The New Female Worgen Model is So Cute!

They’re hateful, disgusting wretches that are only good at exterminating other vermin.

How do they develop them? “Rawr, me savage cat that crap in cave home. Me eat rock-meat, not sad about orc.”

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They actually came with the Maghar Orcs to Azeroth…they are already between us, and I’m pretty sure that’s because Blizzard got plans for them.

To counter that logic we should have the option to choose rather to fight in human or worgen form. Two form racial can work like that if they didn’t make specifically for role play hence why I call it the most useless racial in the game.

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it’s not useless. would you rather not be able to change to human form? this will be like teh 3rd time i’ve asked you this. let’s see if you respond this time.

Sorry that people like me don’t like cats, and have superior tastes in Allied races.

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well violence triggering your werewolf form makes sense.

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It is, would be more useful if you weren’t forced into Worgen form the moment you entered combat but rather 75% hp if you weren’t in Worgen form already.

I can’t stop feeling their faces look like a “drawing” on those preview pictures…

They might end up looking different.

So are they gonna tune the race itself at all or just the models?

the way the fur is rendered on the thighs makes me think it looks too much like hair instead of fur. hairy thighs is not a common thing in human females. if they’re gonna go werewolf, you’d think itd look more like fur and less like she’s growing leg hair . i mean lower leg hair is more common but not thigh hair.

They’re festering abominations that massacre actually cute and wonderful creatures like birds. My very body revolts at their presence.

i take it back. you dont need saberon. the horde need san’layn, to calm you down. heh heh heh


3rd time? How is it not useless? You only use it when out of combat mainly in towns just to role play. How can you not call that useless for that specific purpose. That racial is for social purposes and nothing more. I would rather they just take it out or remove the barrier and allow it to be used in combat.

That’s the point of calling it a trait. As of right now it’s been hindered for years.

or no penalties at all. It’s a trait so no need to nerf it just because people think it should work as a mechanic. That doesn’t make it a trait, but more as a trinket ability with benefits.

San’layn would be a welcome addition, it’d satiate the rampaging Sylvanas fanboy Belves.

Saberon however are not welcome on the Alliance.

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of course saberon wouldnt be on alliance. we’d swap the horde for one of their models. whatcha want from horde side?

Nothing. I want Sethrak or Ankoan.

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i want the male space goat model for horde. :frowning: or gnomes! :frowning:

hahaha. oh boy. hehehe.