The next AR races are likely to be Jinyu/Ogre

I had to look a thing up… on one hand, thank you. New word! On the other hand… screw you… ew.


Ohhhh, I get it now.

You’re a weirdo.

  1. I used the phrase “statistically”
  2. “just saying” is a cover for acting like a donkey.
  3. Of course there are holes. There’s not going to be proof of a bet, because then it isn’t a bet.
  4. Your reading comprehension has a lot of holes in it.
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Honestly at this point I think there would be a larger outrage on the forums if sethrak ever gets added to either faction than if they don’t sadly.

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I’m not a fan of Ogres but I know it’s something many people really want so if they do become playable I’ll be happy for that group. Just not sure what rep would be tied to them.

Im still foolishly holding onto hope for High Elves. :slight_smile:


My reading comprehension is fine.

Statistically is doing what with regards to AR’s. If it wasn’t datamined, or even mentioned… what statistics are you going off by that doesn’t just feel like hypotheticals with regards to various skeletons of character models etc…

If your post is stupid, I’ll say it is… but I was trying to be civil.

You don’t want High Elves. You want contact lenses.

But Void Elves already have blue eyes, so why give them contact lenses? Nah, he wants High Elves.

I can feel in my bones it will never be enough for you advocates.

Me personally? I’d like Saberon. The idea of a hulking man-tiger Paladin is pretty awesome to me. Granted Paladin doesn’t seem like a real option for them, but I’d be up for playing a group that were allied with Yrel.

High Elves? I’d probably roll a few honestly. If the Heritage Armor is good I’d definitely aim for that. But I’d really like to play a Saberon Paladin. Maybe a Snow Leopard skin for a Priest. It’d be even better if they had upright models. But yeah, as far as High Elves go, substitutes just don’t seem to be acceptable, and why should they be? Not like the Horde needed Zandalari or Mag’har substitutes.

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Because there’s already two races using that model and adding a third would be dumb.


WoW needs it’s own Ajani Goldmane

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If we get the cool looking Jinyu from BfA, I’d play one. Also, I’d play an Ogre too. This would be one of the rare times where I’d like the two allied races released for both the Alliance and Horde.

Check the page I gestured toward in the OP.

  1. No female models exist
  2. We already have two races builts off of the Nelf skeleton
  3. They aren’t even part of current storyline to recruit for any reason.
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Female models have been rendered.
That doesn’t seem like a valid reason
This might be valid, but I’m trying to remember - did we have DID/Maghar in the storyline at the time they were added?

I disagree. As as personal point of bias though, I do think if the Thalassian model was used again, I’d much rather see it re-used for a race that is as different from the Goblins as the Vulpera are. Again, this is personal bias, but if, say, Saberon who joined Yrel had been altered by the Light (because why not, I get the feeling X’era might do that), and they used the Blood Elf model as a base, scaled up to be similar in height to worgen, with some additional tweaks… I would not complain in the slightest.

I think adding KT to the alliance and having no high BMI horde race seems off. Adding ogres is a question of when and not if. Ogres should be a race though and not an AR-they should not be locked behind a reputation.

However, any last races would have realistically been part of 8.3.5. My expectation is that the ARs are done. Hopefully the next patch introduces the concept of ARs needing no unlock 4 patches after they were introduced (2 years of exclusivity with your reputation unlocks).

Skinny KT! With a nice big collar coat :smiley:

… No Blizz … Not doing it ? … Damn! :poop:

Rendered by who, where? I’ve never seen any in game. Jinyu have never even mentioned females, as far as I know.

That doesn’t seem like a valid response.

Dark Irons were part of the War Campaign. Mag’har were brought in for the War Campaign.