The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

As a developer, I understand balancing having to meet business requirements with unintended consequences. I won’t go into the questions of competence that I raised previously - suffice it to say unless there is something fundamentally different about the database and code, fixing this shouldn’t be a big deal if it was important enough to them to assign someone to fix it.

As a business person, I find it surprising that they would say it was unintended, ask for feedback, and then just ignore their customers entirely. Very strange - and probably indicative of how they value us as individuals. I don’t mean this to disparage any particular person - it’s probably more a matter of corporate culture. You can have a bunch of good people working in a system that has borderline values.

As a player - well, let’s just say I’m disappointed.


Still broken, still ignored… even though Blizz is clearly using this thread to corral comments so they only have to ignore one thread… I’m surprised they haven’t just locked it at this point.

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You are most welcome! :slight_smile:

I don’t want to push or be impatient, but any chance we can get that information soon?



When will we be able to form guilds on our own, without signatures, and be able to invite our alts without the need for a third party?



You can apply on one character and accept it using another character in the guild (that has invite permissions).

We were talking about this addition back in November:

Edited to add FYI, Ythisens is no longer with Blizzard. It’s a bit of a running joke in the thread that the one guy who was communicating was fired… I quoted/replied to his post of almost 2 years ago as part of that…


I was not aware about the invite functionality, nor about Ythisens. Thank you for the info.


This is very likely the issue here–and it’s extremely discouraging if so. It would have been better if they’d just said, “This is how it is. Deal with it.” Asking for feedback and then doing nothing is downright insulting.


I agree. In our company we’ve found that clients are satisfied if we give them a “fast no” rather than dragging things out on a “maybe”.

Maybe they dropped the ball on this when they let Ythisens go - it’s possible that tracking this was never reassigned. Whatever the reason, I’ve gone from thinking that this isn’t a priority to believing they have no intention of fixing things. It was a lazy solution to begin with, and clearly one they wouldn’t have taken if it meant anything to them.

Whatever the reasoning, I agree with you - I would have preferred to have been told “nope, this is the new reality” rather than “whoops, this wasn’t intended, give us your feedback” and to then be completely ignored (at the same time that we were being told that the company was making a concerted effort to improve communication).

I’ll be back in July to wish you all a happy two year anniversary! :slight_smile:


Three days with no new bump?

Hey Blizz, here’s your reminder that your lack of communication is likely a huge reason why WoW is struggling. You wanted feedback. We’ve given you feedback- more than enough of it. Why is it so hard to update us on the situation? Going on two years of this is -egregious-, and you should be ashamed.

Fix the permissions. And the rest of the borking that has happened to communities as time goes by. But especially the permissions. Talk to us. It’s the least you can do, and an answer is the least we’re owed.


Sorry. I keep dropping the ball.

I vowed to keep this thread going, but I’m honestly having a had time keeping myself going in game. That is, I haven’t logged in for about a week (I think). It’s hard to care about a thread when I’ve lost almost all interest in playing the game the thread relates to. Logging in just reminds me of broken promises.

I should probably look in on my guild…



You have done nothing to be sorry for and have done more than anyone to champion guild permissions.

Thank you!


As I promised you two years ago I have not forgotten.

Speaking for my guild and myself, we’d still like (at the very least) our guild permissions back.

Thank you.


Oh look what Blizz is still trying to ignore…


I don’t think they’re “trying” to ignore this; they’re deliberately and purposefully ignoring it. They’ve honed their ignore-ance to practically god-level.


Bump for great justice!

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We tried. Nothing changed.


I don’t suppose anyone has seen anything about guilds on the alpha/beta/whatever? (Not sure what testing is being done at this point.)

I don’t know about you guys, but I think I’m going to skip the upcoming Shadowlands “reveal”. Unless we hear there will be something said about guilds, I don’t see the point in sitting through more of Ion’s lies. Well, honestly, even if he does say something about guilds, how can we believe him?


I feel like Blizz is just waiting for everyone who cares about this issue to quit. A lot of players don’t realize how much it impacts guild management, so they don’t see it as a problem.

They have no idea how much better it would be if GM’s could better customize how they manage their guilds. They don’t see how losing good GM’s negatively impacts guilds and the game as a whole. The saddest part is that Blizz doesn’t seem to realize it, either.


Sooooo…Blizzard let’s have a chat. There are 4057 messages on this thread ALONE, I’m sure there a several other threads like this one. I THINK we have made it clear what we want. Our old permissions back.

I know personally the biggest thing I hate is the allowance of notes and the big thing for the raid team is ability to speak in officer.

Our raiders would submit suggestions and complaints to officers through officer chat. They couldn’t see it but they could share something with us. Now they have to whisper one person then the other person relay that to officer chat.

I don’t get why these changes were made. Did you prune classes so much you decided to start pruning guild customization? “Guilds have too many buttons”


The changes weren’t actually on purpose. They were a result of the attempt to integrate the communities feature with guilds. Or something like that. Ion said it wasn’t intentional.

That doesn’t excuse them for how this has been handled. The very worst part was when we were asked for more feedback–which we diligently gave–and still nothing was done.


I’d have a hard time agreeing with calling a GM a good GM if they can’t find a workaround for the changes, and if they are quitting the game due to not being able to micromanage a few little things then I’d rather find a new guild anyway as I wouldn’t expect that GM to stick around anyway. If something like this would force a GM to quit then the game and the guild meant anything to them in the first place.

A guild isn’t some check boxes, a guild is a name-tag shared by people who have formed a bond together and work together for a purpose and direction. If check boxes are what is holding that guild together then that’s not any guild I want to waste my time in.