The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 2)

I suspect they tested it insofar as the Community side of things worked fine, had a cursory glance at guilds, and that was it. Ever since they linked those together there have been additional issues with guild chat randomly “disconnecting” and then reconnecting - sometimes with only a few seconds when you can’t use guild chat, sometimes for hours.

Add that to the roster and calendar signups re-sorting themselves whenever someone logs on or off in guild, the roster sort not being sortable by two columns anymore and the guild finder being bugged since it was introduced and it just demonstrates the lack of care they have for guilds.

At least they had the good grace to exclude mentioning guilds in the latest roadmap - better than getting our hopes up and then dashing them again.


Yeah. I don’t think I would feel nearly so bitter about their “guild updates” if they had just made cross realm/cross faction guilds without any fanfare.

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From the patch notes in SoD Phase 6:

  • A new option has been added to the options menu to toggle between the new and classic Guild interface.

    • Developers’ notes: We understand that some players prefer the simplicity of the older Guild UI but we also appreciate how difficult it can be for guild leaders to use, particularly when it comes to managing roles in large guilds and the new UI has a much more user-friendly interface for that functionality. As a result, we’ve decided to simply let each player choose which interface they’d prefer and allow them to swap back and forth as desired.

Who is in their ear telling them the new interface is “easier”?!
So the attitude I see bleeding through - and oh God please stop me if I’m wrong - is “aw, honey you don’t need all those details hurting your pretty empty little head, let us make those choices for you.”


We used to be able to toggle between the old and new interface in retail (though not the permissions). I preferred the way the roster was in the old interface and used it all the time. But they “fixed” that for us.


I have no issue with this if they brought it back to retail. Even if they defaulted to the current “easier” version for those who don’t want to deal with more granular controls and made it so the option to toggle to the more detailed settings was hidden somewhere in the bowels of the options.

Also their notes make no sense … “the simplicity of the older Guild UI”/“how difficult it can be for guild leaders to use” … it’s either simple to use, or it is not.


I hope the UI has some sort of “turn off achievement alerts.” because my alts are getting sick of seeing which character I play the most.


I think the voices they’re hearing telling them this are the same ones that they heard as a child telling them to burn things.


If they can let SoD swap back and forth, why can’t we have the option to use the old interface in retail? Then we would have our permissions like we want.

It’s kind of insulting that they think the new UI is more user-friendly and that they particularly mention “managing roles in large guilds.” Like we’re not capable of assigning different permissions to different guild members. It’s just too “difficult.” :roll_eyes:

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I’m not one to complain about any new feature they add to the game, but I can’t help but wonder if the effort they’re putting into player housing (a cool thing, btw) means nothing is left for guilds.

Housing is new and may draw in new players. Guilds are old. Been around since the start of the game. And who needs them any more anyway? We’ve got communities and raid finder. (Note: this was sarcasm.)

I like the idea of player housing, but why can’t we have a little attention paid to guilds as well? Can they really only work on one feature at a time?

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I’ve been doing things for the secret felcycle mount and haven’t looked in on this for a few days. Shame on me. But doing the secrets made me think I wouldn’t mind doing a quest to unlock granular guild permissions.

Now, really, Blizz should just fix the dang permissions and be done with it. But I would willingly do some sort of quest or other in-game task to get this feature returned to us. Would I do something as elaborate as the secret mount stuff? Uh…no. I’d sooner quit WoW than jump through those kind of hoops for something that should never have been removed in the first place.

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It has occurred to me that having guild halls would facilitate interacting with cross realm guild members. At the moment, I can only see folks on my own realm (or a connected one) unless we’re in a group. It seems odd that Blizzard implemented cross realm guilds without having guild halls where members could meet up without first forming a group.

NOTE: This is Brahmina. The forums decided to change my Avatar, and I can’t seem to change it back because there are no other characters shown when I try to change it.

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Yeah anything to do with guilds for the last several years seems to have been buggy - like they had the idea, got MOST of the way through building it and then thought “nah, that’s good enough …”


I just want Ion to follow through on his promise.
Please return the granular guild controls, it does not hurt things or others at all.

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I kind of feel they haven’t fixed the permissions because they can’t. Okay, maybe not literally “can’t,” but more on the lines of it would take more time and resources than they feel like spending. We know that healthy, vibrant guilds keep more players playing, but there’s no direct link between restoring the permissions and increased profits. So… we’re at six and a half years and counting.

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Exactly. Blizzard pay guilds attention ONLY insofar as it might impact their bottom line.

People stuck on low pop realms, not wanting to pay to transfer, were feeling isolated and angry that Blizzard didn’t do something about them. So instead of doing something drastic like give free transfers/close down some smaller servers, they’ve created cross-realm guilds. Which no doubt will mollify a little, but doesn’t solve the core issue. And they’ve done literally the minimum they can, in order to get that working.

So people wanting to join cross-realm guilds, especially those of a different faction, still have to jump through a bunch of hoops/workarounds to get it to happen, and there are still restrictions in place.

For some reason Blizzard stripped out the old roster, with, I’m assuming, all those old settings linked to it. I remember it caused an uproar at the time because suddenly all those guild leaders who had been using the old roster because the new one was too bugged could no longer properly maintain their guilds. If it were still there, it would have been easy for them to do what they did for the Classic game, and just re-enable it as an option.

Like with the guild bank fiasco, I suspect this is one of those “time is money” things - they could do it, but it would require more time than they’re willing to spend. And considering THAT has caused quite a few to quit the game and they’re still not doing anything about it, I can’t imagine this will get any more attention than that :frowning:


It’s hard to keep coming back here. Not because I don’t think our issue is important, but because it feels like most of the rest of the forums are a dumpster fire. Sometimes I don’t even want to come in long enough to check on this thread. It’s no wonder no one at Blizz reads these things anymore.

But, just in case someone does drop by and takes a look at this thread: Fix the permissions like Ion said you were going to do. Please.


Give us our old guild UI back. New one sucks. There’s a reason why that feature has never been implemented on any of the WoW private servers. It is still glitching sometimes in game today even years after it was put into game.


Ah, yes. Time to check on the old guild permissions thread.

I see that no one is celebrating the return of granular permissions, so I assume nothing has changed. I doubt it ever will. But, mostly because I’m stubborn af, I’ll continue to come here and ask Ion to kick the butts of those folks who he said were “working on a fix.” Was that really five year ago? Wish I could ignore my job that long and still get a paycheck.


Power was out for three hours last night and three more this afternoon. At least the second one was an announced planned outage. Missed out on doing my last delve last night.

What has this got to do with permissions? Nothing, really. Just mentioning I’m still playing the game (or trying to) even though guilds are a mess. It would be a lot better if Blizz worked on improving guilds.

If we can have player housing, why not guild halls? Why not implement even a couple of the great suggestions made in the original thread? Why not fix the permissions? Active guilds make for active players. Isn’t that what we all want?

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Is it time to post again already? Gosh, I wish Blizzard would fix this problem so we could just forget about this thread. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?

When they put “guild improvements” on their road map to TWW, I really thought maybe this would be it. I didn’t quite believe they would fix the permissions, but I honestly thought they would implement some of the great ideas offered in the original thread (since they actually asked us to post our ideas for guild improvements in that thread). I didn’t believe the only “improvements” would be cross realm/cross faction guilds.

As much as I enjoy WoW, this whole guild issue has really discouraged me.