The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 2)

Do we get to cap out another thread before Ion keeps his promise and fixes it?


Its likely just low priority. There are work arounds for these issues not great work arounds but work arounds.

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Yes, but Blizzard has listed guild updates on their roadmap to TWW, so we’re hoping we will at last be able to assign permissions as we wish. But we don’t know that granular permissions are part of the update since Blizz has been totally mum about it. So we’re here, gnawing our fingernails, wondering if we can finally put this issue to rest, or if this thread will go on for another six years.

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Oh, my. Been so dang busy, I haven’t had time to stop by here.

I’m looking forward to the pre-patch with some trepidation. I’m expecting that is when we’ll see any guild changes, but whether or not those changes include fixing the permissions is the big question. It would be nice to finally get the fix Ion claimed they were working on years ago.

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I would take a revert back to the way it was, at this point.


That’s pretty much all we’ve been asking for. If they want to throw in some other improvements, I won’t object (assuming they are true improvements), but granular guild permissions like we had before are the main thing needed.

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I like to think that every day that goes by gets us one step closer to the scheduled guild updates, which might finally bring us the promised permissions fix.

My glass is always half-full.

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Pre-patch is July 23. Will we finally see the fix Ion promised? Will it really be a fix and not just some duct-taped atrocity passing itself off as a fix?

I’ve seen no real mention of the guild updates Blizz mentioned in the “road map” they put out, but there have been numerous hints of UI improvements. So, that could well be our granular permissions brought back. Or not. We’ll see in just over a week. Fingers are crossed.


Eight days to the pre-patch. Really, really hoping we’ll see the guild updates at last, and that they’ll include granular permissions. :crossed_fingers:

I honestly, truly don’t want to have to keep this thread going until it gets more than 5k comments like the original thread.

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They’ve been pretty busy bringing the same level of care they used on the guild system to the spellbook, and struggling to return the transmog system to the flexibility it had before patch 7.03, sooooooo…?


The changes to Guilds in the Beta and on the 23rd is simply the application of the Community model to Guilds. You can recruit members from any server (darn near) and any faction (already in the game). The revert to Classic permissions are not included from what we saw in the Beta.

I’m surprised that the Community model was applied to Guilds, as opposed to simply collapsing Guilds into communities. My guess was that Guilds were being replaced and we would have even less controls. This is going to pay off handsomely for our guild as our Community hit the 1k member limit and there’s people from other servers in Community waiting to join our Guild! I knew communities would be essential to our long term survival, but I have to admit I’m pleasantly surprised things have worked out this well.


Yes, but Blizz said there would be UI updates as well. So I’m not sure everything in the beta is all we’re going to see. Still, it’s awesome this change will help your guild continue to thrive! :+1:


I truly hope that the guild granular controls are included in the guild changes in Warthin.
As much as I like you guys I look forward to no longer adding my voice to this issue and happily letting this thread die.



I really want to believe we’ve been heard and they’ve actually done what Ion said they were doing all those years ago. I’d feel better if they’d said something, or if the changes were showing in the beta, but I’m still optimistic. The original snafu happened without notice when the pre-patch launched. That lends me hope that we’ll see changes on Tuesday.


So, we’re almost to the pre-patch. We’ve spent a lot of time (mostly in the first thread) explaining to Blizz why granular permissions are important for guilds. Soon we shall see if they listened.


When the servers come up, will we see the changes we’ve been wanting? Will this be the last post on this topic I ever make? I hope to God the answer to both of these is, “Yes!”

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Sorry if I wasn’t clear. On the Beta, there were no changes to guild controls. I’m logged in right now to today’s PrePatch version on live servers, and there’s no changes.

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It’s not looking promising if you’re looking for Ion promises.


Bank logs are still not working too. Was crossing my fingers that at least 11.0 would fix that bug… I tried to be hopeful (even if not optimistic), but feeling like they just could care less about guilds at this point.


Yes, I saw that. As far as I can tell, there have been no guild updates beyond the cross server recruitment you mentioned. How does this even count as “guild updates” as promised in their road map? One change? Granted, it’s a useful change for many, but it’s hardly worth singling out as a way-post on their map.

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