The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

WFT?! This is bullsh@t!


Are you serious there’s no update on this?


Bump blah blah bump blah blah

Actually, you can see when guild characters were last online. It may not have been working when Osiris posted (almost two years ago!) but it is now.

Can you believe we’ve been putting up with this for the entire expansion? I want to believe it’ll get fixed, but at this point it’s like believing the Prize Patrol will show up at my house.


Well, I got another new guild member yesterday. Even though they come and go (since it’s an alt guild), the numbers hold pretty steady overall.

I really wish I could divide up the permissions though. I’ve got a couple of active members I’d like to reward with more permissions, but I don’t want to give them all the officer permissions. Some things I think should be controlled by just one person so it doesn’t get confusing. For example: editing the message of the day.

I really really really want to see more love given to guilds in Shadowlands, but I haven’t heard of any planned changes. Have I just missed it? Have any of you heard anything?


I haven’t heard anything. I keep hoping that someone from this thread will get into the alpha/beta so we can check things out and get some info. I’m not sure if the Youtube/Twitch content creators will actually go out of their way to check for permissions changes, or even know if they’ve changed if they do look at permissions.

So I check my email and occasionally check my launcher. Hoping


I almost feel like posting in this thread automatically disqualifies a player from getting an invite. :crazy_face:


Well, my guild just got our AOTC kill and will be suspending formal M+ and raid events. Now we see just how many people were subbed for the game vs how many were subbed for the events

My hypothesis: a lot of my guildies are going to quietly disappear.


My guild is also done with organized events for the remainder of BfA. It’s about to get pretty quiet for a few months.
However, I did finally give in and go ahead with moving servers. While I’m really hopeful this will solve a lot of our issues, I’m concerned for if our guild grows to a point where I need more officers
 and I still cannot choose what amount of control those officers will have.
Full trust or no trust is not the way.
Fix permissions, Blizz.


If people can’t write proper constructive critisism in officer chats they are not the right people for the role. If people are too sensitive to actually admit their faults, then they are not supposed to be in a Guild.


Grats! :+1:

Oh, not so grats. :frowning_face:


Oh, I meant that I think they will unsub. I’d be surprised if more than 1-2 gquit. Last time we took a break was during Emerald Nightmare. People just unsubbed that time. Then when we decided to reform, there was an instant raid group ready to go with all the subs that got reactivated.

It’s almost as if one of the primary draws is the community and friendships we form, or something! I know this is a completely radical idea, and has never been mentioned before
 maybe if Blizzard would add some new features to guilds, you know, maybe provide some better tools for guild leadership, maybe some little incentives to join a guild, it would help with player retention metrics. idk, like I said, this is just totally off the cuff, brand new idea.





Coming up on 2 years next month. What a wild ride. No end in sight. Still, I won’t let this go. I really miss granular permissions.


I really wish the silence on this issue was a case of “no news is good news” but we all know it’s the exact opposite. :unamused:

So. Damn. Frustrating.


Wow this got over 4000 posts now, and still nothing


Yeah. I’m losing hope that Blizz will actually do anything about this despite Ion’s claim that the changes were unintentional and they were working on a fix.


What? Ion promised something and then failed to follow through?
I am shocked, SHOCKED!
Flips hair and hastily sips some morning Irish Breakfast tea, for to help get over this incredible occurrence


I have to admit, I lost hope here, and stopped following the thread (and, largely, the forums as a whole) as life itself got more complicated, but I just saw this Auction House throttling thread, with a blue saying “feedback” and I thought of the stalwart few in this thread and wanted to just say, “oh my poor goblin friends
 we in guild management have been down this path. It is not a pretty one.”

And I still, still, want granular guild controls.


Probably because they proved to complex to use for much of the playerbase.