The next AR races are likely to be Jinyu/Ogre

Ogres would be a big enough deal it would need to be a core race, imo.

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If they come with fire emblem music I’d still play them.
The best part about byleth in smash is three houses has a fantastic soundtrack.

All I can think about is the blood elf druid forms you linked awhile back. It’s all I desire in this game now. :persevere:

Yeah I saw the art and was like “oh man I wish”. I’d be so thrilled if that ever happened.

I thought this was a relevant discussion and a decent overview.

How SUB RACES FIX Shortcomings of Allied Races - WoW Shadowlands

It was a statistical argument, even without crunching numbers and giving a number. That’s how the English language works. If you think I’m wrong, then why don’t you tell me what word you’d use for an argument that says “the likelihood of this event is more than likely than that event”?

Perhaps you’re not a native English speaker and you keep saying this because in your language words don’t actually mean anything.

But, I’d probably call it a inductive argument, which is an argument where the premises point out some sort of pattern and the conclusion states that the pattern will generally remain true.

You have your points 1, 2, 3, with the added presupposition of a non numbered point 4 that Blizzard is more likely to implement a new AR based on “how light the lift would be”, and declare that reasoning to be the basis for your belief in next AR choice.

But, now that I’ve again done all of your thinking for you (which makes sense, as we covered you aren’t thinking about these opinions, just feeling them), I’ll go even further and say that even if I couldn’t define your argument, it doesn’t logically follow that therefore your incorrect definition would be true. Because the possibilities weren’t limited to either A: Statistical, or B: Some random stranger online understanding argument forms.

Declaring that you think something is “likely” does not make something statistical. But, let’s examine further. Maybe with enough information shoved in your face you’ll finally stop saying stupid things to me. Will you stop? Probably no, but at least we’ll both know that it’s 100% your intentional and willfull ignorance that you keep doing it.




  1. the practice or science of collecting and analyzing numerical data in large quantities, especially for the purpose of inferring proportions in a whole from those in a representative sample.

Not only did you not collect or analyze numerical data in large quantities, you didn’t have any numerical data at all. None. Zero. You also didn’t actually analyze any data whatsoever in any format that could be even kinda vaguely considered relating to statistics in any fashion whatsoever. Not. at. all. There was literally, factually and absolutely NOTHING to do with stats in your post or anything I’ve seen you say since, or ever.

Again, you either completely don’t understand how English works, at all, period Mr PickledRawks, or at the very least have a drastic and complete lack of understanding of what statistics is. But, either way, you continuing to make such blindingly stupid comments about it, continuing to fuss despite being so epically and clearly wrong in every possible aspect, is absurd.

This is fact. This is not my opinion. You did not make a statistical argument. You are wrong. Period.

Would you say, that if I used the following phrase:

“Statistically speaking, he’s got more of a chance” but I didn’t do any research or crunch numbers that I would be an idiot?

Hmmm, right now I might say that, but generally speaking you would just be wrong. Because there are no statistics. There’s literally just your opinion.

Ok: You and me are posted up next to each other about to have a foot race. A third person looks at both of us, having absolutely no data on either of us. Doesn’t know our speed, doesn’t know our racing history, nothing. They turn to someone else and say “statically speaking, I think Pickled is gonna beat Rashend in this race”. That person is simply speaking incorrectly. They are just using the wrong words. If you have no information, no data, no statistics, saying “statistically speaking” is wrong. Plain and simple. Now, you can be wrong without being an idiot. But, being clearly wrong and continuing to argue the point…

  1. Who is PickledRawks?
  2. It’s not an opinion if it’s based on data. I’m not entirely sure if you need that data spelled out for you, but there’s a history with Blizzard, we have seen other ARs implemented, we know for example they aren’t going to pick races out of thin air, and we have some information on the bandwidth issues currently, esp. with 8.3.5 being cancelled. If anything there’s an abundance of information.
  3. This is a hypothetical based in a vacuum and isn’t apple-to-apples with the current example as I’ve shown in point #2 - we have plenty of information to go on with the argument made in the OP. So I won’t comment on this one.

The other thing about point 2 is that this is fairly consistent with how odds-making works. Maybe sophisticated gambling rings are using spreadsheets, but that’s a late-stage invention.

  1. You are PickledRawks. Because those are the words in your name, since, with you, words have absolutely zero meaning. You could also be Dogpotatoes or Wetblanket.
  2. You provided no data. You provided the idea of a screen grab. And then gave two factoids (I haven’t verified, but I’m assuming for your benefit is true. Which, given how the rest of what you say turns out… I probably shouldn’t, but that isn’t the point here). There is no “numerical data in large quantities” or, even small quantities for that matter. AND if you did have some sort of data, if you wanted to make your argument statistical that is EXACTLY what you’d need as just a bare minimum starting point.
  3. Declaring it a hypothetical based in a vacuum is going further away from the idea that it is statistical.

Do you even know how hard it is not just to spam insults at you? Like… you say the most incredibly dumb things so consistently and not telling you what must be wrong in your head to make you do that in like 400 ways is pretty tough. Odds making, if done without statistics, is not statistical. A gambling ring that wasn’t collecting or using data in any form WASNT USING STATISTICS. How hard is this for you to get? If you don’t have statistics, your argument isn’t statistical.

Look. It’s been defined for you, because you’re too lazy to check. It’s been given to you in several examples, because your brain is too lame to be able to actually form thoughts about things. If you cannot, even still, understand the basic idea that without absolutely any statistics or anything even remotely like statistics that you don’t have a statistical argument, then that’s it. Your brain is not good. I’m moving on. I’ve done everything I can for you, you are beyond saving, beyond helping. Good day. If this is beyond your comprehension but you’re still such a clam that you have to keep arguing, you’re not worth getting notifications about. Maybe in the future you can grow up and admit to being wrong. Muting you.

No, I have control of my emotions.

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Seeing that the Rajani have a female model, it’s possible that the Mogu/Rajani could be next… horde race?

I guess I’ll never understand the Mogu popularity but there’s a ton of post for them, so statistically it seems they’d be welcomed.

I don’t particularly care for them, just seeing that they have a female model makes them seem a bit more plausible.

  • I don’t think there’s going to be another allied race(s). Blizzard have said they’re focusing on customization of older races. And we already have a LOT of options.
  • If it were to happen before the end of the expansion I’d guess Mogu/Vrykul - e.g. a massive race for each faction. Seems unlikely tho.
  • As far as the future goes? I suspect a LOT of players will want to play Venthyr and some will want to play Kyrian. Elven vampires? Those would be incredibly popular knowing the player base. Blue skinned greek god types? Eh… less so. But we know which would go horde and which would be given to the alliance… ^^

What if both players want to go a different direction?

I personally find this to be an adequate replacement because it’s finite, they can’t do this forever, and the old races getting some customization would alleviate some ARs, so I think they’re right to do this. I’m excited for the Wildhammer look, hoping for the Eradar skin, and would love if they gave Belfs blood eyes so the forums would talk about anything else.

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Agree. I’m genuinely glad they’re adding variety to the core races. I mean… with a few exceptions the allied races rep lock means they’re not nearly as widely played as the originals. Who… need some love.

How would you personally feel if Gilgoblins and Naga were paired together as the last ARs?

they said there are no allied race plans for the foreseeable future