the Alliance would get the Allied Race that would be the death on the High Elf request: Half-Elves. One mixed-race for each faction, each one a combination of two of that faction’s most signature races no less, and each making one of the parent races virtually impossible to add afterwards.

If we get Mok’Nathal, I doubt we’ll ever see playable Ogres.
If we get Half-Elves, I doubt we’ll ever see playable High Elves.

Both Ogres and High Elves are core races to the fantasy of their respective factions, thanks to their use in the older games which set the foundation for World of Warcraft.

Maybe that’s just the right call though. If Half-Elves are done well enough and we get some soft-retcons where the majority of High Elf NPCs in the Alliance are actually half-elves, it might just be enough to appease the High Elf crowd. I think one could easily make the case that the bulk of the Silver Covenant are half-elves since Dalaran should really have a strong presence.

It even makes sense when you consider the incident which really made Vereesa, the founder of the Silver Covenant, super mistrustful of Blood Elves was her cousin going after her newborn sons because he felt half-elves would be an excellent source of mana to drain, just because of their mixed-race ancestry. That kind of story spreading around Dalaran would certainly make the Half-Elves in the city super on-edge and ready to oppose the inclusion of Blood Elves, and you’d no doubt get some High Elf parents involved out of concern for the safety of their children.

I kinda wish they’d do more “Enhanced Humans” instead of animals given opposable thumbs. I’d like Kul Tiran more if they played up a bit more of the merfolk aspect. But I guess I’ll settle for the size and “Children of the Sea”

This would make sense since the Horde have beef. It would only be fitting the Alliance gets fish.

And together we can all come together for a great cook out.

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Yeah but be warned, if the Greek guy hosts, goat is on the menu.

they stated way back in wotlk days that the horde would never have ogres as the model is simply too large for doors

That was what? 2010? We have the kul tiran now.

And that model is still smaller than the ogres as the ogre model is not only wider its a hell of allot taller

Have you ever resized a picture?

this is a very hard concept for blizz when they seem to want people to be fired from their game for listening to feedback. There apparently was a community manager that was fired for collecting a list of grips both negative and positive in like WoD and BFA for how to improve the game and he was fired and replaced by a intern.

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Yes, god forbid a horribly broken system no one likes gets fixed or improved in some way.