Can't sort guild list by "Last Online" ATTENTION BLIZZARD

Typing /groster doesn’t work anymore. And I can’t sort the guild tab as “Last Online”
I used to be able to by clicking sort by “zone” and it sorts the guild list by whoever was last online

Can we get an ETA on when this will get fixed?


Ya this really needs to be fixed. This makes guild management of people in the guild basically impossible now that we can’t review the old roster.

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We need a reply from the moderators or Devs


Yeah the new guild ui has been horrible since it was brought in, the old guild ui was so much better and I was still using it because it would WORK. And yeah I see that they got rid of the old one, plz bring it back or maybe actually fix the new guild ui that has never been good.

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You want an ETA? Last time they changed guild UI permissions and said they were going to fix it was 5 years ago. Fix still isn’t there. Good luck, just don’t hold your breath or you’ll die.

You have a higher chance of winning the lotto while being struck by lighting that teleports you to the planet mars than you do getting any mod or dev to talk about this and the last 5 years worth of changes they still haven’t fixed for guild ui yet.


This really is critical though, and a fairly simple fix.

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Hoping Blizz sees this request and either brings back /groster or provides a way to sort on last online date. They’ve made it very difficult to manage large guilds properly.


If we make enough noise, the devs might hear of the issue. I doubt they’re aware of it right now. We just need to make sure they know about it.

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That probably explains why the guild search addon I use was failing. I needed to make space for horde additions today, ran into the addon error, and found out the usual sort by zone did nothing for offline people. It’s very time consuming to scroll down an unsorted list for people to prune. Let’s hope they fix this soon.


In the meantime, I am the author for “Guild Roster Manager” addon and I am currently building a tool to make up for this. I should have something in the next day or so.

Feel free to follow on Discord for updates.

They don’t let you link here, so just search “Guild Roster Manager” on curseforge and the Discord link is in the addon description.

But yes, ideally, Blizz fixes this because it is VERY annoying.


Thank you for posting this. I really hope this gets fixed. GMing is hard enough!


Hello, Blizzard?? Fix this thing new raid is coming…

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We need a reply from Blizzard. Just a simple reply stating that you’ve read about the issue.

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They absolutely need to fix this. How else do we manage our roster?!?! Why do we always have to use an add-on, especially for a feature WOW used to have. Stop removing things that work Blizzard. You try managing a guild without this feature. ANNOYED

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Still waiting for official response :slight_smile:

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good luck, last time they screwed up guild permissions was 5 years ago. They promised a fix. They fired the guy on the forums who was communicating to us and the devs. Never picked the project back up.

Do the devs have a twitter account or something? How do we make sure that they’re aware of this issue? It really affects a lot more people that you might think.,

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I just wanted to spread the word that “Guild Roster Manager” has added a custom guild roster frame you can sort by Last Online, in the meantime.


+1 for GRM - total life saver!