The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Just logged in to the forums to report the constant bnet agent update loop and I see this thread is still going. Would sure be nice if they would prioritize fixing their broken launcher or guild permissions over adding more wow store items yesterday.


I am still here asking for Ion to uphold his part of the bargin.
I am so tired of the wait.


Ok, I lol’d at the vid, Walker. Seriously. Wish I still had my level 3 trust so I could put it here on the thread.


I can’t beat Walkerbo’s video, so I’ll just say it would be nice to have the permissions fixed before the next expansion.

And then I started wondering if they’ll get fixed before Ion finds “new opportunities elsewhere.” I’m not saying we won’t get a fix unless he leaves; I’m just wondering, with all the personnel changes at Blizzard, if he’ll even be around if/when it happens. The thread is already more than three years old. Which has more longevity: this thread or Ion’s career with Blizzard?


Sooo…I don’t know how this happened but somehow the page from 3 years ago (!) got resurrected. Here’s the link:


Maybe it is better to have multiple threads on the same issue.

If the only thread that grows is this one it can, is, be easily ignored, (shock and horror).

Yet if there were 10-15 threads all about the same issue it might get more notice.

I am not a fan of having multiple threads about the same issue but at this point I am so annoyed that I am willing to try anything.

I think Blizz would combine all the threads. Of course, that means they would have to actually look at them…


So, this thread has been going continuously for three-plus years now. True, it’s just a few of us die-hards keeping it going, but I don’t believe we’re the only ones who care about this issue (or guilds in general). We’re just the ones who are optimistic enough to think posting here will somehow make someone at Blizzard do something about it.

The people who don’t post anymore are the ones who have given up. And the thing Blizzard should be concerned about is that many of them haven’t just given up trying to get the permissions fixed; they’ve given up on WoW. Whenever people at HQ are having meetings about what’s going wrong with the game, they should try paying attention to details like this. Because it’s not just one thing that has made players leave; it’s a whole avalanche.

Fixing this problem won’t fix the game. But it will be a long-needed start.


I am still here expecting Ion to keep his word.


I just wanted to give some folks the ability to post events and stuff on the GMotD, but without all the other stuff bulked into “Is Officer” and was irritated all over again.


Increase the gold cap in guild banks 10X and allow us to buy the 8th tab which gets increasingly more difficult with each new expansion.


Really like this idea. (Not that my guild has anything like that kind of gold.)

Perfect illustration of the problem with the current all-in-one permissions.

Ion, why did you tell us you were working on a fix if you weren’t actually going to fix this? Did you think it would shut us up? Why the lies? Why???


Come on Ion, more than 3 years after your request for feedback with more than 4692 posts of such feedback what exactly is the issue you have with taking action and fixing this issue?

You keep retconning the story, how about retconning the guild permissions to a time prior to you breaking them in the first place.


Last blue post was from 2018. :pensive:


I’m sure it’ll be soon.

We just have to wait.

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Of course, “soon” is relative. I mean, geologically speaking, we haven’t even started yet, right?

Seriously though, it would be nice if we had granular permissions again while there are still two or three folks left playing WoW. (Okay, maybe that was only partly serious.)


Anyone heard back on their community council application? Invites have started going out, and while so far it’s a lot of end-content folks (raiding, M+, etc.), I still have hope they’ll get story lovers, RPers (like me!), collectors, completionists, etc. on the council so they actually have some diversity of viewpoints. As well as people who are outspoken about what needs to change.

Like the guild permissions. If I end up selected (which I don’t expect to, I’m not hardcore enough I bet), that’s definitely going on my list of ‘fix this before anything else’. A game is only as strong as its community-building features after all, and both the communities feature and guilds have been left to rot and be forgotten and that has to change if this game is to survive and thrive the way it once did.


I didn’t apply because I just don’t play that much anymore. I’m definitely hoping they’ll take at least one person who is “casual” but understands the need for guilds even in the non-raiding community. Of course, I don’t suppose it matters who is on the council if Blizzard ignores them like they’ve been ignoring this thread.


You don’t need to have the old permissions to have a successful guild, which is more than obvious since it’s 3 years later.

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This is not a good argument.