The New Female Worgen Model is So Cute!

8.2.5 is the likely date and we may hear something about it tomorrow…

i think the current male model is amazing. i’d love to have access to it for my horde side. i don’t usually play female toons though so i haven’t tried to make a female worgen.

Those ugly things are dumber than rocks, from the worst expansion and haven’t even figured out basic sanitation. They can rot in AU Draenor.


I can understand it’s appeal.

If I was Worgen and I could choose to transform or not, I would probably Macro my transformation to my DPS cooldown so that I could go “Super Saiyan” lol


There is none. There’s not meant to be any. It’s a flavor ability, and little more. Not every racial needs to be something that has a major effect, after all.


I mean all I can think of is that Dalaran Sewer potion for nightborn, if you hit 50% hp you begin to wither… its a flavor aspect I would like it even if you are forced into worgen form at 75% hp.

humans only have 3 racials and no one complains about that. it’s so strange to me so many worgen players dislike 2 form.

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Needs six teats; Not anatomically correct wolf.

Not a wolf. A human with a wolf-like transformation, a curse. Bad character jokes do not equal lore.

so how long have you worked for blizzard? hehe

The Worgen /flirt says they have 6 nipples, but it doesn’t say anything about having 6 breasts.

We probably have 3 nipples per breast.


Aaaaaaand now my brain hurts.

Or one nipple per breast, then 4 under the breasts much like a cat or dog going down in a line. Thus still 6 nipples… however unlikely 3 per breast.

Nope. They would be… noticeable in any armor like Saltstone or Glorious. Sometimes a joke is just a joke.

I like it, just hope I can keep my solid black worgen dk

my only real issue with the original model was the bug eyes, which the DK effect mostly fixed. these new eyes while very Disney are still a solid upgrade.

But that’s not a joke. That’s a flirt. It’s different.

Jokes come from /silly.

Flirts come from /flirt.

Nah just censorship… because male nipples are ok and female ones aren’t in society… that or they are very well hidden under fur.

It’s not any-- where do you get such inane, silly ideas! I swear, it’s like you’re dead and don’t have any funct-- oh.

You’re still a goofball for thinking it.

This is unsettling on a primal level.


Is it? I find it charming.