The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Totally not a necro… jus the oldest thread actively ignored by blizzard.


It isn’t. We’ve just been complaining for five years.


Here I am at the last day before my sub runs out and I’m only now being allowed to make any replies to posts/comments on the forums (have seen the message that only subscribers can post and no reply button until today, even though I’ve been subbed for the past three months).

I’ve been following this thread since it started five years ago, hoping we’d finally get a fix for the guild permissions and maybe even have a few of the other great guild improvement ideas that were presented be implemented. No such luck. I have no faith that this will ever be resolved. Blizz is happy to just ignore it.


I contributed to this thread about the recent rollbacks in Guild permissions:

My contribution is that it appears Guild permissions are being nerfed to fall in line with the basic functionalities of Communities. I’m advocating that BOTH Guilds and Communities be given “a robust set” of functionalities as opposed to having them exist with the bare minimum of tools.

Having Guild permissions become ever closer to the bare bones tools of Community management appears to be a goal from Blizz, imo.


Exactly. Why can’t we have multiple controls for both instead of oversimplifying it all to uselessness?


On July 17 this thread will be five years old. Five years.

It’s frustrating that a detrimental change which Blizzard admitted was unintentional, and which Ion claimed they were working to fix, has continued for this long. Actually, “frustrating” is putting it mildly. Infuriating, exasperating, vexing, agitating, irritating, and embittering all feel appropriate at times. It’s hard not to draw parallels between the way this issue has been handled and the downward spiral of the game overall.

I just keep hoping that someone actually IS working on a fix, and that we’ll be seeing it soon. Otherwise, I wouldn’t still be here.


You are not wrong. My guilds have little care for anything now, because the ranks are just a mess. I’m not making some random person an officer, just to allow them access to some things that they had access to before, without being in my officer chat.


Yeahh… didnt like that much, Specially if you wanna have 2 types of officers on larger guilds.


It’s been almost 5 years, guys and gals.

They don’t care.

They never did.


They did once, then they fired that guy and never bothered to pick up his work load. Any blue coming in here reading any of this without so much as posting an update is just as guilty and should be ashamed of themselves.


I think they’re forbidden to come here.

Feels that way, at least.


You know, I think what bothers me most is the complete silence from Blizz on this issue. If they’ve decided that they’re not going to fix it, why don’t they just tell us? They can come here and say, “Hey, guys. We’ve looked into this issue and have come to the conclusion that we’re happy with the way things are working now. Have a great day!”

Instead, they’ve taken the cowardly way out and simply put us on ignore. I mean, I can understand them not wanting to take the flak that would come if they did use the “working as intended” excuse, but still, they need to put on their big girl pants and deal with it instead of pretending we don’t exist.

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It won’t do anything… but I reported /guildroster being broken as a bug, and also included a link to this thread in my bug report… maybe the poor sap who has to wade through all the in game bug reports will at least glance at this thread.


After the last blue here got fired, I’m not sure they want to risk helping us anymore.


Probably because they don’t see it as an issue. A GM doesn’t need a check box to give permission to someone to change the motd, it’s really not that important.

because it gives players another reason to throw/continue to throw a temper tantrum.

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We do. So we keep posting. And we’ll continue to do so.

Tell me you have no idea what the problem is without telling me you have no idea.

No one here is throwing a tantrum. Stop gaslighting. If you don’t have anything constructive to add and don’t like the topic, you don’t have to be here.


Okay, cool.

That’s because there is no problem, there are plenty of successful guilds still kicking without the need for junior officers who can’t change the motd.

You’ve read through 5 years worth of posts to know that nobody here is throwing a tantrum over it? I remember when these changes took effect, plenty of people were raging, threatening to quit, and acing like they were having to disband their guilds over this.

There is to those of us who can no longer give separate permissions and have to make everyone an officer rank.

I’ve been in this thread since the beginning. Someone being upset isn’t “throwing a tantrum.” All you’re doing is being insulting and dismissive for no reason. Troll somewhere else.

Some have, because the guilds died, because the ranks were meaningless and there are many guilds out there that use ranks for rewards within the guild and no longer could.

The condescension and insults are not necessary here. If you cannot have a normal conversation without belittling others, then you deserve no more time. Goodnight.


Well, to be truthful, I most definitely have. I used to gather and quote the most relevant posts. I kind of got tired of that after the first year.

Were some people “throwing tantrums?” That depends on your definition of tantrum, I suppose. I personally feel any such “tantrums” were few and far between. The constructive posts with suggested solutions and other guild improvement ideas have been by far the norm in this thread.

This makes me feel you have absolutely no idea what this thread is about. Understand, Ion told us the change was unintentional and they were working on a fix. Also understand, we were specifically asked to provide more feedback in this thread for the devs.

Just because YOU don’t think it’s a problem does not mean it isn’t one. I love how you’re posting on a guildless lvl 10. Really makes me believe you have a clue about running all types of guilds and stuff.

But thanks for contributing to the thread.