The New Female Worgen Model is So Cute!

oh forgot about sethrak. lemme look at them again. brb

tauren female run. they use tauren female skeleton. but sit like a worgen.

I only want Ankoan if my character randomly shouts “FOR THE WAAAAAAVEBLAAAAADE” or does that feral screaming thing every seven seconds or so.

They use the Worgen skeleton.

male night elf animations

i concur, they do take boobs away

i mean, i use to have a nice pair of abs


I dunno, dem humans are still pretty thicc :heart_eyes:

Why do they only have three fingers

Do, do they just lose one when transforming? Humans in WoW have four fingers, and worgen are technically a type of human

So two of their fingers fuse together, or
 What even.

Because canines have four digits. Having five digits isn’t the norm.

I mean, that’s not true either. Dewclaws are a thing. But this is a fantasy race with a human base they can turn back into, which still has all four fingers and thumb.

So if they lose one when turning into their worgen form
 where does it go?

It’s magic.


You know how sometimes your dryer will eat a sock, or you’ll take apart something and put it back together only to realize that you’re missing a screw? That’s where it goes.

Not when it comes to my flesh and bones!

I hope my plastic surgery doesn’t get delayed.

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Pssh, since when are your flesh and bones more important than socks and screws?

Just said they could have them as allies of the Draenei.

There was also an idea ages ago about expanding that one Garrison Follower’s story. Leo-something. He became enlightened by the Apexis Crystals. Could be that other Saberon go through the same thing. Suddenly you’ve got a race that might strive to be more civilized.

Indeed walking around everywhere with a endless snarl like you have to go to the bathroom really ruined them.

i dont see a difference?

I still can’t tell what the worgan female is supposed to be. A mutated wolf or an angry chihuahua.