The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Everyone here who cares about this issue should have a look at the Community Council thread about it. I don’t know if it will help, but the views are tracked, so maybe if it looks like us peons are reading the thread, Blizzard might pay attention. (It won’t hurt to like the OP, either.)


All I want for Christmas is…
granular permissions.
(Everyone saw that coming, didn’t they?)


Gonna have to have a discussion with Greatfather Winter it seems. No permissions in my stocking…


I know it’s ridiculous to expect any changes at this point without a patch, but wouldn’t it be great to start the new year with new stuff for guilds? And it wouldn’t hurt to have something old thrown in as well, like the permissions we used to have before the communities feature screwed them up.


I have not forgotten, even if Ion has.


You mean, like, actually being able to look at applicants?

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Is it still the case that applicants can write more characters than guild officers can see?

I think any (or all) of the ideas for guild improvements presented in this thread would be great. If Blizzard actually can’t separate the permissions (for whatever reasons), that doesn’t mean they can’t do many of the other things suggested here. They did, in fact, implement off-line acceptance of guild applicants, so their hands aren’t completely tied.


I either have to make a bunch of people officers who shouldn’t be officers or no one gets rank promotions that mean anything. Success is relative depending on what you’re talking about.

Ranking up used to come with incremental privileges given. There’s apart nothing of interest or help you can give anyone now without making them an officer.

Because it’s still an important topic to some of us. Mute it if you don’t like it. There’s no rule against keeping a topic alive. It’s not necroed from years ago, it’s posted in every couple of weeks or so.


Actually, I don’t think it’s ever gone as long as a week without a post. True, there are very few of us left keeping it active, but active it is. In some ways, this thread reminds me of WoW itself. A lot of people have bailed, but those of us who have stuck around have done so because we truly care.


And Blizz keeps showing us that they really don’t.


Because there is no Darkmoon Faire today, I have extra time just to come here and post about our lack of granular permissions again. I do hope they get the Faire up and running tomorrow as promised. (For some reason, I’ve found it difficult to believe in Blizzard’s promises anymore.)

As far as I know, no one has seen anything about guilds (much less the permissions) in the upcoming patch. I don’t really hold out any hope for any movement on this issue before the next expansion (or any expansion, really), and yet… I keep posting. I guess I feel like as long as this thread is alive, they haven’t completely pulled the plug on guilds.

Of course, I suppose the real reason this thread hasn’t been closed down is they just don’t care enough to bother.


Hey folks. Happy New Year!

Just noticed things got a little negative here in the last few posts. You all prolly know, I’m the proponent of “all things being equal” eventually everything balances out. I’ve made many of the same critical posts that we are seeing reaction to right now. It’s okay for everyone to be heard here. If someone posts something you don’t agree with, I think there’s about 3k posts already that agree with yours :slight_smile:

No need to go hard on people taking a look at this imo. I think we can work on convincing people about our ideas rather than arguing over our point of view. Yes, I don’t need the permissions everyone is asking for here, but I have warmed up (over the years) to the idea that just cuz I don’t need it doesn’t mean it’s bad. As a matter of fact: if people want and think they need something, it makes it that more important to support it imo.

New year, same old sh*t? Nah. We can and should continue to push forward. That thread on Council forum only has 31 likes!?! What’s up with that? Let’s make sure we are heard and we are converting more supporters. One negative reaction does not make a person’s post useless. It’s an opportunity to add more to the cause! Happy New Year all and let’s keep on makin’ friends!

Pump this post below, drop likes, do all that so the cause is heard!


You know, maybe it’s a good thing that this thread has gone on as long as it has. I’ve come to learn that it’s possible to appreciate other points of view as well.

Thank you for making a more positive post. If I thought Blizzard wouldn’t see through it in a heartbeat, I’d alt spam likes on the guild permissions post in the community council forum. I still feel more than a little pessimistic about things, but maybe a bit of your attitude will rub off on me, Che. You never know. :grin:


Hello everyone,

I’m checking in again to make sure my voice is heard. Everyone contributing to this discussion needs to keep doing so, as well as convince others to post here and like comments. It takes very little effort to stay engaged with this.

As of now, I have only assigned a couple people in our guild with the “Is Officer” check box since there are certain permissions I will not assign to 99% of members. As a result, those 99% of guildmates don’t have access to features I think they should have, such as editing public notes. This is because eight privileges are all lumped together in a one-size-fits-all definition of “an officer,” as defined by someone at Blizzard. This is a problem.

I’ve been playing WoW since March of 2005, raiding since Molten Core of 2005, and leading our guild as guild master since TBC in 2007. I’ve been developing as a leader and manager for 14 years now. I know our guild and how to effectively manage it, not some stranger at a company who knows nothing about us. That’s as politely as I can say it. Please get out of the way of myself and other guild masters.

Please give us the individual permission customization we had prior to patch 8.0. That’s all I’m asking for. Guilds have been less fun and more cumbersome without granular permissions. Guilds already have many challenges to deal with in modern WoW, as Blizzard has removed incentives to be a part of a guild and added incentives to do otherwise, such as through group-finder systems, overtuned mythic raid content, and many other things.

For further recommendations to help guild management, add a complete log/record system for the guild bank so the guild master can keep track of cumulative records on gold deposits, gold repairs, gold withdraws, item deposits, and item withdraws. Make it sortable by player. If WoW developers can create and maintain a statistics tab with all kinds of totally useless information for my character’s history, they can add a feature that lets me keep track of guild bank records. That would actually help guilds and their leaders manage things like donations rather than have to make Google sheets and such.

Please address this problem. This thread began on July 17, 2018. We’re now at January 5, 2022. That’s absolutely absurd. A shame, really. I’m loyal to the game, the product, and the company. There’s an expectation of that being returned by listening to the feedback of the guild masters who keep many communities running and raiding alive. A lot of people who still play this game are hanging on by a thread. Stop alienating your players.

Many other recommendations to help guilds have already been provided in this thread. The information is here. You have what you need, and the “discussion” has already occurred. Read it, and pass the information along to the next group of people who need to make the corrections. Failure to do so will just further the stereotypes of poor communication and the apparent growing disregard for the guild community of WoW.

I will continue to check in here until the change is made. Everyone else needs to do so, too.

GM of Obsidian Spur - Thrall realm
2004 Horde launch guild


This is the reason players think the devs are generally idiots.

There are two possible explanations and neither of them are flattering. Either they’re truly dumb and/or trying to ruin the game, or they are addressing some other internal requirement that they won’t reveal because it’s so pathetic that we’d mock them even harder if we knew the truth.


Still here, waiting for Ion to keep his word.


Since Ion is a lawyer, he would argue that he never gave his “word”; he only said the problem was unintentional, and they were working on a fix. They may have well been doing just that, but then, for whatever reason, never completed it.

Not saying that is any excuse for our permissions to be as they are. I would be delighted to learn that our permissions have been split up again. But it’s a good thing I haven’t been holding my breath.


Begging once more for the permissions to be returned to what they were.

Also, it would be nice if other guild improvements were implemented. There have been dozens of suggestions throughout the thread, but my favorites are the ones asking for guild halls. I’m imagining something like the farm in Pandaria, where guilds could add to their hall by completing various tasks. It would be an additional fun thing for guilds to do together, especially small and/or casual guilds that don’t have the membership for raiding.


I realized it’s been a long time since I posted a reminded here to Blizz of what I stated here on this thread years ago (Years!!)

Of course it’s been a long time since Ion PROMISED us a fix… (years!)

That promise to the powers that be was simply that I have not and will not forget that our guild’s permissions are broken and that Ion PROMISED us all a fix on this very thread years (YEARS!) ago!

So: Blizzard, our guilds are broken! Please keep your word and fix them!

Thank you.