The New Female Worgen Model is So Cute!

That hurt my brain-eyes.

You find most unsettling things charming. It’s part of your
 er, charm.

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You’re a dead guy who deals with demons and abominations. You would find it charming.

i’m naganalie i agree with you.

Biggest meanies ever

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This started as a sensible, mildly amusing thread about female Worgen remodels, and somehow had mutated into a wierd-a%$ discussion on the probable location of extraneous nipples.

And then we wonder why people think Gamers are a weird sort.


It’s because we as gamers like to have exact knowledge of everything in game and about races.

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“He doesn’t agree with me so he’s obviously a shill”


I really like the new models, can’t wait for them to be playable!

Okay, let’s just take this to its logical conclusion and release the new female worgen model, except it’s completely covered with nipples.

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Worgen should be allowed to choose the option of tail or no tail. If you dont play a Worgen you have no say in how my character looks. Everyone needs to remeber that what we have seen of the new female Worgen head is still just concept art we dont have a model out just yet im holding judgement till i see a real model.


It’s just interesting to think about where the additional 4 nipples would be on a Worgen female. Would it be like other animals like dogs or cats, or non existent. Also some humans have a 3rd or 4th nipple which can show up (I have an extra one about an inch under my right nipple).

Can’t please everyone why try?
Just saying that to people who think the Female worgen concept is cartoonish.

blizz said no before because the textures were too hq. naturally people wanted them as playable. they were supposed to be in game with all those variants. but they aren’t, cause they found the textures were just too much. but the tech has advanced since then. i dont believe itd be that difficult. the females would look amazing. most of the texture would be hidden under armor.

No, they wouldn’t. They’re from an awful expansion, have zero civilization, don’t fit with the Alliance’s theme at all. Plus they’re cats, that automatically makes them the worst.

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who said they’d be alliance? :sunglasses:

Cats are the best.


They are :heart: RIP my cat Roxy, had to put her down in April at 18 yo.


I hope Saberon get added. They were undeveloped enough that I feel like Blizzard could do almost anything with them and it’d pass.

Imagine if the Alliance goes to WoD and brings back Yrel and her Lightforged, and in the process they also bring back the Saberon, whom the Draenei helped enlighten, and are the actual Allied Race. Meanwhile, Yrel gets to lead the Lightforged Draenei instead of Turalyon. The Lightforged Draenei really should have a fellow Lightforged Draenei for a leader instead of a Human. Yrel had an expansion to flesh her out, which is more than any other Lightforged Draenei had.

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