The New Female Worgen Model is So Cute!

Tomato, potato… Same difference.


disgusting. I will have to gank more worgens from now on

Do Demon Hunters just steal everything?


I mean, remember their one and only contribution in the fight against the Burning Legion?

They stole a Keystone.

Go away, lol. Nightmare fuel much??

Isn’t this the old model? I dunno, it looks the same to me.

They are totally different.

Oh snap. So the old one looked better? LOL!

I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but IMHO the old one looks like a malformed chihuahua while the new one looks like a proper wolf lady.


I wish they looked more like the males, or something out of Ginger Snaps. Scarier and more vicious. I’d actually maaaaybe consider rolling alliance for that.

This is just furry bs.

Per-maybe-haps Daiyu spoke out of turn. Or wants to go to the “Special” Hell.

Did he talk in the theater too?


But they sleep where they poop. :nauseated_face:

Wolves don’t have boobs to start with. Such an aberration…

actually they do you ever seen that old romulus and remus she wolf statue?

Can we just skip 8.2 already Blizz? Just give us the updates and we’ll finally leave you all alone, I’m tired of perma snarl and looking like a constantly angry person.

There is nothing fierce about the current model. It just looks silly.

The new model is a huge improvement and my mage will be happy to have it!

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You made me choke with this comment.

As a femboy doggo, I can’t say that I mind the smaller mammaries, although I sympathize with people that will miss them.

But, more importantly, oml the new fem worgen are SOOOO cute! >/////<

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