The New pvp system is incredible!

Why does everybody keep saying this? It doesn’t suddenly unlock upgrades past 207. You’re still facing off against ~226 players in random BGs. At what point can should they open their eyes.

What WILL happen. Blizzard will reintroduce scaling to save the day. I hope you like that decision too.

Nope. But guess what. PvE players can CHOOSE the difficulty of their content. If they don’t have the gear for Mythic, they can go into Heroics. PvP players get mixed in with the same BGs as all of the other PvP players - regardless of gear.


Yep, the casuals will always cry and moan about not getting stuff handed to them on a silver platter


OP is a casual who hates casuals…you sound like some of those dumb Americans that support politicians that actively work against them and their best interest.


lolol! No where close to the casual there chief :slight_smile: I’m so sorry your feelers are hurt but I honestly do not care about your feelings when it comes to this game. If you don’t like it, don’t play it :slight_smile: GGz

I only have time for random BGs and I find it difficult to find a group of folks that match my time zone and availability to do anything rated. I should be allowed to work towards higher end PVP gear with random BGs, just like someone casual can work towards higher level raid equivalent gear in the PVE environment. We may not be able to access it as fast as some person who “no lifes” or can put a lot more time towards the game, but we should be able to access it. We all pay our sub one way or the other, nothing should be gated off to the community.


nope, you’re a casual. First you play Alliance(the casual faction), then you’re a Worgen(a casual race for PvP), and you’re achievements scream casual. So enjoy getting roflstomped by real PvPers and Dragonslayers alike.

Hey now! One of these days I’m totally gonna make 400k a year! Don’t tax me pre-emptively. I’m only temporarily financially crippled.

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lol!! Fail troll is fail :slight_smile:

You’ll still face high ilevel people in random BG’s.

Cos they are just parrots who watched the Stoopz video/ Asmongold reaction and repeat whatever the influencers say.


He can’t see the irony of it.

I honestly don’t think Stoopz understands what’s going to happen.

I knew what was going to happen weeks ago though. I warned people on the Beta forums about it weeks ago. Stoopz didn’t have any clue what they were going to do, until he logged in Friday.

Now I’m telling people that PvP scaling will be reintroduced. Have fun with your “superior” gear. lol


The question needs to be answered; what is the point for a casual PvPer to participate in PvP if all they have to look forward to is slaughter by massive gear disadvantage?


I’m still surprised that they didn’t go with the WoD-system, because that one was simply the best PvP-gearing-system ever implemented into the game. And the whole “gear is gear” thing was thrown out of the window as soon as they introduced a set-bonus for PvP-trinkets.

While overall the system is obviously better than BfA…it’s still miles away from what I could be.


MoP/WoD casual PvPers were able to get full conquest sets with zero rating.

That’s how it should be.

The only reason it’s not is because the “let gear be gear” mantra that Ion repeats is toxic garbage that sounds good until you evaluate what that really means. What it means it that casual PvPers get screwed and have to grind rating or PvE just to have fun in PvP.


Funnily enough they went against this mantra by introducing a set-bonus on PvP-trinkets.


No. There is more.

They will be ridiculed the whole time too.


Weak bait mate.

I think I need to quote Arthur Fleck again.

“Have you seen what it’s like out there, Murray? Do you ever actually leave the Arena? Everybody just yells and screams at each other. Nobody’s civil anymore! Nobody thinks what it’s like to be the other guy. You think men like Stoopz ever think what it’s like to be someone like me? To be somebody but themselves? They don’t. They think that we’ll just sit there and take it, like good little boys! That we won’t werewolf and go wild!”