The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

We have been waiting Blizz


It would be really cool if we actually got some action on this issue before we hit 5k comments. Since the posts have really slowed down, thereā€™s a good chance, donā€™t you think? Well, maybe not a good chance, but still a chance. Right?

(Why does this feel like a whistling-past-the-graveyard sort of post?)


So Microsoft bought out ABK for a sizable (aka huge) sum of money.

Does this mean we might actually get a fix on our permissions, as well as many much-needed and much-desire QoL and overall improvements to the player experience?

One can hope!


Yeah, itā€™s a shame they havenā€™t fixed some of this stuff yet.

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Itā€™s sad that Iā€™ve become so jaded that I can only see this light in the tunnel as an oncoming train.

I want to believe Microsoft will improve things, butā€¦

Edit: Now that Iā€™ve looked into this buyout more thoroughly, I think this is actually the end for World of Warcraft as we know it. Microsoft is only interested in console and mobile device games, not PC games. The only ā€œdevelopmentā€ WoW will get will be to make it a console game.


Iā€™m hopeful. I mean, there are a ton of recent AAA titles from Microsoft for the PC. Forza, Age of Empires, and Microsoft Flight Simulator. All seem to have done really well.

Plus, if you are talking about the ā€œmetaverseā€, which seemed to be a factor you have to expect PC support.


I disagree completely that this will be the end of WoW- for the price they bought ABK at, they arenā€™t about to let one of its most profitable titles just rot. Microsoft makes a lot of PC titles, and theyā€™re all about cross-compatibility, so if anything this gives Blizz products more value. It could also mean things get added to Steam and console players potentially get more Blizz products as well.

Microsoft also has a pretty strict anti-harassment policy and recently stated theyā€™ll be revising their own policies onā€¦ certain conduct relating to ABKā€™s massive scandals, which suggests a desire to keep their own image as clean as possible by clearing out the swamp in ABK.

They also do things to a very high level of quality, but maybe Iā€™m also just a rugged optimist! If they were pulling an EA, and bought ABK just to let it sit and die, thatā€™d be a pretty horrible financial move on their part. I just hope they listen to players where Blizz refused to.


I have to agree, I play several games on PC in the XBox Gaming universe. They are well supported and the infrastructure needed to support the games is updated constantly. In addition, I know this sounds nuts but they support some, Iā€™m saying some, indie games as well. Take a look at the new crop of games coming out, you will see they are not all from huge factory-farm developers.

In addition, this means Bobby Kotick is out in 2023. Per the terms of his current contract, Microsoft is avoiding a golden parachute he has set up currently (created when all the sh*t hit the fan at ABK) in case he is fired.

I think thereā€™s a few wins here for players. ABK Workers tho need to find out: are the Union busting lawyers out too, or will MS continue trying to break them? Stay tuned to ā€œAs the Blizzard world turnsā€ :slight_smile:


Maybe Microsoft will put someone in place that will actually keep their word.

Because apparently that isnā€™t the current leadership.

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I hope you guys are right. I guess the things that have been going on with WoW lately have beat me down so far that my optimism is at an all time low. I would truly love for someone to start giving this game the development attention it deserves.


Still here, still disappointed.

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I fear the Microsoft buyout might mean weā€™ll see no changes until (unless) the the deal actually closes. People might be afraid of making the wrong moves. I want to think the deal is good news for WoW, but I donā€™t know how long it will take to have any effect on the game.

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Posting just because I care. I honestly think plenty of others would really love to have the permissions separated out again, but they either donā€™t come to forums, donā€™t think posting will make any difference, or are just dealing with the inferior permissions interface we have right now.

I think it would be good to keep an option to have all the ā€œis officerā€ permissions lumped together for those GMs who find it useful. But an ā€œadvancedā€ tab or other option that can be toggled to let us separate the permissions out would be great.


Great news everyone, Guild Permissions have been fixed!

/wakes from dream and realises nothing has changed

I wonā€™t lie, I was about to log in and look. I mean, it IS Tuesday, so maybeā€¦

Yeah. Dream on.


Posting again because this issue still matters. Yeah, GMā€™s have been getting by without our old guild permissions abilities for years now, but that doesnā€™t make it okay. We donā€™t know how many GMā€™s have simply given up their guilds in part because of this problem. At least one poster in this thread moved their guild to Classic because of this.

Itā€™s really a quality of life issue that impacts guilds. Itā€™s been said over and over that guilds are the backbone of WoW. People continue to play through dead times because of the friendships theyā€™ve made, many of which are made through guilds. Blizzard should be making every effort to shore up guilds, not tear them down.


I was told in another thread that I should just ā€œlet it go.ā€ Which made me think that caring about this game is NOT a bad thing. Caring about this issue means Iā€™m still playingā€“unlike millions of others. Blizz needs to step up and start caring again. Or there soon wonā€™t be anything left to care about.


With the upcoming cross-faction grouping, the next step needs to be cross-faction and cross-realm guilds. I have no expectation of this landing during Shadowlands, but the next expansion is a prime target for such an endeavor.

This is an excellent opportunity to redesign the entire guild system and rollback the abhorrent changes to the guild permissions.


Cross-faction guilds might be a stretch, but I canā€™t think of any philosophical or technical reason why Blizz canā€™t make cross-realm ones. Then again, I canā€™t think of any reason why they canā€™t fix our permissions, either.

I would love to see some major guild revamping, but if this thread has taught me anything, itā€™s not to hold my breath waiting for Blizz to do any work for guilds.


Oh, I donā€™t hold my breath on anything that comes out of Blizzard anymore. Canā€™t be disappointed if you have no expectations and all that.

Still, I feel like cross-faction guilds would happen before cross-realm. Though if it happened at the same time, that would be phenomenal and certainly a welcome set of features for many of us.

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