The New Female Worgen Model is So Cute!

Is it bad that I can’t tell the difference?



NGL, the model is a MAJOR improvement and I hope it stays this way [ the constant nit picks were what got us into this mess last time and resulted in angry chihuahua face,just throwing that out there :stuck_out_tongue: ] Alas,there will be those few who will most likely be super anal retentive and nitpick regardless where personally,I think it looks great!

No perma-snarl? Huzzah!

I’ve got some baaaaaad news for you.

Save the ta-tas!

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They do, the totally do.

I dunno, I think Draenei still are the same from the previous model.

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Technical you should have like 8 but that would make transmog awkward

Yes! My favorite was Sonic and Knuckles. Those were some good times. Sonic CD wasn’t bad either.

Honestly, the female Worgen needed revision since the minute they were warped from their earliest playable design. I was in favor of this before the Blood Elves got their revision because higher technology =/= artistic merit. The Sin’dorei did more with fewer polygons and lower res. textures than the, “if you keep making that face it’ll get stuck like that,” fem. worgen could ever hope to.

The fact that the female worgen were left in this state for so long is the single greatest aesthetic failing since… they were twisted into what they are now. What the hell were they even thinking? Listening to the “omg, furries are a thing and that makes me ANGURY!!1” crowd when dealing with werewolves of all things is just the pinnacle of stupidity. That is not a battle that can ever be won. So let them stew and fester and don’t twist your designs into the angriest stroke victim chihuahuas.

Long past due, looking forward to seeing how it all comes out, and even if we never play one, we’ll still playing in a world with better aesthetics all around for it.


You can appreciate a character design without being a furry,just throwing that out there my dude. I actually have a few friends who are apart of the furry community who are functional,normal human beings with 9-5 jobs and merely enjoy drawing their fursonas and writing the occasional story or two in their spare time [with no intention of debauchery] CSI and the occasional 4 chan troll are not good representations of the furry community,just sayin’. [there are weirdos but that’s all fandoms] :stuck_out_tongue: Besides,we have cow people and pandas,letting the worgen enjoy their redesigns isn’t hurting anybody in the least.

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I don’t mind how the female worgen sound since I like woman with husky voices. Would be cool if they sounded more like Bonnie Tyler than Marge Simpson, though.

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I still have mine, sorry!

The new model is just a “remastered” version of the old one with no improvements that will change any general concept idea of it.

So the females still look like lil’ dogs and the males look 100x more awesome, nothing unexpected.

The new model is definitely a huge improvement. Can’t wait to ditch the perma-snarl for good. It’d be great if they added some new hairstyles for Worgen and especially Tauren.

It is much better than the existing model. Wish they had a tail though. Feels incomplete w/o a tail.


They’re also going to fix their animations apparently. So much to look forward to!

  • fixed animations
  • mouth closed
  • glowy eyes for females
  • nonglowy eyes for males

Blizzard please let us use our claws instead of weapons, please please please.

Please let them have unique hairstyles instead of one extra braid in their hair as well.

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The face is already dramatically different from the original, and the body honestly looks… I don’t know what the right word might be, broader? She’s still definitely thinner than the male model, but only because her shoulders aren’t as wide. She honestly doesn’t look as waifish as the current model does, but that could just be the updated fur textures playing tricks on me. We’ll know for certain of course once we datamine the models and can do a proper current vs new overlay.

It honestly just sounds like you’re bitter, and that’s fine, I’m a pretty jaded player myself, but to say there’s going to be no improvement is just patently untrue. The preview is already miles better and we still haven’t seen her with the glowing eye options, any of her new facial animations, or different face options.

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Yes. A hide weapon transmog option for worgen would be a great racial trait.