The next AR races are likely to be Jinyu/Ogre

The sethrak community is the worst when it comes to this. They’re vitriolic and toxic, like a pit of vipers.


Popularity isn’t a factor for Alliance allied races, you mean.

I’m allowed to express my opinion. If you want to try and apply that to everyone that wants a particular playable race that’s your business.


To be fair, considering the difference in popularity between Kul Tirans and Zandalari, and Mechagnomes and Vulpera, I think at this point the Alliance needs to get one race whose main factor is popularity to even the scales a bit.

Otherwise the game will experience some pretty heavy population unbalance soon.

I’m not too keen on Sethrak though. I think better options abound.


Popularity isn’t a factor for Alliance allied races, you mean.

Highmountain tauren is one of the least popular races. So are dark iron dwarves. It is possible that Mechagnomes even may surpass these guys someday.

I’m allowed to express my opinion. If you want to try and apply that to everyone that wants a particular playable race that’s your business.

Perhaps, but don’t surprised when it comes to bite you in the back. Doing these kinds of things translates to less people willing to follow your cause>less likely a chance for Sethrak>less fun for everyone. And I know for a fact that many members of your community highly disapprove of this kind of behavior.


“I got these big humans instead of these other big human.”

“I didn’t get an eye color as an allied race”

“Gnomes exist”

Yeah. The Alliance is soooo crapped upon. Grow up.

Your opinion is reductive an awful. Now git.

The only reason there’s a difference. Is because alot of Alliance players hate races they cant pump their gonangium to.


I’m all for adding Sethrak, just not on the Alliance. The questing just doesn’t support it, nor does their location or their culture even. I can’t think of anyone in the Alliance they have anything in common with either.

As for High Elves, adding customization to Void Elves isn’t going to make anyone happy. Void Elf players love Void Elves as they are; if Void Elves got new customization, the players would want MORE void stuff, not less. The people who want High Elves also don’t want to be glowing neon blue every few seconds in combat, get yelled at for walking into the Church of the Light in Stormwind, and want to be able to play Paladins, and possibly Druids and Shamans. Those three classes just make no sense for Void Elves under any circumstances, sadly.

I think it would’ve been possible to add Void Elf customization to High Elves, but not the other way around sadly. If we’d had High Elves originally, Void Elf customization could’ve been added, but been barred from classes that don’t make sense for it (Paladin being the real major one).


I literally just said they were boring. Calm your mammaries.


All the super popular races are physically attractive, regardless of faction. People are attracted to the idea of being attractive. That’s not a foreign concept.

That is why Blizzard solved the Vanilla Imbalance by adding pretty bois to the Horde.


Personally I don’t see Jinyu being an AR. Each AR has the ability to surive harsher climates. JInyu and other water races wouldn’t do well in places like Winterspring or any of the desert zones.

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“Physically attractive” is such a subjective, and quite frankly reductive idea.

Most ‘beauty’ is a weakness. In both body and character.

Fish and amphibians can survive the cold and dry far better than an ambulatory ape can.

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I haven’t see any reason for there being another set of ARs this expansion to be honest… so lots of holes in what you wrote OP… just sayin.

An entire pre-patch is open for it. Just in time for the leveling changes :wink:

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Subjective but statistically biased. While it’s true that what’s attractive to me isn’t necessarily attractive to you, if you take huge groups of people into consideration you will find some significant majorities on which characteristics are considered to be attractive.

And that’s what matters for profit. Which decisions will bring about more players. Each player is a sub.

That’s a


Yes but there were always some hint of it, I think they are so up to their chins in work for Shadowlands that I think they might of scrapped the idea several months ago.

Saying ''pre patch" isn’t a really believable reason. Past ones were datamined or spoke about in some form.

The Ankoan are able to survive at depths that would crush a dwarf like a beer can against a redneck’s forehead and probably a good 10-20 degrees colder then it is at the surface.

If anything, the other allied races are surviving in the equivalant of a luxury condo.


I mean, with 8.3.5 not being a thing, I agree, it seems unlikely we’d get anymore allied races in BFA’s lifespan, but we also know none are planned for Shadowland’s launch. At the earliest it seems like we could see some for 9.1.

If they add Allied Races in the pre-patch, I think it’d be to recover from WC3:Reforged’s disastrous start. I also think they’d be the easiest possible copy-pastes that would go for the biggest revenue. I also think Blizzard might try another compromise unfortunately. Imagine for a moment that the Alliance got Dragons using the Blood Elf model for it’s humanoid form. Why dragons? Because the Alliance clearly wants a scaled race (Sethrak).

I’m not sure what the Horde would get though. Ogres seems like a safe bet, since the Kul Tiran model is there, but unless they’ve got some OP racials or something, I don’t see them being particularly good for revenue.

I don’t think it’s that easy then just copy and paste to be honest - but yeah I agree though it just doesn’t seem like it’s something they’ll want to undertake anytime soon. I think the AR system they’ve kinda come around to use in designing new races is something they’ll most likely use in the fuuuture. They’ve taken too much on to their plate with Shadowlands that I think they are busy with that then with Allied Races to be honest.

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Those Kelfin in origimmar are showing promise because these guys are the only race aside from vulpera that has actually showed up at a capital city. In 8.3 they are found in bladefist bay and Neri shows up at the peace treaty. While its true that there is already an AR with the goblin skeleton, blizzard has reused skeletons for multiple ARs in the past.


Can see what I mean here. Of course it is possible they may be getting set up with some lore like wildhammer and will be a custom option later.

Don’t forget they’re also practically living in a salt-shaker as well.

Try around 2-4c.

It’s totally gonna be ogres this time, guys. I got a gut feeling. They even updated the models.