I don’t have to make an argument to make a statement.
“I don’t need to have a coherent thought to say some words”
My statement was very coherent. I guess you needed the last word though. I’ll let you have it, buckaroo.
Some guilds surviving in adverse conditions neither justifies the existence of nor the continuation of those conditions. Just because you can walk barefoot across gravel doesn’t mean you don’t need your shoes back.
Double checked my email today since I heard additional invites had been sent out. Nope.
I have looked up some of the folks posting in the Council thread and I have to admit I’m impressed at the variety of experience. Love seeing that Asmongold’s troll was destroyed tho. I’m not personally offended or anything, and actually encouraged that there will be a turnover in our reps in a short amount of time. I think people here have proven that they have the so-called “long view”
Dang. I was really rooting for you. You’re one of the ones with a successful guild who understands why granular permissions can be useful. Unlike some posters…
Sadly, I haven’t seen much addressing guilds in the community council forum. There was a nice thread about guild/player housing that brought up some ideas similar to things suggested in this thread, but nothing about guild management (that I saw).
I’m not on the forums very much these days, so I could have missed something. (I did do a search in the council forum using the keyword “guild.”) Of course, the cynic in me wonders if it would make any difference if someone on the council started a topic about managing guilds and improving the interface to include granular permissions again. I’m sure Blizz can ignore them just as easily as they ignore us.
Well… Blizzard’s plan to ignore it until we all go away is getting a little closer to completion… I’m out.
The guild UI, and general crappiness that is Shadowlands, wins…
I’m sorry you’re leaving. I can’t say I’ve given up, but I’ve found that I log on less and less these days. I used to play a little every day. Now, I sometimes find I haven’t logged in for a week. (I have a regular weekly dungeon night with some irl friends–if it weren’t for that, it’s possible I might go without logging on for more than a week without realizing it.)
so, is there actually anything in regards to guild management tools that is avail for reviewing? cause I haven’t found squat on here about it so far
This thread is 3 years old, why is it still being necro’d?
for me it’s simple… I want to be able to adjust ranks and shift there around a I need to just like we were able to do in retail… and I feel we need this functionality now, not next week or next month… I just found out the hard way that the guild I just assumed command of that I cannot make any adjustments at all to reflect the needs of the guild…
For a thread to be necro’d, imo that means it’s original topic is no longer relevant and posts have ceased for a significant amount of time.
For those of us posting here, as well as many who may not but still play the game, this issue is still very relevant. Blizzard borked something they didn’t mean to bork, asked for more feedback to presumably make the fix, then left us high and dry in typical Blizzard fashion (or so it seems given their track record lately).
While posts may have slowed down because many other factors are causing people to leave the game en masse, those of us who still post do so because we care about this issue, and we care about holding Blizz accountable. So until they shut this thread down, fix permissions, or tell us they’re not gonna do squat, we’ll keep reminding them.
Exactly this. This thread has never been “necroed” because it’s never gone more than a few days without a post. And yes, the only reason I’m still posting is because I’m the stubborn sort who isn’t going to let this die unless Blizz forces me to.
If they tell me they have no intention of fixing the problem, I’ll stop wasting my virtual breath. But Ion said they were working on a fix, and asked for feedback. (Whether or not I believe him is a different topic.) As long as I’m still playing WoW, I’m not going to let this issue slip quietly away.
However, I’d really, really, really love it if Blizzard did something before we hit the 5000 post mark.
I think what you meant to say is:
This post is 3 years old. Why is this still an issue that receives regular attention?
Correction. This post has never not been current, so it’s never been necroed.
For three years, it’s been consistently discussed.
I just saw someone bring up the specific issues we’ve been talking about in the Community Council forums- hopefully they find this thread and link it, because maybe this issue (along with many others) can finally be addressed and fixed!!
Oh, yay! I just went there and read it (and liked the posts the council member made). I sure wish we could do more than like the posts, but at least we peons can do that much. The OP did a good job of explaining the specific problem with the all-in-one permissions and even had screen shots of the new and old permissions settings.
Edit: There IS a link to this thread at the bottom of the OP. Maybe they added it later? Or did it automatically link when I linked to them? Guess it doesn’t matter as long as it’s there!
Oy vey, did this really start in 2018? I guess I gave up. I haven’t logged into the game in 2 months, and before that it was only to keep a couple guilds from turning over. About at the point I no longer care.
I log in and am instantly bored looking at the months of work needed for 1 cosmetic that was annoying when I was caught up, the addition of yet another bag-space-taking currency is pretty meh, especially when I feel this far behind.
while true do
print("Ion, keep your promise and return granular guild controls")